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What answer did Siri give you?

Who is the Prime Minister of Pakistan?

Last time she said it's Raja Parvez Ashraf :)

Nawaz Sharif....without asking me to repeat the question.:-)
Siri loves to pull pranks on you i suppose:p:

Really nice comparison of Siri vs S Voice of Galaxy S4. Siri not surprisingly wins...

But I would say... Siri has more technical data - whereas S Voice provides up to date information
Nawaz Sharif....without asking me to repeat the question.:-)
Siri loves to pull pranks on you i suppose:p:
hmm that means they have updated their servers

Yeah too much workload I guess

I think Apple mostly stores the information on their servers whereas S Voice is directly integrated with Google. So bigger job for Apple to do (but more interesting too perhaps)
Phoenix my friend,

Samsung Galaxy had a S Voice already but they used to call it something else. It used to work just like Siri and is still there in both S2, S3 and S4. What I am saying is... Samsung already had a voice command system similar to Siri but Apple tried to take full credit of it claiming as it was a fresh invention.

I am not sure about the current status of antique handsets of Apple but I do remember just few weeks ago I borrowed my sister's iPhone 4s to test apple's new features after she had upgraded to IOS 7 and I was thoroughly disappointed as always.

I asked a simple question... Who is the Prime Minister of Pakistan and it failed to give an answer (sorry i don't understand or something like that)... so I repeated the question again and the siri replied "The Prime Minister of Pakistan is Raja Parvez Ashraf" alongside his biography

I asked the same question to Samsung Galaxy S3 on my brother's device and what it replied instantly is "The Prime Minister of Pakistan is Nawaz Sharif".

I leave the decision to you about who gave correct information and who is more up to date

Actually bro, I just checked & it turns out that both of us were correct. The Galaxy S2 does have a personal assistant but it's the Vlingo application that incidentally is what S Voice was based off. Vlingo was available for iOS as well, I am not sure if it's there in the App Store anymore. Apple's Siri felt a bit more interactive than Vlingo in my personal opinion, but Google Now is great too. I don't like S Voice that much in comparison to Google Now or Siri. Yeah, Siri gave me the correct answer to that question. In your case, it must have had some thing to do with Apple's servers.

By the way, check out this old iPhone Siri parody. :rofl:

in addition to my last post

Yes Apple has improved a lot after copying stuff from Android and iOS 7 looks promising and my last post's test was only based on Siri/S voice both must be good in their respective regions but since Google is universal, hence it does have the capability to answer many more questions in my opinion.

iOS indeed is promising but I am only talking about Siri's answering ability vs S Voice. Although I am sure such mistake won't have happened if I had asked questions about USA or maps etc

I think both iOS 7 & stock Android have evolved to be unique but similar although iOS needs some work, & Android has its own issues. Apple's developers have done a good job in removing all of the skeuomorphism. However, they do need to improve some of the icons. The new multitasking pane has been inspired by WebOS. The control center is cool as well, & the closest to that on Android is 4.3's drop down settings toggles. I agree that Apple needs to update Siri's database on time to avoid incorrect answers as in the case of what happened to you.

Personally, I haven't received a wrong answer from Siri, Google Now, or S Voice, but then again I don't use them much unless I am bored or just in the mood to complete tasks with voice commands. :lol:

Anyway, I need to catch up with some of my studies over the weekend so I don't think I can create the "iOS vs Android vs BlackBerry 10 vs Windows 8/Phone 8" thread anytime soon or at least this weekend.


I had forgotten to add this to my previous post.Well the only real issue that i had with my iPhone4s was the disappearing act of my notes.The first time it happened to me,i thought i must have deleted them by mistake.2nd time again i ignored it.
By 3rd time i googled for a solution and now i store my notes in Gmail.
Other than this issue my iPhone and its Siri have been very obedient towards me.:-)

Actually bro, I just checked & it turns out that both of us were correct. The Galaxy S2 does have a personal assistant but it's the Vlingo application that incidentally is what S Voice was based off. Vlingo was available for iOS as well, I am not sure if it's there in the App Store anymore. Apple's Siri felt a bit more interactive than Vlingo in my personal opinion, but Google Now is great too. I don't like S Voice that much in comparison to Google Now or Siri. Yeah, Siri gave me the correct answer to that question. In your case, it must have had some thing to do with Apple's servers.
Yeah Apple must have updated now.

Anyways... and it's not vlingo yaar..

I was basically talking about Samsung Voice Talk. Galaxy S2 was launched in May 2011?

Siri was launched in October 2011 and Galaxy S2 had similar feature (although not as advanced as it is in 2013 for both Siri and Galaxy S4 personal assistant)

The Samsung Galaxy S2 Voice Talk is powered by Vlingo, that application was & might still be available for iOS. Later on, Vlingo provided the foundations for Samsung's S Voice.

Siri came after Vlingo, but it's primary competitors remain Google Now, S Voice, & Microsoft's Cortana.

Samsung Galaxy S II and Vlingo's Voice Talk: a match made in customer hell

Microsoft's 'Cortana' is like Siri for Windows Phone

Anyways it was nice talking to you

and focus on studies now :D

Haha! Yeah, I am going to start revising in a while. It was nice talking to you to bro.

I had forgotten to add this to my previous post.Well the only real issue that i had with my iPhone4s was the disappearing act of my notes.The first time it happened to me,i thought i must have deleted them by mistake.2nd time again i ignored it.
By 3rd time i googled for a solution and now i store my notes in Gmail.
Other than this issue my iPhone and its Siri have been very obedient towards me.:-)

I just searched for this issue on Google & came across this thread.

Why do Notes disappear from my phone? - Apple Support Communities

I am not sure, but that might have something to do with it.
No, I am going to a play a game for an hour. :partay: Besides, it's the weekend, although I do need to go to work today but just for a few hours.

no lets play a trivia game here like tell me who were vegez n who were non vegez among Aryan n Greeks as u kno abt them alot:enjoy:

why just 4 few hours tody? is sat half day there nw?:oops:
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