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@jamahir it is indian occupied kashmir not administered.
And i wont judge asiya andrabi that fast. Dont know how true is the acid stuff.Anyways.
Well may i ask first by prolific u mean lot of quantity. Well ya idid post here a lot. was talking to some ppl. And if u mean by quality,then i am a useless nobody poster on this forum and wont ever make efforts to become a better one. armstrong is kashmiri? Acha thts cool.i think i know that i think so. shayad isi thread may parha tha. Acha khair .
And as of ranjeet i hope its perma ban. I dont care for any shitty sarcasm ,he unnecessarily butted in my and hinduguys convo and said some extreme abusive stuff like what indians are good at.
And i wont judge asiya andrabi that fast. Dont know how true is the acid stuff.

sadly, quite true... her group is the "muslim" equivalent of the rss groups like ram sena... you will find internet articles about that particular threat.

Well may i ask first by prolific u mean lot of quantity. Well ya idid post here a lot. was talking to some ppl. And if u mean by quality,then i am a useless nobody poster on this forum and wont ever make efforts to become a better one.


i meant quantity... as for quality, you have your own style, which you should not change, though please oh please use empty lines to separate paragraphs. :D

armstrong is kashmiri? Acha thts cool.i think i know that i think so. shayad isi thread may parha tha.

he is a butt who lives in punjab... i don't know if he feels more kashmiri, more punjabi or just doesn't care. :lol:

watch the film... am logging off now... toodle doo. :wave:
sadly, quite true... her group is the "muslim" equivalent of the rss groups like ram sena... you will find internet articles about that particular threat.


i meant quantity... as for quality, you have your own style, which you should not change, though please oh please use empty lines to separate paragraphs. :D

he is a butt who lives in punjab... i don't know if he feels more kashmiri, more punjabi or just doesn't care. :lol:

watch the film... am logging off now... toodle doo. :wave:
Thanx for pointing out line spacing.i do add. But will take care of it more now. I know i do end up writing some giant text blocks ridden with typos. And haha thats y i also dont expect anyone to read my posts except for the person i am talking to. But again iwill take care of it.

Acha bishnoo and et al see this.

Do u ppl realy like him.
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@Shamain why are the mods on this side so pro-hindoo? That filthy anonymous guy continues to petal lies that Sikhs are hindoos. He even has a mod Ifran baloch supporting him.
@Shamain why are the mods on this side so pro-hindoo? That filthy anonymous guy continues to petal lies that Sikhs are hindoos. He even has a mod Ifran baloch supporting him.
Talk to horus.

This is so sick. You give your counters that sikhism i diff and nothing to do with hinduism or start a separate thread in members club forum and speak to some other mod before that so that they will eliminate trolling. i know sikhism is totally separate from hindusim. Irfan baloch ...well.
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Anyways, i had tagged u cuz i wanted to say in some previous post i had told if u will speak a word against pak i wont leave u. I was kidding. The rift btw pak and india is undeniable. So say whatever hate or beef u have wid pak. I dont even read those threads that u post in. Nd even if i do ,what diff it makes, we know the enmity that exista btw nation. India is a warmonger and will remain so.and u dont like china,rajapaska, u think indian ocean is urs, so indian navy must take over it .lolzz. so well i haf made a non serious remark then. Say whatever u want to. But plz dont abuse islam and quran.

I haven't said anything bad about Pakistan and nor have I insulted Islam or the Holy Koran. In fact in a few threads I defended hindoo attacks on them. I feel a connection with Lahore, it's like Jerusalem for us. I was super happy that you guys got a 46$ billion deal with China. Where did you get the idea that I hate Pakistan? I definitely don't like china and idk who rajapaksha is at all?

@Bishnoo loves Beef just came here facing another very abusive indian. Saaray indians hee pathetic hain. Also did u see dat guy who was calling me sudras,duniya kahan pohanch gayi aur indians r still all abt sudras n caste system. And honestly why these indians are so pathetic not only they abuse u ,the moment they find out u are a female they get more sick ,as in no wonder y india is rape infested. But even on online forums. U didnt used to act like such thats why i would talk to u. Why indians are so sick. even now that was happening in a thread. Its so embarrassing with guys around and sick indians write such bs. And then u have ur lines drawn that u wont get beyond certain vocabulary.but these ppl seriously. like so sick.Abhi bhi he was abusing. Its so embarrassing man. Theres no place for women on internet. No place.

