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I presumed he did. One of the last communication i had with him here indicated he was busy and getting bored here.

@Armstrong after I have been a year here. My attitude towards Pakistanis have become positive and towards Indians a bit more hardened I think.

Certainly having conversations with you @waz @Chak Bamu @Jungibaaz @RAMPAGE helped change perceptions.

Its the other way around for me unfortunately; I wasn't half as Anti-Indian before joining this forum ! :(

I don't know why but every other Indian here seems like an Islamophobe or a Self-Righteous Prick - Forgive my bluntness ! :ashamed:

I'm even more disappointed by Pakistanis; some of us are absolute idiots and a huge embarrassment.
Even I caught it. @Armstrong long time no see :)

@Sinan your signature is awesome :)

It's from one Ataturk. :)

Original one.

"I have no religion, and at times I wish all religions at the bottom of the sea. He is a weak ruler who needs religion to uphold his government; it is as if he would catch his people in a trap. My people are going to learn the principles of democracy, the dictates of truth and the teachings of science. Superstition must go. Let them worship as they will; every man can follow his own conscience, provided it does not interfere with sane reason or bid him against the liberty of his fellow-men"

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk - Wikiquote
Its a bit different here; those that don't buy into the idea of Pakistan (a numerically insignificant minority though a very vocal one) reject Jinnah as do those who are Ultra-nationalists in an Ethnic or Religious sense because for them he isn't either very much into their Ethnic Nationalism or their Puritanical Religious World View.

Unfortunately for them in the rest of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam is adored very.....very much; in fact so much so that you find countless Secularists, Ethno-Nationalist and Islamists all paying homage to him, quoting him and invoking his memory because they all know that if there is one man.....just One Man, that Pakistanis idolize as a Statesman and Politician - Its Muhammad Ali Jinnah !

Armstrong, Ambedkar is national figure I adore. Not the person, but what he was able to do.

He was born as an untouchable, he was married off when he was a Child. He worked really hard to gain incredible academic qualifications.

He had a big part in formulating the Indian constitution.

It is too bad he was too bitter towards the end. The caste discrimination he had endured had a n effect. His followers who venerate him doesn't understand his vision of a casteless society.
Armstrong, Ambedkar is national figure I adore. Not the person, but what he was able to do.

He was born as an untouchable, he was married off when he was a Child. He worked really hard to gain incredible academic qualifications.

He had a big part in formulating the Indian constitution.

It is too bad he was too bitter towards the end. The caste discrimination he had endured had a n effect. His followers who venerate him doesn't understand his vision of a casteless society.

I know; I've read about him.

I may not agree with him on somethings but I admire him for others; I like Gokhale, Sairojini Naidu and Bose as well !
Its the other way around for me unfortunately; I wasn't half as Anti-Indian before joining this forum ! :(

I don't know why but every other Indian here seems like an Islamophobe or a Self-Righteous Prick - Forgive my bluntness ! :ashamed:

I'm even more disappointed by Pakistanis; some of us are absolute idiots and a huge embarrassment.

not gonna lie, I have had moments where i am a self-righteous prick.

The thing is that recently I have realised one thing. These people are simply not going to stop at Muslims or Christians. the next time it will be over dietary preferences. Then it will be over languages.

Hindu right wing and Islamists in India recently joined hands to pretty much heckle a bunch of hot headed youngsters from kissing in public as a protest.

That makes an interesting point. These groups maybe of different religious, but they like to keep a lid on sexuality, likes to call people heretics even their own fellow believers who do not conform to their strict interpretation of their respective religions.
I haven't heard that line before but i REALLY like it ....it's cute :D

it's funny, my cousin and I got into a huge fight because he referred to me with tum the other day and I blew up on him haha. I am one of those ppl where I have to say "ap" even if i am talking to a 2 year old...out of mere habit I guess...and when i actually call someone tum i apologize right away because i don' know it feels like im attacking them n just feels disrespectful when coming out of my mouth. So my mom finds out about the fight and refers to me with "tum" all day, just to annoy the crap out of me LMFAO and I come on and see this and im like hmm is the universe against me today haahaha...i adore you <3
Ye line sirf aap kai liaay likhi gai hai aur aik aur ko kai dafa kahi gai hai.

Yeah it's bound to happen when your're an imported desi.

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