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@Lucid Thoughts is the same old @bishnoo loves beef / @East west india best / @Arya Desa. Can you please take care of the troll.

Also, @jamahir can be regularly found insulting Hinduism. I thought religious discussions were banned. Or is it only applicable in case of Islam.
you are correct
keep reporting them and offenders will be dealt with

I can't find any such section . Does this not fall under your domain , can't you fix this problem ?
its technical and I don't have time for that
we are under attack by scumbags and no amount of money or upgrade an ensure 100% security but those scumbags will get what they deserve when they get a knock on the door and then they will be spending time in jail
its technical and I don't have time for that
Ohh . What a shame .
we are under attack by scumbags and no amount of money or upgrade an ensure 100% security but those scumbags will get what they deserve when they get a knock on the door and then they will be spending time in jail
So the attack was from within Pakistan ? Was it a well coordinated attack or some amateurs at work . Did read the other day that PDF has taken help of hackers to further improve it's security .
LOL, I said I didn't speak it, not that I was an idiot, ma'am! Of course, I know. Not only is Urdu a very
old language with important historical records but I have a friend who is a world class linguist working all
over the West's universities and presently in Tashkent for studies!

Well, if shocked, ignoring is way better than getting yourself banned if you ask me, especially on your home forum.
Do try to do that first then and not get into trouble over someone else's bad attitude? I personally pull out of useless conversations ( "you can't make a mule drink" type of reasoning ) and use my incredibly powerful biological ignore
function … which has the advantage of still letting me see what the bad people have to say and stay prepared. ;)

This said, English nor French being your first language, you might have over relied on Googletrance. The context
of my strong reaction given to Gabriel was that of physical intervention in the real world; something relating to past work
( army / security ) and a natural tendency to act or intervene in tough situations or in the face of violence / danger.

I don't think so and for your own benefit in the future, let me explain why. I know the word as I found the error and corrected it. I can easily see how it could be shocking to a lady. But …
A- you were not so shocked for words since you answered violently, were you? ;)
B- that word would have been demeaning ( and childish ) but a mere insult whereas your answer carried a death
threat value to it. In that sense, you raised the notch a level which is the way wars start. I would have suggested
a tit for tat answer ( there is a pun about my mistake in that bona fide expression but no insult, please stay calm ).
Since the word was describing a body part, an English speaker, to remain on the same level, could have said :
… and you're a duck! … albeit with a different vowel to reply adequately. That would have sufficed.
C- there was nothing polite to your answer in any case? Do note that mine to it carried no such aggravation?

I'm not judging here, simply outlining the illogical part of your answer. The important thing is that it was not
factual and had no dire consequences so yes, let's forget it hence.

I agree with that but not quite with your choice of words. I have had the luck of sharing with all sorts of people
from all over the world. Trust me when I say that sectarian calls don't help with such exchanges.
Let's reason : Are people of the Book miscreant to one another, for instance? I don't think so and discussions
with good folks from each of the 3 groups it comprises as well as parts of the Quran back me up on that.
And yet, one of the Christian inspired nations is the one that most often misunderstands Pakistan even though
an ally of sorts to it officially. Religion alone is not enough to mark the divide as your country with its diversity
knows well. Neither Russia nor China are anything but miscreants, heathens even, and yet back Pakistan?
Mother Theresa was a miscreant to Hindis and still did good for their land? Christians are not 100% "crusaders"
anymore than Muslims are 100% "takfiris" and so on.
In any case, I found that lacking in goodness and education are often the markers of bad perceptions.
More importantly, world politics do not rely on faith but on power so that working on such a basis is useless.

I have a blog, that you may find on my Profile Page as using it apart from as military information source is forbidden
by PDF rules, where I often defended Pakistan and for that, I use simple markers. Great men work to a degree so
that Jinna is a good starting point. Numbers do well to and there you can use terrorism to show that your country
faces a greater plight than most that despise or mistrust it. And then actions speak louder than words and there,
the fact that other religions inhabit this Islamic republic as well as the fact that it has not misused its nuclear arsenal
but keeps it for protection is a very decent marker.
Once you've outlined these things however, if your interlocutor does not get it, may I suggest simply considering
that they may lack the openness and honesty to change their views? Trolls and idiots are akin to volcanoes and
tsunamis, forces of nature. Shelter your thoughts from them but don't be presumptuous to death by standing your ground.

In any case, don't discuss philosophy with rattlesnakes; don't squander your peace of mind on bragging kids is my advice.
Keep calm and have a great day young lady, Tay.

P.S. That drawing of yours carried through the emotion it intended to portray. As such, it simply cannot be seen as anything but successful, regardless of opinion! Keep at it by all means!

i highly disagree with the suggestion that i should have responded to the offensive word in kind, as in what u were suggesting. No i cant even imagine. And when i said , 'i was too shocked for words' , that was figurative sense. i would still stand by my stance, as in responding in a harsh way if someone is getting so offending
.and what previously earned me ban here was also due to the fact that the mod didnt understand the entire situation. Yes i had used a strong cussword against the offender, cuz there are things that one could never tolerate. Idont engage in namecalling or cusswords ever ,but since i have come here, i have seen indian posters doing very abusive language, super abusive. U write an argument, instead of countering it, next word they will shell out will be profanities ,and by profanities idont mean words like, moron,idiot fool etc etc. No, the real offensive stuff. And if u are writing veiled insult towards a woman than be man enough to accept it than being a pansy mouse that he was to lie and hide and cover up stuff.
I hate doing profanities and it was for the first time in a long duration i have said rude words 3,4 times here, but that was only cuz some extreme offensive language was used towards me. And despite reporting dont know why but the mods didnt do anything. So naturally whe no action was taken i also got agressive. But khair now i also realize jo bura kaam pehlay na kiya ho do not do it cuz of ugly crap ugly ppl.
And as of ur suggestion , things might work this way in men's world ,not women's. I am ok as i reacted, in a sense if someone was really intending to offend me. As of death threat haha i had said go to hell.
Anyways, let's leave it here and move on sir.