Yea these hindoos are very perverted. They view women as nothing more than objects of their lust. I saw that Ranvir Sena guy call you a Shudra. This guy is from Bihar and he is passing judgement on you! Rediculous.

Thirdly, i dont like being a keyboard warrior. Something dat i haf learnt before coming here. I mean i may seem like at times, but thats not what my intentions are. I am basically just putting forth my views. I am out of the keyboard warrior phase since long. And i would suggest u to overcome this too. U get aggressive over stuff that we know. If u find something abusive talk to a mod. But dont go too aggressive. There are times i am scrolling down the page and ur nick comes up and all of a sudden i think oh boy! It must be banned under his nick. i dont want u to get banned so stop acting so impulsively. Its a forum only. I can sense u very bitter either by habit or the stuff that bugs you. Dont let it mess with your head.

I'm trying but they use cheap shots. They always insult my religion or ethnicity and think it's fine. The mods don't seem to care at all that's why sometimes I like to use a metaphor saying what they say to me is the equivalent of saying this to you.

Btw u are quite intelligent, ur knowledge on politics is quite broad. And dont try to be nice towards me or pakistanis just cuz i wrote something positive. we are best when we arent impersonating and are being our realselves.

Thank you. I'm not trying to be nice I am just being honest. That's why I openly say I don't like chinese and I think Iranians are so full of b*llsh*t.

This is so sick. You give your counters that sikhism i diff and nothing to do with hinduism or start a separate thread in members club forum and speak to some other mod before that so that they will eliminate trolling. i know sikhism is totally separate from hindusim. Irfan baloch ...well.

I can't start threads.
I haven't said anything bad about Pakistan and nor have I insulted Islam or the Holy Koran. In fact in a few threads I defended hindoo attacks on them. I feel a connection with Lahore, it's like Jerusalem for us. I was super happy that you guys got a 46$ billion deal with China. Where did you get the idea that I hate Pakistan? I definitely don't like china and idk who rajapaksha is at all?

Yea these hindoos are very perverted. They view women as nothing more than objects of their lust. I saw that Ranvir Sena guy call you a Shudra. This guy is from Bihar and he is passing judgement on you! Rediculous.

I'm trying but they use cheap shots. They always insult my religion or ethnicity and think it's fine. The mods don't seem to care at all that's why sometimes I like to use a metaphor saying what they say to me is the equivalent of saying this to you.

Thank you. I'm not trying to be nice I am just being honest. That's why I openly say I don't like chinese and I think Iranians are so full of b*llsh*t.

I can't start threads.
No ididnt say u hate pakistan. I meant as u love ur country and there is clear animosity between two countries so it could show up in ur convos and posts.so i had meant express it and dont hide and do within the limits that it doesnt get u banned.
Secondly, after 9 days of joining u can start threads. So u will have to wait. Nd u can tag oscar horua etc in threads and tell them of abuses and religion and ethnicity abuse and name calling, distortion of facts on religion etc. And also wait till 8 ,9 day and start a thread on sikhism history. And let the mod knows of trolling. I hope they will support. No calling me sudra wasnt so offensive as was the thought and attitude that these yuck hindoos treat humans like untouchables and whilst they brag of mars mission their mind clocks have been set 50000 years back.
Of sikhism again ,how can i help u. I have no authority here.?? Tell me ? even i am not too glad with mods job here. There was an instance when some guy was badly abusing and i tagged irfan baloch and he was around online but he did zilch nothing. I am so sick of this place just cuz of indians ,its great to be here but indians r just gutter filth just gutter filth. An otherwise awesome forum has been ruined and how they respect their women and mothers when they are so sick.
Look at pak guys they are still so much well behaved and all.
Khair i amso sorry i took it away from ur issue. Talk to mods..i have no clue otherwise. Whatelse can i say...ermmmm.and attackin ur religion that u must report. Or talk to manticore.
No ididnt say u hate pakistan. I meant as u love ur country and there is clear animosity between two countries so it could show up in ur convos and posts.so i had meant express it and dont hide and do within the limits that it doesnt get u banned.
Secondly, after 9 days of joining u can start threads. So u will have to wait. Nd u can tag oscar horua etc in threads and tell them of abuses and religion and ethnicity abuse and name calling, distortion of facts on religion etc. And also wait till 8 ,9 day and start a thread on sikhism history. And let the mod knows of trolling. I hope they will support. No calling me sudra wasnt so offensive as was the thought and attitude that these yuck hindoos treat humans like untouchables and whilst they brag of mars mission their mind clocks have been set 50000 years back.
Of sikhism again ,how can i help u. I have no authority here.?? Tell me ? even i am not too glad with mods job here. There was an instance when some guy was badly abusing and i tagged irfan baloch and he was around online but he did zilch nothing. I am so sick of this place just cuz of indians ,its great to be here but indians r just gutter filth just gutter filth. An otherwise awesome forum has been ruined and how they respect their women and mothers when they are so sick.
Look at pak guys they are still so much well behaved and all.
Khair i amso sorry i took it away from ur issue. Talk to mods..i have no clue otherwise. Whatelse can i say...ermmmm.and attackin ur religion that u must report. Or talk to manticore.

