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Pakistan Christians demand right to visit Israel
Protesters say they are being denied right to go on pilgrimage


God’s Peoples Fellowship of Pakistan activists protest outside the Pakistan Press Club on Sunday (Credit: ucanews.com)

A Pakistani Christian group called on their government Sunday to allow Christians to go on pilgrimage to religious sites in Israel.

There are no formal diplomatic ties between the two countries and Pakistan forbids its citizens from going to the Holy Land.

All Pakistani passports state, “This passport is valid for all countries of the world except Israel”.

Under Israeli law, Pakistan is a designated an enemy state and Israeli citizens may not visit there without a special permit issued by the Israeli Interior Ministry.

God’s Peoples Fellowship of Pakistan (GPFP), a Karachi-based Christian organization, which seeks diplomatic ties with Israel, staged a protest on Sunday outside the Karachi press club to demand the lifting of the travel ban on Christian Pakistanis to Israel.

“People of different religions particularly Sikhs of India come to Pakistan every year to perform their religious obligations despite the fact the two countries have fought three wars,” Ashraf P Butt, Secretary-General of the GPFP, said.

“Since Pakistan doesn’t recognize the state of Israel and does not maintain any diplomatic ties, the Christian community in Pakistan has been deprived of their legitimate religious rights,” he told ucanews.com.

“In light of the Bilateral Protocol Agreement signed between India and Pakistan in 1974, granting permission to visit religious shrines and sites, the GPFP also demands the same arrangements for Christians,” he said.

He criticized the Supreme Court for dismissing a GPFP petition seeking a lifting of the ban out of hand.

“We deem Bethlehem, Jerusalem, the holy city of King David, the Skull place where Jesus Christ was crucified, Nazareth, Galilee and other such places sacred,” Butt said.

Pervaiz Khan, a pastor, said Christians are only asking for the rights to visit holy places in Israel.

“When Muslims can freely go to Mecca and Medina for pilgrimage, why can’t we exercise our religious obligations guaranteed by the constitution of Pakistan,” he said.
I thought it's a little difficult for those who don't speak it so either it's easy or you two are speaking wrong?

Superboy is a member and dsi maybe diverter-less supersonic intake
Apko atee hai punjabi , batain hum nay theek bola ya galat. acha i didnt know abt diverterles supersonicn intake,google karna paray ga.

They are all alwys speaking of dsi on this forum,imean sum of the guys here, inever get what ishappening,looks like they are kidding and stuff.

Pakistan Christians demand right to visit Israel
Protesters say they are being denied right to go on pilgrimage


God’s Peoples Fellowship of Pakistan activists protest outside the Pakistan Press Club on Sunday (Credit: ucanews.com)

A Pakistani Christian group called on their government Sunday to allow Christians to go on pilgrimage to religious sites in Israel.

There are no formal diplomatic ties between the two countries and Pakistan forbids its citizens from going to the Holy Land.

All Pakistani passports state, “This passport is valid for all countries of the world except Israel”.

Under Israeli law, Pakistan is a designated an enemy state and Israeli citizens may not visit there without a special permit issued by the Israeli Interior Ministry.

God’s Peoples Fellowship of Pakistan (GPFP), a Karachi-based Christian organization, which seeks diplomatic ties with Israel, staged a protest on Sunday outside the Karachi press club to demand the lifting of the travel ban on Christian Pakistanis to Israel.

“People of different religions particularly Sikhs of India come to Pakistan every year to perform their religious obligations despite the fact the two countries have fought three wars,” Ashraf P Butt, Secretary-General of the GPFP, said.

“Since Pakistan doesn’t recognize the state of Israel and does not maintain any diplomatic ties, the Christian community in Pakistan has been deprived of their legitimate religious rights,” he told ucanews.com.

“In light of the Bilateral Protocol Agreement signed between India and Pakistan in 1974, granting permission to visit religious shrines and sites, the GPFP also demands the same arrangements for Christians,” he said.

He criticized the Supreme Court for dismissing a GPFP petition seeking a lifting of the ban out of hand.

“We deem Bethlehem, Jerusalem, the holy city of King David, the Skull place where Jesus Christ was crucified, Nazareth, Galilee and other such places sacred,” Butt said.

Pervaiz Khan, a pastor, said Christians are only asking for the rights to visit holy places in Israel.

“When Muslims can freely go to Mecca and Medina for pilgrimage, why can’t we exercise our religious obligations guaranteed by the constitution of Pakistan,” he said.
What?? Are they serious?
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But christianity has no such concept of pilgrimage , and why theywant jeruslem ,somthing idont know?
Thousands of christians visit holy sites in Israel every year from all corners of the globe

Pakistan's Sharif Visits Afghanistan as Taliban Ramp Up Attacks

FILE - Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif (R) receives Afghan President Ashraf Ghani in Islamabad, Pakistan, Nov. 15, 2014.


