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I am not sure what you try to achieve here. You drag Viet when you are discussing China, you drag Turks when you try to talk about Urghurs, and then you drag Pakistani when you are trying to talk about Muslin. In my part of world, you would be called shit stirrer, not to mention I have proof that you tried to instigate the negative feelings among neighboring countries. What China has done to you that you have to hate China this much?

Just because China has accomplished more than your beloved "mother India" in the same span of time?

I'm tired of having to explain myself to anyone here. OK?

You need not read too much into my "intent". Either something is allowed under the forum rules or it isn't (in which case you can report it). It's really that simple.

In the end it says a lot about you in the end (given all that you insinuate about India/Indians whenever the opportunity arises) to say that I "hate" "China" (which is a far far larger thing than just its govt and the groupthink lackeys here whom I criticize and get even with as I feel appropriate regarding things they initiate) for whatever reason you also perceive/imply. You really think I could hate any entity of which I have not met the 99.9999999% of people that constitute it?

The (few) quality Chinese posters here understand what I broadly do, what to ignore about me, and what to engage about me....i.e gauging the proper balance of specifics and context. The non-quality groupthink Chinese ones don't. It is up to each Chinese poster to figure out which side of that they are on....if they care about it (and my presence in forum) in first place.

Certain posters that engage in the banter like @Two know me outside of here...and is why I am friendly with him...I know he doesn't harbour any real ill-will/hate about India (even with all he posts sometimes) ..and he knows the same likewise for me and China. So do I really over-analyse his perceived "agenda" here in the end? Not really....because I know of other things that ground it for me in his case. I mean does it also mean I have hate/ill-will against India (broadly) when I do the same against Indian govt and certain Indian posters (even bros of mine like @jamahir )? Of course not.

But what I will do is question those that I don't know about that way (nothing to ground anything on)....given my options to confront more directly (when they are busy tunneling away somewhere....doing their damage) is limited. It is just the way this forum is...I recognise it and adapt to it. If the forum had a real anti-chinese slant/edge to it....guess what....I would be helping out great members like @Genesis , @GeraltofRivia and @serenity and any broader neutral Chinese given they would be "picked upon/abuse tolerated for" underdogs in such a forum.

But it is what it is here, I perceive what I perceive, I do what I do...love it or hate it or dont care about it, I leave it up to the person.....and yes sometimes that includes me intervening and letting the chimes play fairly so there is some semblance of a proper chance given in the arena as I see it:

I don't take kindly to those that say "When the chimes end, pick up your gun. Go ahead and shoot me Colonel. Just try." knowing when the chimes end and having an edge they then taunt others with you see (often betters that I do care about having around here to learn from and interact with).

So how I find ways to introduce parity in the environment, that's my decision (and you can bring a mod to it whenever you feel its warranted). I feel I have earned that after getting all kinds of censuring for the smallest/frivolous of things that others get a full pass on.

Like I sketched humourously some while back, I let the "chosen" top tier two in the league have a scrap when its time:

TURvsCHN - Copy.jpg

Why you think posters like @OsmanAli98 say this stuff?:


I don't go out looking for it (for example the recent Uighur thing was/is BBC headlines ...and I simply was long subbed to CSIS when it brought up the "dystopia" stuff)....but I do engage it when I feel some hubris needs to be rectified in forum overall.

You tell me, does it sound I really "hate" China or any other country? Read this post and whole thread for context...what do you think?:


..I grew up in HK and Singapore dude, use your head/common sense. You don't need to use the "china accomplishments" line with me either to put my country down. If you truly believed in it to the level you posture....your 2nd flag would not be the one it is. If we are supposed to make an exception for you on it, why you don't for others?

@VCheng @Hamartia Antidote @Joe Shearer @Mage @Vibrio @jbgt90 @doorstar @T-123456 @gambit @Tps43 @Mentee @Mista @scorpionx @rott @Mage @Atlas @Viet @M. Sarmad @Indus Pakistan

I'm tired of having to explain myself to anyone here. OK?

You need not read too much into my "intent". Either something is allowed under the forum rules or it isn't (in which case you can report it). It's really that simple.