Oh and as of miscreant part, thanks for explaining it in such intricate detail, taking into account so many niceties and thanku for mentioning my fav man Jinnah.
But lemme add here by miscreants here i had meant indians. Cuz they visit this forum in droves and abuse pakistanis . I have seen some very crass language useage so got closer to a breaking point.

Thnx for writing abt sects and faiths in detail.

Nd oh i had to add i really like Urdu and thats why iasked u abt it. and i totally love conversing in it with ppl here. So may aap say urdu bol liya karoon.
And as of drawing, Merci mon bon monsieur , je vous remercie de votre encouragement.
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Would you like to Give any message to Grandmaster? If he does not have another id, he must be checking anonymously.

I decided to move the conversation to the whatever thread. One does not give messages to the exiled DSI grandmaster, one takes messages from the wise master, that is if you are blessed enough to be in his presence. One must learning the way of the grandmaster, it is not easy, it is a long hard journey that only a select few have been blessed with. I sense the DSI force is strong, may it bless you, for you seek the force.

To achieve DSI engineering bliss one must approach the subject of DSI with a humble mind and diligence, you must let go of all know physics and science. Once upon a time when i visited the grandmaster in the Nepal mountains he told me to let the DSI "be as it may be"...from that day it all made sense, from then on i was on a mission, i was driven to achieve DSI engineering excellence by incorporating DSI into a toilet, that toilet carried me from that reclusive mountain top in Nepal down to the city with minimal boundary layer interruption and hypersonic speed, from that day forward i shared the message with @Water Car Engineer and the rest was history. In other words i only learn from the grandmaster himself.
I decided to move the conversation to the whatever thread. One does not give messages to the exiled DSI grandmaster, one takes messages from the wise master, that is if you are blessed enough to be in his presence. One must learning the way of the grandmaster, it is not easy, it is a long hard journey that only a select few have been blessed with. I sense the DSI force is strong, may it bless you, for you seek the force.

To achieve DSI engineering bliss one must approach the subject of DSI with a humble mind and diligence, you must let go of all know physics and science. Once upon a time when i visited the grandmaster in the Nepal mountains he told me to let the DSI "be as it may be"...from that day it all made sense, from then on i was on a mission, i was driven to achieve DSI engineering excellence by incorporating DSI into a toilet, that toilet carried me from that reclusive mountain top in Nepal down to the city with minimal boundary layer interruption and hypersonic speed, from that day forward i shared the message with @Water Car Engineer and the rest was history. In other words i only learn from the grandmaster himself.


class !!!
Babu Baaz a Ja

I dont know if you are supporting MQM leader's comments or are you supporting ISPR's condemnation?

your targeted poster is not ISPR or rebita committee member so stay on topic
@waz , please review this situation .
Sir this is not fair , this member has been using foul language a lot . And getting personal . At least warn him or something , is this type of language tolerable on PDF ?
" this kid thinks he has terminators brains , I am gona fry that for breakfast ?lolzzz."
"Stop crying bitcccccccck ."
"Cry my baby cry , challo abbu Kay joota utaro ,aur apni choti si sandle pehhnoo ?lolzz"

And on many occasion in the past he has used personal remarks on me . Take decisive actions , please .

@Malik Abdullah , i see you were trying to do a good deed but you are simply wasting your time . Guys delusional .
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""Cry my baby cry , challo abbu Kay joota utaro,aur apni choti si sandle pehhnoo ?lolzz""

This is some real insult very real. Too shocking if some mod overlooks it.
""Cry my baby cry , challo abbu Kay joota utaro,aur apni choti si sandle pehhnoo ?lolzz""

This is some real insult very real. Too shocking if some mod overlooks it.
Can't say anything for sure .
Sir this is not fair , this member has been using foul language a lot . And getting personal . At least warn him or something , is this type of language tolerable on PDF ?
" this kid thinks he has terminators brains , I am gona fry that for breakfast ?lolzzz."
"Stop crying bitcccccccck ."
"Cry my baby cry , challo abbu Kay joota utaro ,aur apni choti si sandle pehhnoo ?lolzz"

And on many occasion in the past he has used personal remarks on me . Take decisive actions , please .

@Malik Abdullah , i see you were trying to do a good deed but you are simply wasting your time . Guys delusional .

Yeah he is shockingly chootiya and surely doesnt know how to speak to youngsters. tameez nahi inshort
Ohhh wajsal aik baat batao have u ever been to neelum valley? Or any other part of AJK.?
Not really , never been to Azad Kashmir . Do post some cool pictures , would love to go there some day .
Not really , never been to Azad Kashmir . Do post some cool pictures , would love to go there some day .
Muzafrabad and neelum valley have scenic places.
Wajsal do u know before pakistan was created , the whole kashmir, iok, Ajk and northern areas were one state? One big state.
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