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Listen to "Immortal Technique",bro...start with Dance With The Devil
Sabab the point being made is that it all feels hunky dory at the beginning but gradually it start to consume your soul
What you think is cool sometimes leads to utter dismay
I am alright....How have you been?
Yea I took a break...PDF almost became like this:

Khair....Ahh So I had to listen to the commentary hehehhe...

Allah Khair kare.Pehle hee Ache loug is Dunya mein kam kam paye jate hein. Taking off is good.It's fine to concentrate on the real life.Kiss ne itna tung kia ap ko?
You are a valuable member for this small community.A strong and an intelligent mind.
No one of us will like you to resign.And with a resignation letter like that it should has it's place in a bin not in a file.:P
Above all i need to learn some agar.io skills from you.(Hehe! )
Allah Khair kare.Pehle hee Ache loug is Dunya mein kam kam paye jate hein. Taking off is good.It's fine to concentrate on the real life.Kiss ne itna tung kia ap ko?
You are a valuable member for this small community.A strong and an intelligent mind.
No one of us will like you to resign.And with a resignation letter like that it should has it's place in a bin not in a file.:P
Above all i need to learn some agar.io skills from you.(Hehe! )
lolz...I stopped playing that agar.io I actually played it as a challenge with my friend he kept getting higher scores than me :(

Yea an idiot mindset which refuses to learn and change does get on my nerves easily!

I can tolerate students they dont know and are eager to learn...I cant tolerate egoistic people who think they know it all but know 0% I mean seriously not even 0.1% :unsure:
@siegecrossbow @Deino @ahojunk @Daniel808

Hey, I'm active at Sino Defence Forum for a while now (going by arverner) because it's a neat place without mich trolling but even though I registered there two months ago I still have to wait for the activation of my account, until then I can't post, open topics, like posts nor view other members' profiles.

I'll see what I can do.
@Taygibay Mon ami,
I was wondering something. Don't you think that during terrorist attacks and/or mass hostages crisis,we should maintain a total blackout on the events until the end ? I was so shocked by the over mediatization during the January and November 2015 attacks...... When they went to search a house,there was literally an army of journalists filming them whatseoever. (Or even being here when the special forces didn't even arrive...)
You even had medias filming the special forces during the assault and giving so much details... :blink:
In front of the Tv I was like 'Fermez vos gueules'. :crazy:
We should keep any journalists away from any scene by at least 40km.
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That would be my first choice too, mec! Except that in a public opinion driven world,
the advantages to the powers that be are important if media is around.

You show might and gather support and re-assure people that the money spent on
security is well used, etc. By extension, it shows transparency, i.e. that you are not
manipulating perceptions and letting things unfold in the open.

I do agree from an operational standpoint of course but then, if the police forces are
any good, they should get there first and clean the mess before the press arrives.

You may ask why the media knows in advance though, that might carry an answer.

Bonjour chez vous, Tay.
@siegecrossbow @Deino @ahojunk @Daniel808

Hey, I'm active at Sino Defence Forum for a while now (going by arverner) because it's a neat place without mich trolling but even though I registered there two months ago I still have to wait for the activation of my account, until then I can't post, open topics, like posts nor view other members' profiles.

Nice to see, you watching that forum too, bro @Arryn
Just like me :-)
It's a Good Forum to learn about China's Military Developments.
@~Phoenix~ below is one of my favorite movie scenes I don't get bored whenever i watch it , simply fills my heart with ecstasy not because of some angles in it but coz of the jinxed screaming and crying made by those demons at the time of the birth of that special child----

I usually don't take pleasure watching any horror stuff but while seeing it first time ,didn't get any repulsive feeling instead i was like wth is it me who's rejoicing someone's squealing

The point being made is whenever any human ends his life by his own hands i feel like my kind has surrendered in front of those who from the very beginning were against my creation and even now when iam typing some of em can't put up with my kinds existence then be it---- middle finger to those------

I'll see what I can do.

Thanks in advance. Also, is anyone active on China Defence Forum, the bulletin board that is only accessible to registered and approved accounts and like on SDF, I'm also waiting on the approval for quite some time.
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