In the end it says a lot about you in the end (given all that you insinuate about India/Indians whenever the opportunity arises) to say that I "hate" "China" (which is a far far larger thing than just its govt and the groupthink lackeys here whom I criticize and get even with as I feel appropriate regarding things they initiate) for whatever reason you also perceive/imply. You really think I could hate any entity of which I have not met the 99.9999999% of people that constitute it?

The (few) quality Chinese posters here understand what I broadly do, what to ignore about me, and what to engage about me....i.e gauging the proper balance of specifics and context. The non-quality groupthink Chinese ones don't. It is up to each Chinese poster to figure out which side of that they are on....if they care about it (and my presence in forum) in first place.

Certain posters that engage in the banter like @Two know me outside of here...and is why I am friendly with him...I know he doesn't harbour any real ill-will/hate about India (even with all he posts sometimes) ..and he knows the same likewise for me and China. So do I really over-analyse his perceived "agenda" here in the end? Not really....because I know of other things that ground it for me in his case. I mean does it also mean I have hate/ill-will against India (broadly) when I do the same against Indian govt and certain Indian posters (even bros of mine like @jamahir )? Of course not.

But what I will do is question those that I don't know about that way (nothing to ground anything on)....given my options to confront more directly (when they are busy tunneling away somewhere....doing their damage) is limited. It is just the way this forum is...I recognise it and adapt to it. If the forum had a real anti-chinese slant/edge to it....guess what....I would be helping out great members like @Genesis , @GeraltofRivia and @serenity and any broader neutral Chinese given they would be "picked upon/abuse tolerated for" underdogs in such a forum.

But it is what it is here, I perceive what I perceive, I do what I do...love it or hate it or dont care about it, I leave it up to the person.....and yes sometimes that includes me intervening and letting the chimes play fairly so there is some semblance of a proper chance given in the arena as I see it:

I don't take kindly to those that say "When the chimes end, pick up your gun. Go ahead and shoot me Colonel. Just try." knowing when the chimes end and having an edge they then taunt others with you see (often betters that I do care about having around here to learn from and interact with).

So how I find ways to introduce parity in the environment, that's my decision (and you can bring a mod to it whenever you feel its warranted). I feel I have earned that after getting all kinds of censuring for the smallest/frivolous of things that others get a full pass on.

Like I sketched humourously some while back, I let the "chosen" top tier two in the league have a scrap when its time:

View attachment 538426

Why you think posters like @OsmanAli98 say this stuff?:


I don't go out looking for it (for example the recent Uighur thing was/is BBC headlines ...and I simply was long subbed to CSIS when it brought up the "dystopia" stuff)....but I do engage it when I feel some hubris needs to be rectified in forum overall.

You tell me, does it sound I really "hate" China or any other country? Read this post and whole thread for context...what do you think?:


..I grew up in HK and Singapore dude, use your head/common sense. You don't need to use the "china accomplishments" line with me either to put my country down. If you truly believed in it to the level you posture....your 2nd flag would not be the one it is. If we are supposed to make an exception for you on it, why you don't

@VCheng @Hamartia Antidote @Joe Shearer @Mage @Vibrio @jbgt90 @doorstar @T-123456 @gambit @Tps43 @Mentee @Mista @scorpionx @rott @Mage @Atlas @Viet @M. Sarmad @Indus Pakistan

I been avoiding this shitfest for a reason cause both the butthurt Turks and Chinese members are trying to drag every Pakistani to their side WTF HAPPEN TO INDEPENDENT THINKING FOLKS I mean defend your position I see whenever a Pakistani members see what a Turk says or Chinese say here that automatically seem to be forced to pick sides STOP THIS WE ARE NOT F,....KING Diplomats, or have any influence on POLICY OF OUR COUNTRY ENOUGH ENOUGH We are just average joes or some us work in sectors relating to Defense,and Politics some here vast majority Are dudes who like geo-politics and learning what others somewhere thousands of miles in cyberspace think at the end of the day Turks have problems with Kurds, which Turks will say everything is fine in Southern Turkey same with the Chinese in Xinjiang Uyghurs everything is fine there I think instead of dragging us to support each side keep your tripes away we dont care what you do to Kurds and Uyhurs ok @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Indus Pakistan

