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Dont beat around the bush.

You’re not one of the sissies who fears a backlash.
Come on! Tell me who was it?

I just want to share a cup of coffee and a chat.

You're an adult educated lady.

Do you think I'm a predator?

Do you think I'm deluded that your gang doesn't know who I am?

Im extending a hand of friendship. As a senior.

Yet you insist of making me out to be a creep.


Cheers, Doc
I just want to share a cup of coffee and a chat.

You're an adult educated lady.

Do you think I'm a predator?

Do you think I'm deluded that your gang doesn't know who I am?

Im extending a hand of friendship. As a senior.

Yet you insist of making me out to be a creep.


Cheers, Doc
Answer my question first.
I am not an Ahmadi, doc ... :cheers:

But I believe that they are by far the most persecuted religious minority in Pakistan and that's why I always try to speak up for their rights, online as well as in real life.

Even more impressed then.

You have my respect as a fellow crusader.

Cheers, Doc
Its messed up tbh. Only reason he supported BJP/Modi early on was he wanted to see gujarat riots times a million everywhere (he is a proud shiv sena guy for a reason)...so that the country would be at war with itself basically and long term do the same with whole region and Iran (so that a Parsi Israel can be created at some point...and world muslim population is reduced for his revenge).

When it didn't happen, he is now "supporting" "secular" parties again so he can be the underdog and more comfortable/accepted in being extremist....and gets really mad that others dont desert the actual larger development agenda...and then gets racial/insecure with them (betraying his real character and intent in the end).

He is worst kind of traitor sicko coward....just wants to see everything destroyed (by others hands, so it can wash itself of culpability in the end) because he feels his lot have nearly been so... and its their only chance (by destroying the larger populations...pitting long term enemy against useful idiots) to have some Phoenix story for his lot.

I am glad that none of his sick dreams will happen (stuff like there HAS to be a final India-Pakistan war with complete destruction of one or both) and he has to live with that failure....that is the best justice in the end for sickos who don't want to get their hands dirty for accomplishing their sick dreams....but rather just sit back and lament and try goad others (useful idiots) to.

Anyway that is the summary everyone should be aware of....and why this sicko will likely pop up and start its princess preening "holier than thou", artsy-fartsy parsi attitude when it sees some verbal exchange I'm in with others....to try sucker them too somehow....coz the multi-account creation strategy (after the perma-ban) isn't working anymore.

@Game.Invade @django @Desert Fox @Psychic @Aung Zaya @Hell hound @Nein @Tps43 @Dash @jamahir @Zibago @RealNapster @Mentee @randomradio @hellfire @Mage @Retired Troll @Indus Pakistan @OsmanAli98 @Levina @LeGenD @VCheng @WAJsal

All you dont have to thank this or anything, just read it is enough so you get where I am coming from.
Dude who looks strong for the elections? And did Modi deliver?

On a forum, I listen as much to what someone posts, as to those who thank a post.

Both tell you a lot.

Like I.learned about @Jaanbaz and @M. Sarmad

Like I figured out the @Mentee and @MUSTAKSHAF triggers and base drivers.

Forums interest me for the people.

Cheers, Doc
Don't share anyone's personal information here.
I just want to share a cup of coffee and a chat.

You're an adult educated lady.

Do you think I'm a predator?

Do you think I'm deluded that your gang doesn't know who I am?

Im extending a hand of friendship. As a senior.

Yet you insist of making me out to be a creep.


Cheers, Doc

@Nilgiri And here I thought that discussing individual members was a violation of PDF rules. Silly me. Obviously rules for some are not rules for others. :D
@Nilgiri And here I thought that discussing individual members was a violation of PDF rules. Silly me. Obviously rules for some are not rules for others. :D

What you think I am doing lol. Doc is really more of a means to another (more relevant long term) end for me altogether....i.e exposing dbl/triple standards etc at play in a deep level in the system!

I so want to just THROW IT ON THE GROUND.....You just can't trust the system! (esp hollywood phonies!)


@django @Zibago @Mage @Hell hound @Tps43 @Mentee @PakSword @lastofthepatriots
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