Ayaz Gul
May 12, 2015 2:31 AM

Pakistan’s prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, together with his military chief and other top government officials, arrived in Kabul on Tuesday for talks with Afghan leaders.

The visit takes place as concerns grow that the spike in Taliban-led violence in Afghanistan threatens a recent thaw in the traditionally troubled relationship.

It is Sharif’s first visit to Afghanistan since President Ashraf Ghani’s national unity government assumed charge in Kabul.

Sharif’s delegation is holding separate meetings with both President Ghani and Afghan Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Khalilullah Qazi said Pakistan enjoys “very close, cordial and brotherly” relations with Afghanistan.

“High-level exchanges between the two countries are frequent and the objective of these visits is to promote relations between the two countries, promote better understanding and see where both the countries can cooperate further,” said Qazi.

Sharif’s visit takes place at a time of increased criticism in Kabul of President Ghani’s policy toward ending the Afghan conflict and placing too much trust in Pakistan for achieving that objective.

The criticism stems from the increase in Taliban attacks across Afghanistan as part of the insurgent group’s annual spring offensive. There had been hopes among Afghan political circles that peace talks with the Taliban through Pakistan’s mediation would help dampen the spring offensive this year.

Pakistan says ‘doing all it can’

But Foreign Ministry spokesman Qazi dismissed criticism that Pakistan is not doing enough to help the Afghan peace process.

“Pakistan is doing all it can to promote [the] peace and reconciliation process in Afghanistan that is Afghan-owned and Afghan-led, and we will continue with this policy,” said Qazi.

Afghan officials worry that if the level of violence worsens in this fighting season, it could halt Ghani’s efforts to repair relations with Pakistan. Critics say they fear it could also revive the spate of mutual allegations after months of relative calm.

In Kabul Sunday, Ghani suggested he needed Pakistan to do more, even though he underscored that “some patience” is required about the prospects of promoting peace with the Taliban.

“We are not the battle ground for any proxy wars. We will not allow our territory to be used to destabilize any one of our neighbors or any one of our partners, or any people anywhere in the world. In return, [we] expect the same reciprocity,” said Ghani.

But some political analysts point to differences President Ghani has with Chief Executive Abdullah, who at times appears less keen than Ghani regarding unconditional talks with the Taliban.

Professor Anatol Lieven, a senior fellow at Washington’s New America Foundation, said much depends on whether the Afghan unity government is capable of talks with the Taliban.

“Because it is so internally divided and there are so many people, of course especially on Abdullah’s side, who are opposed to talks with the Taliban. So, I am afraid one would probably see a long period of uncertainty and division before there is a possibility of a new political departure,” said Lieven.

Pakistani military and civilian leaders insist they have thrown all support behind Ghani’s efforts to bring peace to his war-ravaged country. Officials say security forces have uprooted insurgent bases on the Pakistani side of the border.

And late last month, for the first time, Pakistan publicly denounced this year’s Taliban spring offensive and urged the Taliban to cease hostilities and engage in peace negotiations with the Afghan government.

Politicial analysts and government officials in Pakistan, however, caution that while Islamabad has some influence with the Afghan Taliban, it has no control over the Islamist insurgency. They describe as “unrealistic” Afghan expectations that Pakistan holds the key to ending the violence in Afghanistan.
Apko atee hai punjabi , batain hum nay theek bola ya galat. acha i didnt know abt diverter supersonicn intake,google karna paray ga.

They are all alwys speaking of dsi on this forum,imean sum of the guys here, inever get what ishappening,looks like they are kidding and stuff.

Aati hay but donno if you guys were breaking legs of Punjabi or Potohari

They maybe but we don't know original is down:




Kia hua itna cuto sa meme hay is mein bhe ap ko gand nazar ata hay
No imeant meme wasnt used correctly, like how every meme has a specific reason and purpose. Well not meme nazi i am,but even jokingly bhi if i use meme i try doing correctly.

oh wait i get what u meant, so u are gonna post thread as well as paste news here.

Too faragh u are.
Ok allah hafiz
@IrbiS , i was kidding you . It's not me in the DP . In fact it's the next joker . Jared leto , he'll be playing joker in suicide Squad .

Do a google search , if you want . LOLZ .
@IrbiS , i was kidding you . It's not me in the DP . In fact it's the next joker . Jared leto , he'll be playing joker in suicide Squad .

Do a google search , if you want . LOLZ .

Didn't know about suicide squad thought only Batman vs. Superman was in the pipe

Jared leto will be a good joker hopefully but affleck as batman :disagree:
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