Practically sums up the whole shitfest just add the Pakistani "why they all fighting" we like you both lol
I been avoiding this shitfest for a reason cause both the butthurt Turks and Chinese members are trying to drag every Pakistani to their side WTF HAPPEN TO INDEPENDENT THINKING FOLKS I mean defend your position I see whenever a Pakistani members see what a Turk says or Chinese say here that automatically seem to be forced to pick sides STOP THIS WE ARE NOT F,....KING Diplomats, or have any influence on POLICY OF OUR COUNTRY ENOUGH ENOUGH We are just average joes or some us work in sectors relating to Defense,and Politics some here vast majority Are dudes who like geo-politics and learning what others somewhere thousands of miles in cyberspace think at the end of the day Turks have problems with Kurds, which Turks will say everything is fine in Southern Turkey same with the Chinese in Xinjiang Uyghurs everything is fine there I think instead of dragging us to support each side keep your tripes away we dont care what you do to Kurds and Uyhurs ok @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Indus Pakistan

Practically sums up the whole shitfest just add the Pakistani "why they all fighting" we like you both lol

Yes why you think I made that drawing lol. It was after one really vicious encounter that saw some chinese trolls finally get banned (that I had long been reporting on other serious rule-violating things , but no action on those).

I'm just a spectator here....so I just find my seat in the arena with my popcorn....and give a few cheers of encouragement to both sides as I feel like.

Coz I know its near impossible for lot of Pakistanis (the naming/running of this forum...i.e the final arbiter here) to pick a side....and yes I enjoy that too somewhat :P ...we get a good fight (given the real pressure that is allowed to accumulate on BOTH ends) that I only learn/unlearn some stuff about....that otherwise I wouldn't. No contest comes even close to it here.

But its all up to you guys in the end ultimately to sort it out. I got no say in it....other than drawing what I see maybe :P

Practically sums up the whole shitfest just add the Pakistani "why they all fighting" we like you both lol

Oh I had that on the side (on original drawing)....but that version gets deleted on forum hehe. So I just put up this smaller version of it.
Yes why you think I made that drawing lol. It was after one really vicious encounter that saw some chinese trolls finally get banned (that I had long been reporting on other serious rule-violating things , but no action on those).

I'm just a spectator here....so I just find my seat in the arena with my popcorn....and give a few cheers of encouragement to both sides as I feel like.

Coz I know its near impossible for lot of Pakistanis (the naming/running of this forum...i.e the final arbiter here) to pick a side....and yes I enjoy that too somewhat :P ...we get a good fight (given the real pressure that is allowed to accumulate on BOTH ends) that I only learn/unlearn some stuff about....that otherwise I wouldn't. No contest comes even close to it here.

But its all up to you guys in the end ultimately to sort it out. I got no say in it....other than drawing what I see maybe :P

Oh I had that on the side (on original drawing)....but that version gets deleted on forum hehe. So I just put up this smaller version of it.

To be fair as I always say internal matters of Turkey and China should not be Pakistan or anyone's matter I follow this "sink and float" on your own and btw in this I feel more relaxed and to PDF members just be a bloody spectator dont take sides in matters regarding internal politics of a country unless you live there unless you are in Diyarbakir or Urumqi I will take any post from a Turk or Chinese nicely and think for myself

and I need Med vacation from the winter in the Northeast maybe spring break if I save up from the commission sale a trip to Crete or Cyprus would do lets see
To be fair as I always say internal matters of Turkey and China should not be Pakistan or anyone's matter I follow this "sink and float" on your own and btw in this I feel more relaxed and to PDF members just be a bloody spectator dont take sides in matters regarding internal politics of a country unless you live there unless you are in Diyarbakir or Urumqi I will take any post from a Turk or Chinese nicely and think for myself

and I need Med vacation from the winter in the Northeast maybe spring break if I save up from the commission sale a trip to Crete or Cyprus would do lets see

I'm actually about to watch a cpl Turkish movies (Dag and Dag II i.e the mountain/II) when I get a little time for it. They come very highly recommended to me by a source I trust on movie judgement etc.

@T-123456 @GlobalMillitary96 have you seen these movies?

I'm tired of having to explain myself to anyone here. OK?

You need not read too much into my "intent". Either something is allowed under the forum rules or it isn't (in which case you can report it). It's really that simple.

