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One famous story about Guru Nanak tells of his rebellion at the age of eleven. At this age Hindu boys of his caste would start to wear the sacred thread to distinguish them. Nanak refused, saying that people should be distinguished by the things that they did, and their individual qualities, rather than by a thread.
Nanak continued to demonstrate a radical spiritual streak - arguing with local holy men and sages, both Hindu and Muslim, that external things like pilgrimages, penances, and poverty were of far less spiritual importance than internal changes to the individual's soul.
He worked for a while as an accountant but while still quite young decided to devote himself to spiritual matters.
funny that hazrat muhammad had also worked as accountant or manager in the business of bibi khadija who later became his wife...


of course, a post-religion humanity is best.
Because KSA and Egypt are brotherly Arab/Semitic nations that are neighbors and have close ties on all fronts. Especially with us Hijazis as we share very much in common. Even things such as cuisine, dialect etc. There is no reason for us to have any hostility. All of us Saudi Arabian and Egyptian users have a great relationship.

As an Indian not familiar with the Arab world, not speaking Arabic etc. you have no clue about this.

another of your "brotherly arab world" writings... :hitwall:

i ask you this once... do you know the meaning of socialism??

i ask you this once... should the venezuealan, ilich ramirez sanchez, regret ever taking direct-action in favor of palestine??

i ask you this once... what will year 2017 be the 100th anniversary of??

Let him tell you. We agree with most issues that we discussed outside of the Syrian conflict. That's all.

of course... yet another bunch of syrians beheaded by ikhwaanis supported by saudia... but once you and syrian lion finish discussing that, you two will have a round of virtual mint tea...

No, anyone that is hellbent on trolling, creating hostility, starting flamewars etc. is a troll. Which describes Ceylal perfectly when the discussion is about most Arab countries and KSA.

like i said... anyone who doesn't agree with the unthinking majority is a troll, yes??

I can just watch a few videos, open up the internet, ask Libyans or read history books about his crimes.

please do ask this lady...

or these people...

or ask nelson mandela or hugo chavez or vladimir putin or gennady zhuganov...
another of your "brotherly arab world" writings... :hitwall:

i ask you this once... do you know the meaning of socialism??

i ask you this once... should the venezuealan, ilich ramirez sanchez, regret ever taking direct-action in favor of palestine??

i ask you this once... what will year 2014 be the 100th anniversary of??

of course... yet another bunch of syrians beheaded by ikhwaanis supported by saudia... but once you and syrian lion finish discussing that, you two will have a round of virtual mint tea...

like i said... anyone who doesn't agree with the unthinking majority is a troll, yes??

please do ask this lady...

or these people...
View attachment 146932

or ask nelson mandela or hugo chavez or vladimir putin or gennady zhuganov...

Did you see @Mahmoud_EGY who thanked me post? So stop trolling.

Yes, I know what socialism is. What is this for a question?

Why are you talking about some Venezuelan?

What anniversary are you talking about? WW1?

Stop writing in codes.:lol:

More nonsense. KSA does not support any MB movements. Yet I don't care about them but you support the mass-murderer of civilian and innocent Syrians that are killed by Al-Assad in the thousands. Understand once and for all that I support the Syrian people and most of them want BOTH the Al-Assad criminal gone and the ISIS retards and their likes.

I gave you an description of a troll and the individual discussed which most people agreed with. End of story. You can try to disguise trolling as disagreements which I have no problem with otherwise I would not be here.

Haha, two of the first are dead while the other two are irrelevant. Don't know the later even.

Fact of the matter is that Gaddafi was a bloody dictator that murdered many civilians and opponents. End of story. I don't care about the MB and don't support them. Try something new.

Ask @WebMaster to make a Gaddafi thread specially for you with only you as a member of that thread.:lol::D:):lol:
Did you see @Mahmoud_EGY who thanked me post? So stop trolling.

Yes, I know what socialism is. What is this for a question?

Why are you talking about some Venezuelan?

What anniversary are you talking about? WW1?

Stop writing in codes.:lol:

More nonsense. KSA does not support any MB movements. Yet I don't care about them but you support the mass-murderer of civilian and innocent Syrians that are killed by Al-Assad in the thousands. Understand once and for all that I support the Syrian people and most of them want BOTH the Al-Assad criminal gone and the ISIS retards and their likes.

I gave you an description of a troll and the individual discussed which most people agreed with. End of story. You can try to disguise trolling as disagreements which I have no problem with otherwise I would not be here.

Haha, two of the first are dead while the other two are irrelevant. Don't know the later even.

Fact of the matter is that Gaddafi was a bloody dictator that murdered many civilians and opponents. End of story. I don't care about the MB and don't support them. Try something new.

Ask @WebMaster to make a Gaddafi thread specially for you with only you as a member of that thread.:lol::D:):lol:

He's a sophisticated troll, lol.
Yes, I know what socialism is. What is this for a question?

no, you don't... socialism considers nationalism to be a disease... most of my 600+ posts promote socialism... i am sick and tired of asking you not to bring india... did i ever promote the political entity called india?? i have had more quarrels with indian members than with anyone one else.

Why are you talking about some Venezuelan?

that venezuelan did more for causes in the world ( incl. "arab world" ) than most people in the "arab world", especially saudis... so, please be respectful... that venezuelan is now sitting in a french jail... since about 18 years... and even the cia knows more about the "arab world" than you do.

What anniversary are you talking about? WW1?

reload page... i have corrected the year to 2017... you could not guess... russian revolution of 1917.

Yet I don't care about them but you support the mass-murderer of civilian and innocent Syrians that are killed by Al-Assad in the thousands. Understand once and for all that I support the Syrian people and most of them want BOTH the Al-Assad criminal gone and the ISIS retards and their likes.
Fact of the matter is that Gaddafi was a bloody dictator that murdered many civilians and opponents.

again, bbc... "gaddafi and assad are killing civilians, including women and children"...

by the way, assad and gaddafi are part of the "brotherly arab world", yes??

Haha, two of the first are dead

this is the respect you give to heroes??

while the other two are irrelevant. Don't know the later even.

vladimir putin is irrelevant?? it was maybe this russian who stopped world war 3 from starting in 2013 via nato air/land/sea invasion of syria...

He's a sophisticated troll, lol.

and you were the one who calling mods to take action against me because i did not want to fly on the magic carpet with hamas supporters...

I don't remember doing so. And if I did it would have been your trolling. You're the one saying 'the Ikhwan Hazzy needs to banned' and 'Send his info to SAA intelligence'. :rofl:

that word "troll" seems to be quite over-used on pdf... i have been called that by you, al-hasani and some indian members.

and i had actually said "i hope intel. from egypt, algeria and syria is tracking you via this forum"... i don't know where pdf servers are, but they should be at least watching pdf.

but, my friend, i really hope you are a even slightly changed person.

i think we should close this line of discussion on this thread.

that word "troll" seems to be quite over-used on pdf... i have been called that by you, al-hasani and some indian members.

and i had actually said "i hope intel. from egypt, algeria and syria is tracking you via this forum"... i don't know where pdf servers are, but they should be at least watching pdf.

but, my friend, i really hope you are a even slightly changed person.

i think we should close this line of discussion on this thread.

I have huge connections to Algeria and Syria. Even though I'm not pro-Assad myself, I know people who are close to his regime and they won't harm me. :D

None of them see me as a threat I can promise you that. :lol:

Are you really from Libya? Or live there?


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