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@grey boy 2
Wow, awesome, lion man :laughcry:
As a doctor I can advice a napalm wash for the affected areas.

PS I has question about F 35 technical gooply goop Help I r understand how single engine IR signature from powerful engine not be beacon of light for stealth detectors....
gooply goop Help I r understand how single engine IR signature from powerful engine not be beacon of light for stealth detectors....

There are IR suppression techniques that can be applied to an aircraft's engines (keep in mind other parts of the aircraft radiate too, any part that's generating significant friction for instance)

One method is to shape the tail pipe as a flat surface. This minimizes the cross sectional signature of the exhaust, while allowing it and cold air to quickly mix and dissipate into one another. We see this arrangement on the F-22:


Aircraft like the B-2 suppress their engine's IR signature by injecting cold air directly into the exhaust flow:


It also has a flat exhaust pipe like the F-22.

Venting exhaust above an aircraft's wing will shield it from observers below as the flow of air over the wing helps to mask the exhaust from the engine. The A-10 benefits from this:


Some aircraft circulate coolant fluids around the exhaust pipe, similar to using water cooling on a computer, to cool the exhaust gases to the temperature that allows them to be absorbed by water vapors in the atmosphere, which disparate them.

I'm sure there are other methods used, but these are the ones I'm familiar with. Your single engine aircraft are going to be going with the coolant technique.

This is for the engines, other parts of the aircraft like the skin, leading edges, and electronics have other methods to suppress their IR signature.
@Fallen King @Desert Fox

Since the thread got deleted, here is my view on what you asked (fallen king):

Please share your solutions in how to contain the criminal activity at the face of gun-rights becoming popular.

Did you know the incidence of violent crime has been dropping steadily since the 90s?



There is a good amount of deeper studies that do link the basic nature of a criminal being more afraid about who is actually armed and who isn't...deterring him from crimes he otherwise would do (on innocent people).

Now concealed carry has not itself been significantly shown to connect to this drop since like I said earlier the bulk of violent crimes govern drug and gang warfare (which are largely outside the purview of concealed carry for average citizens since they would happen regardless).

So if you want a simple answer to reducing that crime (which forms almost 90% of criminal violent death in the US)...the answer is simple: legalise drugs (and thus remove the very incentive for such gangs to finance themselves and wage war on other gangs).

But legalising drugs brings it own set of problems right? So its a tradeoff in the larger scheme. Are you fine with gangs killing each other in turf wars over drugs (and sometimes the odd innocent gets caught up into it as well)....or do you want more people hooked on drugs but violent crime reduced even more than it has been so far?

The main reasons suggested for decrease in violent crime overall is outside of the whole gun debate to begin with (which the media loves to focus on instead because it makes for great fearmongering and political capital). That is reasons like less lead in the air, fewer unwanted children through abortion and attitude change in younger generation of today compared to before. Sometimes its as simple as marijuana becoming the drug of choice compared to the harder drugs such as cocaine and heroin like it was before (which can lead to major criminal/violent tendencies). More studies are needed....and policies directed along all these fronts not just gun legislation.

It is a large complex environment, simplifying it to ownership of guns = crime = police job harder = bad = private guns must be banned is quite simplistic.
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