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Puhleaze Lahoris have a belly that grows faster than our external debt :D

Lahori kuriyaan have no shtail and no sense of fayshan bleach la kay bilkul ghost shtail makeup kardiya nay

Have you been to Lahore? :p
I know someone who just went to Lahore college for beauty of people there, especially girls. :p
@DESERT FIGHTER I believe i owe you an apology for my offensive and insulting posts on the other thread. Whatever i said was due to the heat of the discussion and as a Pakistani Nationalist i tend to take it very seriously when it comes to preserving the Islamic values of our Pakistani society, the very core values that keep us separate from the hindus of india and thus give us our separate identity. Both of us became emotional and due to this we said things that i know we both regret. I accept that your and mine world view might differ on the whole pertaining to particular subjects, but as fellow Pakistanis im certain we at least agree on the basic fundamentals that have formed the backbone of our traditional society and will continue to do so in the generations to come In sha' Allah! And based on these shared similarities we can at least still respect each other and agree to disagree on our differences. As your countrymen and brother in Islam i wish you and all of my countrymen as well as my fellow Muslims the best in this life and in the hereafter. I hope that you will accept my apology and from now on we can engage in discussions in a civil manner.
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@DESERT FIGHTER I believe i owe you an apology for my offensive and insulting posts on the other thread. Whatever i said was due to the heat of the discussion and as a Pakistani Nationalist i tend to take it very seriously when it comes to preserving the Islamic values of our Pakistani society, the very core values that keep us separate from the hindus of india and thus give us our separate identity. Both of us become emotional and due to this we said things that i know we both regret. I accept that your and mine world view might differ on the whole pertaining to particular subjects, but as fellow Pakistanis im certain we at least agree on the basic fundamentals that have formed the backbone of our traditional society and will continue to do so in the generations to come In Sha' Allah! And on these shared similarities we can at least still respect each other and agree to disagree on our differences. As your countrymen and brother in Islam i wish you and all of my countrymen as well as my fellow Muslims the best in this life and in the hereafter. I hope that you will accept my apology and from now on we can engage in discussions in a civil manner.

Good gesture.
@MaarKhoor ye marvi molbi sb ko konse bhukanay dena chah rhi thi? :lol:
molbi sb ko bas sufaid poshi khaye ja rahi ri thi dil mn tuo keh ra hoga "kabhi ao na bhukanay le ke...phaar na deay tuo kehna". :lol::lol:
Uday pughanay pehlaan e patey nay
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