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North American grandmas at it again.

Dear @WAJsal

What personal information have you seen me reveal about someone that I should not have?

I'd like to know please, because I think that would really be over the line - like divulging someone's line of work for instance.

Cheers, Doc
Its messed up tbh. Only reason he supported BJP/Modi early on was he wanted to see gujarat riots times a million everywhere (he is a proud shiv sena guy for a reason)...so that the country would be at war with itself basically and long term do the same with whole region and Iran (so that a Parsi Israel can be created at some point...and world muslim population is reduced for his revenge).

When it didn't happen, he is now "supporting" "secular" parties again so he can be the underdog and more comfortable/accepted in being extremist....and gets really mad that others dont desert the actual larger development agenda...and then gets racial/insecure with them (betraying his real character and intent in the end).

He is worst kind of traitor sicko coward....just wants to see everything destroyed (by others hands, so it can wash itself of culpability in the end) because he feels his lot have nearly been so... and its their only chance (by destroying the larger populations...pitting long term enemy against useful idiots) to have some Phoenix story for his lot.

I am glad that none of his sick dreams will happen (stuff like there HAS to be a final India-Pakistan war with complete destruction of one or both) and he has to live with that failure....that is the best justice in the end for sickos who don't want to get their hands dirty for accomplishing their sick dreams....but rather just sit back and lament and try goad others (useful idiots) to.

Anyway that is the summary everyone should be aware of....and why this sicko will likely pop up and start its princess preening "holier than thou", artsy-fartsy parsi attitude when it sees some verbal exchange I'm in with others....to try sucker them too somehow....coz the multi-account creation strategy (after the perma-ban) isn't working anymore.

@Game.Invade @django @Desert Fox @Psychic @Aung Zaya @Hell hound @Nein @Tps43 @Dash @jamahir @Zibago @RealNapster @Mentee @randomradio @hellfire @Mage @Retired Troll @Indus Pakistan @OsmanAli98 @Levina @LeGenD @VCheng @WAJsal

All you dont have to thank this or anything, just read it is enough so you get where I am coming from.
Sometimes i feel ike he is still at his age trying to find his place in this world

Initially you doubted my gender, and then my age...and you’re still stuck at it after 4 years.
Move on!! :lol:
Ok whats going on here :confused:

"@I.R.A when you're back from the holidays, you might find this interesting?"

Well I guess you have been your usual self for the last 10 or so days. And I hope family is good and doing well.

Zoroastrianism vs Islam. This debate is getting very old between the two of us. You are very much informed about my views on Iran and its regime, past Persia and Persians. If you keep believing that its the fight of two religions you will remain ignorant and confused (about why and why of Islam).

You have been asking this question that if there is any mention of Zoroastrian Prophet / Messenger in Islam i.e. Quran. There is no denial but there is no straight forward mention by name, it is clearly mentioned that "We sent Messengers to every city" .... and Persia being a civilisation must have gotten some divine guidance (most likely), I cannot deny it but there is no harm in accepting that it might be the case (nothing in Islam prohibits me from this). So yep Zoroastrianism may be a divine religion, however, did it remain in its pure form ..... you too won't be able to confirm that.

Now that I have clearly accepted the common source (for pure message).... then I don't know what is the point of you mentioning multiple times that Islam borrowed from Zoroastrianism ... That is incorrect. Islam is the final and most refined form of every divine guidance that was sent to the humanity, find your original texts read them and then read Quran. Nothing got borrowed in Quran, however, humans did invent fairy tales (mostly Persian converts) ..... I know you have Quran phobia and you won't pick and read to confirm your own misunderstanding .... then atleast believe in what I am saying.

For Iranians converting to Zoroastrianism ....... well I am glad for them, if they want that they should. Islam has nothing against them or their religion ........ the fight was against their oppression and for their free will .... which sadly is again the case in that region.

"@I.R.A when you're back from the holidays, you might find this interesting?"

Well I guess you have been your usual self for the last 10 or so days. And I hope family is good and doing well.

Zoroastrianism vs Islam. This debate is getting very old between the two of us. You are very much informed about my views on Iran and its regime, past Persia and Persians. If you keep believing that its the fight of two religions you will remain ignorant and confused (about why and why of Islam).

You have been asking this question that if there is any mention of Zoroastrian Prophet / Messenger in Islam i.e. Quran. There is no denial but there is no straight forward mention by name, it is clearly mentioned that "We sent Messengers to every city" .... and Persia being a civilisation must have gotten some divine guidance (most likely), I cannot deny it but there is no harm in accepting that it might be the case (nothing in Islam prohibits me from this). So yep Zoroastrianism may be a divine religion, however, did it remain in its pure form ..... you too won't be able to confirm that.

Now that I have clearly accepted the common source (for pure message).... then I don't know what is the point of you mentioning multiple times that Islam borrowed from Zoroastrianism ... That is incorrect. Islam is the final and most refined form of every divine guidance that was sent to the humanity, find your original texts read them and then read Quran. Nothing got borrowed in Quran, however, humans did invent fairy tales (mostly Persian converts) ..... I know you have Quran phobia and you won't pick and read to confirm your own misunderstanding .... then atleast believe in what I am saying.

For Iranians converting to Zoroastrianism ....... well I am glad for them, if they want that they should. Islam has nothing against them or their religion ........ the fight was against their oppression and for their free will .... which sadly is again the case in that region.

Yeah all this is old solidified positions man.

My dad, most unlike me, is a people's person. He knows that in spite of many similarities, his eldest son is the mirror opppsopp of him in how they approach people.

In every way.

So my dad always tells me. Beta, I know you will never have more than a few close loyal friends who you will let in past your exterior.

But remember. No man can be a complete loner (he's like any dad lecturing me professionally, about work).

He says, it's not enough to be good, even be the best.

Because in life there will always be guys out to get you. Who hate your guts and self sufficiency and what they see as a snooty standoffish cold exterior. Arrogance. Superiority.

There will be times when you slip. When the daggers will be drawn. When the coyotes will circle the wounded lion.

It is at those times you need at least someone to speak up for you.

What do you think?


Cheers, Doc
Uncle speaks from his experience and I have to respect and value it.

Believe what you think is right, and fight for that right. But don't just believe because you were told.

He should know.

He headed an entire manufacturing division of India's largest and oldest core manufacturing companies.

It's core division.

Thousands of workers. More blue than white collared. Fiercely loyal to him to this day. More than 25 years after he retired.

Cheers, Doc
Yeah all this is old solidified positions man.

My dad, most unlike me, is a people's person. He knows that in spite of many similarities, his eldest son is the mirror opppsopp of him in how they approach people.

In every way.

So my dad always tells me. Beta, I know you will never have more than a few close loyal friends who you will let in past your exterior.

But remember. No man can be a complete loner (he's like any dad lecturing me professionally, about work).

He says, it's not enough to be good, even be the best.

Because in life there will always be guys out to get you. Who hate your guts and self sufficiency and what they see as a snooty standoffish cold exterior. Arrogance. Superiority.

There will be times when you slip. When the daggers will be drawn. When the coyotes will circle the wounded lion.

It is at those times you need at least someone to speak up for you.

What do you think?


Cheers, Doc

Solid advice.
Happy holidays to everyone.
Peace and tranquillity
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