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LoL !!

@Awesome paah G, what does that gray heart represent?:D
So, that's why @hinduguy keeps thanking me all the time? :lol:....dude stop it.
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@Roybot @xdrive, is it possible to report people from this forum who live in AUS and who support terrorism?

Would you call the cops or ASIO?
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@Roybot @xdrive, is it possible to report people from this forum who live in AUS and who support terrorism?

Would you call the cops or ASIO?

Who else is from Aussie besides u three and a moderator?

If there is such a person report to off management too
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There's quite a few. Is "written support" of killing civilians punishable?

Depends on the context of the post... But mostly from warning to infraction to the maximum penalty of ban as per forum rules.. we are not responsible for what he does outside the forum
@Roybot @xdrive, is it possible to report people from this forum who live in AUS and who support terrorism?

Would you call the cops or ASIO?

Yes, it is but i think it's only worth it if they are advocating and supporting terrorism in Australia. All you need to do is ring the National Security Hotline and give them the exact link to the post and explain to them what the content of the post is and that the member says they are from Australia.(The person might be flying false flags)

All reports to the hotline are investigated. I wouldn't be surprised if intelligence agencies are already monitoring this forum.

Phone call is the way to go, you can remain anonymous.

There's quite a few. Is "written support" of killing civilians punishable?

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Yes, it is but i think it's only worth it if they are advocating and supporting terrorism in Australia. All you need to do is ring the National Security Hotline and give them the exact link to the post and explain to them what the content of the post is and that the member says they are from Australia.(The person might be flying false flags)

All reports to the hotline are investigated. I wouldn't be surprised if intelligence agencies are already monitoring this forum.

Phone call is the way to go, you can remain anonymous.


Thanks X so its not really worth it if they support terrorism happening in the levant?
@Roybot why'd you get banned anyway:p? I asked in general HQ but they wouldn't really tell me.
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@Aeronaut just finished watching the snow leopard thing,it was ok, seen something similar before.

Now to watch Foxtel.
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Most likely at BBC!

Not a lot of warm blooded animals can survive on that altitude of 7000+ meters. ;)
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