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Oooo pala bacha!!
No @SOHEIL i don't think so,instead it will strenghten our research work skills as well as descriptive skills,and help us to understand things more clearly.
Knowledge is something soheil which can benefits us anytime in our life,researching,designing models,writing articles are healthy hobbies which will enhance creativity in our personality,this is my personal experience,however if you still think,then as you wish.

That is why people of west are moving forward,and we are still backward,because we consider such hobbies as wastage of time,and that is which WIKIPEDIA is one of the greatest source of knowledge because it's contributors are not considering it as waste of time and energy.
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I read the thread listed below that you started, but when I decided to respond, it had unfortunately been closed.

Finding A Solution for Troubled ME Section. Suggestions&Discussions

I found it funny how users I have witnessed taking part in racism, denial of facts, believing refuted lies, & other idiocy are often found complaining on different threads, including that one. That applies to members from every ethnic group in that section, some more than others. Anyway, I think this is a good idea. If the moderators pick the member for promotion, there are multiple things they should consider. If the new moderator is to be from the Middle East then he or she must have a clean record, but that does not imply being neutral on every issue. Being neutral is impossible on certain issues, & what counts is the behavior of the individual during a discussion.

It would be great if there was a member fluent (read & write) in both Arabic & Farsi. Does such a person exist here? Some people want a Pakistani moderator, & that's fine, but in that case there need to be certain rules in place. Enforce English as the language of discussion without any backbiting in regional languages. Resolve certain issues like the naming controversy of the Persian Gulf once & for all. I would recommend enforcing the name the UN uses if people can't settle for neutral terms like "gulf". Furthermore, pick someone that has a degree of knowledge regarding the Middle East, this includes knowledge about the Arab world & Iran.

Alright so I read that this idea isn't going to be implemented, but if that changes at some point in the future, these suggestions should be useful.

I read the thread listed below that you started, but when I decided to respond, it had unfortunately been closed.

Finding A Solution for Troubled ME Section. Suggestions&Discussions

I found it funny how users I have witnessed taking part in racism, denial of facts, believing refuted lies, & other idiocy are often found complaining on different threads, including that one. That applies to members from every ethnic group in that section, some more than others. Anyway, I think this is a good idea. If the moderators pick the member for promotion, there are multiple things they should consider. If the new moderator is to be from the Middle East then he or she must have a clean record, but that does not imply being neutral on every issue. Being neutral is impossible on certain issues, & what counts is the behavior of the individual during a discussion.

It would be great if there was a member fluent (read & write) in both Arabic & Farsi. Does such a person exist here? Some people want a Pakistani moderator, & that's fine, but in that case there need to be certain rules in place. Enforce English as the language of discussion without any backbiting in regional languages. Resolve certain issues like the naming controversy of the Persian Gulf once & for all. I would recommend enforcing the name the UN uses if people can't settle for neutral terms like "gulf". Furthermore, pick someone that has a degree of knowledge regarding the Middle East, this includes knowledge about the Arab world & Iran.

Alright so I read that this idea isn't going to be implemented, but if that changes at some point in the future, these suggestions should be useful.

Thanks for the suggestions.

ME Section seriously needs moderation which is not available at the moment. Many of the users welcomed the as well as two mods. This issue will be bring forth at the future again.
Thanks for the suggestions.

ME Section seriously needs moderation which is not available at the moment. Many of the users welcomed the as well as two mods. This issue will be bring forth at the future again.

No problem, I think what that section essentially needs at the moment is a quicker response from current moderators if a new one isn't chosen for now.



How are you? I haven't seen you in quite a while, so welcome back.
Thank you for the welcome....yea I was travelling abit and not very happy with my new post but will have to do with it....Waiting to travel again for Christmas and next year seems like its gonna be a travelling year...

Haha! Enjoy your travels! Personally, I don't enjoy travelling too frequently.

I have had a hectic year myself, & I still need to deal with some issues with my family regarding my work & studies. Hopefully, all those will be resolved this month. InshaAllah!

Take care!
Meh.... I was 10x cuter when I was a kid.
huh...face deka hy mirror mi kabi

Haha! Enjoy your travels! Personally, I don't enjoy travelling too frequently.

I have had a hectic year myself, & I still need to deal with some issues with my family regarding my work & studies. Hopefully, all those will be resolved this month. InshaAllah!

Take care!
u often say dat:undecided: kia family ny ghur sy nukal diya hy:lol:
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