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Am afraid Astrology is not science. If am not mistaken, according to Psychology, Astrology is considered as Psuedopsychology. Below is a scanned image from my Psychology text book (tho I dropped the course:P). It would be more effecient for you guys to read directly from my text book instead of me type it out. so here we go...


Well a couple of observations,

1. I was talking about the Vedic astrology and this article is talking about Western astrology, there is a clear difference between them. Vedic is supposed to be more accurate.

2. This article is commenting on inefficiency of the astrologers and no where its debunking Astrology. As I have pointed out earlier, most of the astrologers are after your money, they have not understood this science in totality, they have learnt a little and then they want to predict for you to get money. No offence, but say SURB here is a first yr medical student. If he operates on you then what are the chances of success rate? Does that mean Medical science failed? Vedic astrology is a HUGE field, even the most acclaimed astrologers I have met have only explored at max 40% of it. Its their limitation.

3. Most commercial astrologers that I have seen, have not even understood one basic concept of astrology. They say like most novices out there that stars and constellations control and determine our lives, while in the Astrology books its clearly mentioned that they dont, they just signify the time line. They are like the hands of the clock and you know hands of the clock does not determine anything on their own. Time is a completely different thing than a clock or the hands.

4. This article describes about the daily horoscopes printed on the newspaper. Well they are nothing more than jokes. They are mostly based on western astrology and very broad in nature, they are printed just to motivate the common people to go through the day ;)

5. Again, its talking about acceptance, I do agree. Most commercial astrologers wont tell you your negative traits, because they want to make you feel happy and want your money again. I once told one of my friend ( girl) that she is a ****** and she must be cheating on her husband. And she just was awestruck and pleaded me not to make this public, Well I have not disclosed it to anyone and wont it either. Now how many astrologers will predict such things and speak out?

Well, Xebex I have a strong reason why I think its fail proof if done by real experts. I would suggest you to read some basic books ( i can send you e-books if you want) and find for yourself.

BTW, excellent article and I enjoyed reading this. Can you PM me some good basic psychology books, I would love to read them in me leisure.

what confidence is he talking about? :lol:

he still get thrashed as usual :lol:

Well previously when he used to get thrashed he used to feel bad. But now when he gets thrashed with his renewed confidence he can still keep smiling ;)

by the way on of your earlier posts you mentioned about the vedic astrology. how exactly does this thing work? is it some sort of science / math or what?

I just wrote a reply to xebex's post. That would give you some idea, if you still need more info then I would love to give them. post here or PM me.
He posts at an average of 150 posts a day.... one can very much imagine his fate...lol.... poor chap... Iam not surprised....

Seriously, someone needs a lot of knowledge and energy to be able to post that much. In first two days he crossed 500 posts. And he told that he has a regular job too :D
Congrats LCA Tejas for becoming a senior member.

Welcome to the Club.
Hey long time no talk....how did your mission...i mean business trip go?

Well as you know, my this mission target was not a sitting duck, with all the security all around. i had to stalk for a week to get through the security and finally objectives accomplished :D

Relaxing before i am called for duty again.
Hello wow Russki is finally back

I think i am little bit late, looks like you enjoyed this thread when i was sleeping
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