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What ya eating?

Mutton Karahi cooked in desi ghee & butter plus the silkiest smoothest mutton hareesa I've ever had. :flame::wub:

Technically not eating, but I am ingesting Starbucks blonde roast iced coffee.
Vol-au-vents stuffed with diced chicken & mushrooms in alfredo sauce.♥️
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angrez ki aulad


I felt like some kebabs and biriyani today, Indians in India here @Paitoo etc.. you guys should srsly check out Biriyani by Kilo if you haven't already.

got me some melt in your mouth mutton galauti kebabs with rumalis, and of course some biriyani (Lucknowi chicken this time), delish and super proper.. they cook and serve it in a dum pot (aand you get a silly gimmicky stand with some diyas to keep it warm but its just a gimmick, don't really work) .. raita and salan on the side.. good stuff.

Breakfast: 3 fried eggs, 3 pieces of Peanut butter toast and a glass of milk + a Banana

Pre-Lunch: Cup of overnight oats with honey and strawberries

Lunch: 3 Baked Potatoes, with Beans, Cheese, Mackerel, Butter and sweetcorn. Salad on the side + an Apple

Mid afternoon: Protein Shake + an orange

Dinner: Whatever daal/Curry my mom makes, with 5 Rotis. + some cuttings of fennel

I only drink water, Milk and Protein Shake. No other drinks.
The above diet comes to a slight excess of 5000 Calories

TL DR: I weightlift, Run long distance, Play airsoft, go cycling on a daily basis and would not be able to gain muscle mass if I ate anything less than the above. Just to clarify, I only cycle on a daily basis- Not all of the above activites lol
angrez ki aulad


I felt like some kebabs and biriyani today, Indians in India here @Paitoo etc.. you guys should srsly check out Biriyani by Kilo if you haven't already.

got me some melt in your mouth mutton galauti kebabs with rumalis, and of course some biriyani (Lucknowi chicken this time), delish and super proper.. they cook and serve it in a dum pot (aand you get a silly gimmicky stand with some diyas to keep it warm but its just a gimmick, don't really work) .. raita and salan on the side.. good stuff.

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Biryani by kilo is my favorite.... but since I and my family strictly vegetarian we have only tasted Vegetarian Biryani and an awesome jackfruit (kathal biriyani) Biryani...... really delicious...... must try.....

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