In the end it says a lot about you in the end (given all that you insinuate about India/Indians whenever the opportunity arises) to say that I "hate" "China" (which is a far far larger thing than just its govt and the groupthink lackeys here whom I criticize and get even with as I feel appropriate regarding things they initiate) for whatever reason you also perceive/imply. You really think I could hate any entity of which I have not met the 99.9999999% of people that constitute it?

The (few) quality Chinese posters here understand what I broadly do, what to ignore about me, and what to engage about me....i.e gauging the proper balance of specifics and context. The non-quality groupthink Chinese ones don't. It is up to each Chinese poster to figure out which side of that they are on....if they care about it (and my presence in forum) in first place.

Certain posters that engage in the banter like @Two know me outside of here...and is why I am friendly with him...I know he doesn't harbour any real ill-will/hate about India (even with all he posts sometimes) ..and he knows the same likewise for me and China. So do I really over-analyse his perceived "agenda" here in the end? Not really....because I know of other things that ground it for me in his case. I mean does it also mean I have hate/ill-will against India (broadly) when I do the same against Indian govt and certain Indian posters (even bros of mine like @jamahir )? Of course not.

But what I will do is question those that I don't know about that way (nothing to ground anything on)....given my options to confront more directly (when they are busy tunneling away somewhere....doing their damage) is limited. It is just the way this forum is...I recognise it and adapt to it. If the forum had a real anti-chinese slant/edge to it....guess what....I would be helping out great members like @Genesis , @GeraltofRivia and @serenity and any broader neutral Chinese given they would be "picked upon/abuse tolerated for" underdogs in such a forum.

But it is what it is here, I perceive what I perceive, I do what I do...love it or hate it or dont care about it, I leave it up to the person.....and yes sometimes that includes me intervening and letting the chimes play fairly so there is some semblance of a proper chance given in the arena as I see it:

I don't take kindly to those that say "When the chimes end, pick up your gun. Go ahead and shoot me Colonel. Just try." knowing when the chimes end and having an edge they then taunt others with you see (often betters that I do care about having around here to learn from and interact with).

So how I find ways to introduce parity in the environment, that's my decision (and you can bring a mod to it whenever you feel its warranted). I feel I have earned that after getting all kinds of censuring for the smallest/frivolous of things that others get a full pass on.

Like I sketched humourously some while back, I let the "chosen" top tier two in the league have a scrap when its time:

View attachment 538426

Why you think posters like @OsmanAli98 say this stuff?:


I don't go out looking for it (for example the recent Uighur thing was/is BBC headlines ...and I simply was long subbed to CSIS when it brought up the "dystopia" stuff)....but I do engage it when I feel some hubris needs to be rectified in forum overall.

You tell me, does it sound I really "hate" China or any other country? Read this post and whole thread for context...what do you think?:


..I grew up in HK and Singapore dude, use your head/common sense. You don't need to use the "china accomplishments" line with me either to put my country down. If you truly believed in it to the level you posture....your 2nd flag would not be the one it is. If we are supposed to make an exception for you on it, why you don't for others?

@VCheng @Hamartia Antidote @Joe Shearer @Mage @Vibrio @jbgt90 @doorstar @T-123456 @gambit @Tps43 @Mentee @Mista @scorpionx @rott @Mage @Atlas @Viet @M. Sarmad @Indus Pakistan
Most Chinese have “dumb mouths”(笨嘴拙舌). they are not good at debating. It's hard for them to face some insulting remarks. because it's hard for them to say those disgusting comments.As we all know, there are some threads that are unpleasant. India, for example, openly defecates or rapes. You can look for these threads, and then you will find that almost no Chinese participate too much.

For me. I rarely take the initiative to search the negative news of a country. Of course. The Great United States of America is an exception. But... In fact, every time the Americans first attack. Then I responded to them.

Face these... It really needs some Chinese to handle it.

As for Turkey, Canada, and even Australia... Just playing.
I'm actually about to watch a cpl Turkish movies (Dag and Dag II i.e the mountain/II) when I get a little time for it. They come very highly recommended to me by a source I trust on movie judgement etc.

@T-123456 @GlobalMillitary96 have you seen these movies?

I love the old Turkish trash films of the 80s and 90s lol they dub them in other languages in fact one dude in my class is from Greece and they dub them in Greek
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