I posted in General HQ. If that doesn't stop him I might just leave this forum. The hindoos here are just like on DefenceIndiaForum or BharatRaksak; rude, racist, xenophobic, castist, sexist, all the sins of man basically. You know in 1984 after they killed the men they would rape the women?

Read what they did to my people:

"My Singhnee believed him and gave him the revolver. Right away the waiting mob began to enter the house. My Singhnee asked the police to stop the thugs from coming in but they tore the keskee (female turban) from her head and tied her arms behind her back. All the children and my brother's Singhee were soaked with kerosene and lit on fire in front of my Singhnee. They all died, writhing in pain in front of her.

Then, that same Hindu Brahmin boy from our neighborhood, whom my wife had beat came forward. He stripped my Singhnee naked and then..." After this, the Singh from Delhi could not speak any further and began to sob."

You are consorting with the enemy on Kashmir?

You think its funny?

Or you think because its a brain-dead thread, its ok to leave your brains behind?
I posted in General HQ. If that doesn't stop him I might just leave this forum. The hindoos here are just like on DefenceIndiaForum or BharatRaksak; rude, racist, xenophobic, castist, sexist, all the sins of man basically. You know in 1984 after they killed the men they would rape the women?

Read what they did to my people:

"My Singhnee believed him and gave him the revolver. Right away the waiting mob began to enter the house. My Singhnee asked the police to stop the thugs from coming in but they tore the keskee (female turban) from her head and tied her arms behind her back. All the children and my brother's Singhee were soaked with kerosene and lit on fire in front of my Singhnee. They all died, writhing in pain in front of her.

Then, that same Hindu Brahmin boy from our neighborhood, whom my wife had beat came forward. He stripped my Singhnee naked and then..." After this, the Singh from Delhi could not speak any further and began to sob."
..........no words.There are few reasons also. Hindus are majority and even on these forums compared to sikhs. I have only met two including u thus far. So these brain dead zombies get a chance to spread their propaganda as there is hardly anyone to stop them. And well yes its crude if no action is taken here against it. Either u quit forum or stick around start ur own thread.
And try to overcome thoughts of past.
Iknow they are disgusting ppl who cant even stand ppl with differing views as could be seen above. In a kasab confession utube video some indian guy had said that kasabs acccent is not pakistani , he was an indian guy though. so the his indian countrymen...did what they are best at, showed their real faces, hurling abuses etc.
These are bunch of coward doggies who dont have strenght and courage to fight anyone , all they could do is hire mercenaries to fight for them or attack weak unarmed ppl. Un pay bhonktay hain who have no power,show them some muscle these pansies will run away like meekly mouse. even indian army hires alot of sikhs for their fighting power etc. Sikhs have been used alot by them. in kashmir they cant even face stone armed kashmiris. A sound of a gun shot is enough to send them running to their rat holes. Janwar.
Anyways, if nothing happens..then u can leave. And indian defenceforum bharatraksha are all BS full of shallow bravado talk.
I posted in General HQ. If that doesn't stop him I might just leave this forum. The hindoos here are just like on DefenceIndiaForum or BharatRaksak; rude, racist, xenophobic, castist, sexist, all the sins of man basically. You know in 1984 after they killed the men they would rape the women?

Read what they did to my people:

"My Singhnee believed him and gave him the revolver. Right away the waiting mob began to enter the house. My Singhnee asked the police to stop the thugs from coming in but they tore the keskee (female turban) from her head and tied her arms behind her back. All the children and my brother's Singhee were soaked with kerosene and lit on fire in front of my Singhnee. They all died, writhing in pain in front of her.

Then, that same Hindu Brahmin boy from our neighborhood, whom my wife had beat came forward. He stripped my Singhnee naked and then..." After this, the Singh from Delhi could not speak any further and began to sob."
@Oscar @WebMaster please change his name
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