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Lol me No !
Though In Pakistan some "Regions" have had more development then others. Any ways lets continue this on that thread.

Some regions have more 'development' than others because some 'people' are more intelligent & more hard-working than others ! :whistle:

So instead of complaining of bias - Get off your chubby butt & work ! :p:

Just Kidding ! :)

Punjab is better developed than Other Provinces not because we've got more Resources - We get the least amount of Resources Per Capita than any other Province - but because we've got better Governance !
Some regions have more 'development' than others because some 'people' are more intelligent & more hard-working than others ! :whistle:

So instead of complaining of bias - Get off your chubby butt & work ! :p:

Just Kidding ! :)

Punjab is better developed than Other Provinces not because we've got more Resources - We get the least amount of Resources Per Capita than any other Province - but because we've got better Governance !
Also because that government is happy with maintaining the Status quo situation
In which one province takes the brunt of it all while the major vote base remains happy and intact :)
Punjab got alot of development and help from other countries because of Pak's foreign policies(talking about the 80s) . That same foreign policy that has come to bite us in the *** today.
Punjab got alot of development and help from other countries because of Pak's foreign policies(talking about the 80s) . That same foreign policy that has come to bite us in the *** today.

Historically it has always been Karachi or Sind if you will that has received most development in the country. Even today, you will majority of Pakistan's Industries, trade, and investments there. Whether its the past or present, every politician, dictator has termed Karachi as 'Mini Pakistan'. While illiteracy rate has been poor in other cities, in Karachi, it is well beyond 80%. Similarly, Karachi has never witnessed load shedding

It is only today Punjab is receiving importance and that is because it has to do with better law and order.
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Trolling? I was quite serious and honest in my comments, as always.

I had a feeling that you were on a "secret mission" to get that thread locked :ph34r:

Belief , disrespect , religion ka bar bar zikr kernay ka maqsad in a thread related to history and archaeology ???? And when I myself don`t believe in wholesale rejection of hadith !! but i am sure u did not read that part . I agree with Iqbal that Hadith should not be a source of law (or at least a very strict criteria be followed ) @VCheng
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I had a feeling that you were on a "secret mission" to get that thread locked :ph34r:

Belief , disrespect , religion ka bar bar zikr kernay ka maqsad in a thread related to history and archaeology ???? And when I myself don`t believe in wholesale rejection of hadith !! but i am sure u did not read that part . I agree with Iqbal that Hadith should not be a source of law (or at least a very strict criteria be followed ) @VCheng

Not at all. Just as you have given yourself the right to pick and choose ahadith according to your beliefs, others have the same right to determine that for themselves. Tis a slippery slope that you tread!

I actually read all the posts in that thread. The one good point that you should make there is the the one you say above: Using any religious basis for making laws in a modern society is wrong.

So if there can be a valid and enforceable separation between religion and law, then all beliefs can be respected equally without any problems.
Not at all. Just as you have given yourself the right to pick and choose ahadith according to your beliefs, others have the same right to determine that for themselves. Tis a slippery slope that you tread!

I actually read all the posts in that thread. The one good point that you should make there is the the one you say above: Using any religious basis for making laws in a modern society is wrong.

So if there can be a valid and enforceable separation between religion and law, then all beliefs can be respected equally without any problems.

"No hadith as a source of law " , I wonder what you mean when you say "pick and choose"

And Hadith is mostly conjecture , it can be (and has been) proven easily

There is no comparison b/w Quran and Hadith , something you are not able to realize
I had a feeling that you were on a "secret mission" to get that thread locked :ph34r:

Belief , disrespect , religion ka bar bar zikr kernay ka maqsad in a thread related to history and archaeology ???? And when I myself don`t believe in wholesale rejection of hadith !! but i am sure u did not read that part . I agree with Iqbal that Hadith should not be a source of law (or at least a very strict criteria be followed ) @VCheng
Do you mean Allama Iqbal if yes which idiot told you he was agianst Hadees dumbo his lot of poetry is based on Hadees for example when he says Meeray Arab ko ai thandi hawa jahan say mera watan wo hi hay mera watan wo hi hay

"No hadith as a source of law " , I wonder what you mean when you say "pick and choose"

And Hadith is mostly conjecture , it can be (and has been) proven easily

There is no comparison b/w Quran and Hadith , something you are not able to realize
Mr Quran and Hadith are and will remain source of law for ever only 2 % Kharjis deny Hadees because they are nothing but enemies of RASOOL SAW like you are

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These were just some examples of how Satan controlled the books of hadiths and TRIED TO distort Islam. It is comforting to know that the TRUE believers have their Islam well protected and preserved when they follow the book that is protected by God Almighty, the QURAN. See 15:9 and 41:42
These examples show us why God called on His worshipers to follow no other hadiths but His hadiths, the Quran. See 45:6, 7:185, 77:50 and 31:6
It also shows to us why the messenger of God will complain to God on the Day of Judgment that the Muslims deserted the Quran (not the Hadiths and Sunna).

So you have finally realized that Hadith is conjecture !!!!

Kitni dafa kaha hai k copy paste maarnay se pehlay kam se kam ek dafa parh tou liya ker Abu Jahl

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