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What would you like to have in the JF-17

The policy which Musharraf made of taking U turn and becoming USA ally and betraying own people gave birth to TTP and we have lost 90000 people in it. Policies of Musharraf were not only in contradiction with Islam but damaged both our Army and Pakistan. TTP is a monster now which has to be eliminated but this Monster didn't existed before Musharraf decided to send troops in tribal areas and bomb them. His policies resulted in birth of TTP and most bloody phase of Pakistan's history. We have lost 90000 and war is still not over. I have relatives in Army and Musharraf is most hated figure. Imran Khan also warned Musharraf of this but he was to arrogant to listen. Also if you hear former CIA guys even they would tell you Musharraf did things that even USA never demanded one of them was sending troops in tribal areas. I love Pakistan Armed Forces and Pakistan but I would point out where they will go wrong. @Peaceful Civilian When seculars and liberals talk or propagate against me I feel really happy and proud. @FunkyGen

Look why dont you understand what Pak army did. Alas if those simpleton tribals understood back then as well that Sending Army to Tribal areas was ploy by Musharraf. A masterful scheme so that it can shown world that we are doing out part in fighting the terror as well supporting afghan taliban/haqqani group concurrently and secretly. Just like what happened at Sulha huddabiyaa. There was a reason Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) didnt started all out war because muslim were weak at that point. They were secretly trying to help the tribals who were against the Kuffars of Makkah.

Because when you are in position of weakness, you have to pull such kind of deceits and schemes. Dont you understand that if we hadnot send the army in tribal areas, would we had be able to support Haqqani and Afghan taliban ? No But those agents of Afghanis/RAW started creating mess and build TTP to fight wars against Pakistan Without ever acknowledging how Pakistan army is helping Afghan taliban or Haqqani.

That is problem with people with pea size brains they dont see the big picture ! and wants to fight elephant while being an ant or housefly. No you dont fcuk with elephant head on !

I dont want to talk about Imran khan. He has brain and common sense of 12 year old petulant child. He can not think shrewdly and intelligently most of the time !
Look why dont you understand what Pak army did. Alas if those simpleton tribals understood back then as well that Sending Army to Tribal areas was ploy by Musharraf. A masterful scheme so that it can shown world that we are doing out part in fighting the terror as well supporting afghan taliban/haqqani group concurrently and secretly. Just like what happened at Sulha huddabiyaa. There was a reason Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) didnt started all out war because muslim were weak at that point. They were secretly trying to help the tribals who were against the Kuffars of Makkah.

Because when you are in position of weakness, you have to pull such kind of deceits and schemes. Dont you understand that if we hadnot send the army in tribal areas, would we had be able to support Haqqani and Afghan taliban ? No But those agents of Afghanis/RAW started creating mess and build TTP to fight wars against Pakistan Without ever acknowledging how Pakistan army is helping Afghan taliban or Haqqani.

That is problem with people with pea size brains they dont see the big picture ! and wants to fight elephant while being an ant or housefly. No you dont fcuk with elephant head on !

I dont want to talk about Imran khan. He has brain and common sense of 12 year old petulant child. He can not think shrewdly and intelligently most of the time !
India in past 65 years hasn't used Air Force in Kashmir. Musharraf from day one send Air Force. In name of getting 100 Al Qaeda guys we kept bombing that region for 3 years and also allowed USA to do same which gave birth to monster TTP. If you look at lives of most TTP commanders who have now become symbols of terror and brutality had normal lives before 2003. Someone was lift operator someone was driver and someone was a shopkeeper. Sir remaining in denial is not helping.Even today Army before sending IDPs back to their areas is taking oath from each tribe that they won't protect or hide TTP or militant commanders but still your Army is not trusting those Oath because the moment Tribals return to their areas their are reports that many TTP leaders were seen in that area freely moving among tribals. Even after 13 years of war and loosing 90000 people we are facing this with our own people. Which is tragic and heart breaking.
Bratva, Musharraf also ised suleiy hudaibiya as a reference and it was incorrect. Muslims were becoming much stronger amd the Makkans asked for these terms. While they were more favorable to Makkah the tide had already turned against them and they knew it. That frame of reference doesnt apply. Musharraf operated from a position of weakness and subservience. That was not the case at hudaibiya.
according to my low knowledge i would like to suggest that B3 should high and enlargement of air frame such as F16 and F2 of Japan.
The policy which Musharraf made of taking U turn and becoming USA ally and betraying own people gave birth to TTP and we have lost 90000 people in it. Policies of Musharraf were not only in contradiction with Islam but damaged both our Army and Pakistan. TTP is a monster now which has to be eliminated but this Monster didn't existed before Musharraf decided to send troops in tribal areas and bomb them. His policies resulted in birth of TTP and most bloody phase of Pakistan's history. We have lost 90000 and war is still not over. I have relatives in Army and Musharraf is most hated figure. Imran Khan also warned Musharraf of this but he was to arrogant to listen. Also if you hear former CIA guys even they would tell you Musharraf did things that even USA never demanded one of them was sending troops in tribal areas. I love Pakistan Armed Forces and Pakistan but I would point out where they will go wrong. @Peaceful Civilian When seculars and liberals talk or propagate against me I feel really happy and proud. @FunkyGen


No---Musharraf did not betray pakistan----. We lost 90000 people because of the likes of those who have no respect for pakistan and no ideology of pakistan first.

The U S did not have to demand---because it was a part of their plan to ' unsettle ' tribal areas---.

Pakistani armed forces went wrong when they at first did not execute Osama Bion Laden in afghanistan---and then did not kill him at Tora Bora and did not kiil all the escaping terrs from afghanistan at that time---.

That is indeed their blunder---but for that---pakistani civilians need to be blamed more---because they were more ignorant---.
So its a matter of intellectual rights ? lols

Yessir---many a battles have been fought over the appropriate size of the JF17---and many a posters been bloodied over the years---.

So---it is a matter that cannot be taken lightly----as it had been and has been the core of discussions lately.:cheers:

No---Musharraf did not betray pakistan----. We lost 90000 people because of the likes of those who have no respect for pakistan and no ideology of pakistan first.

The U S did not have to demand---because it was a part of their plan to ' unsettle ' tribal areas---.

Pakistani armed forces went wrong when they at first did not execute Osama Bion Laden in afghanistan---and then did not kill him at Tora Bora and did not kiil all the escaping terrs from afghanistan at that time---.

That is indeed their blunder---but for that---pakistani civilians need to be blamed more---because they were more ignorant---.
Well that can be debated by the way Air Chief is visiting Russia by this months end
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