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Ermahgerd!!! You're back!!!


I missed you too ! :kiss3:

How have you been ? :azn:

Hows Mama Spetsnaz and the Vegan Viking ? :pleasantry:
How have you been ? :azn:

Busy, sick, bored, excited, too warm, not cold enough, busy, tired, and stressed... in that order.

Vegan Viking? :pleasantry:

He's... well, he's a but like this cat at the moment:


Smiling when I'm around, but like this practically the rest of the time:


Kind of grumpy. Newborn, wife overseas, work obligations even when working from home... yeah, he's a bit miffed recently.

Mama Spetsnaz

Not really sure. I saw her during the holidays, but she was only around for about 2 1/2 weeks before returning to her posting.

Kai's go paternity duties, Anna's an essential employee so she's not really allowed time at home unless something divine happens with staffing.
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