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What would have happened if Germany and Russia fought World War 2 as allies


Apr 5, 2013
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United States
“If, against all expectation, Germany finds itself in a difficult situation then she can be sure that the Soviet people will come to Germany's aid and will not allow Germany to be strangled. The Soviet Union wants to see a strong Germany and we will not allow Germany to be thrown to the ground.”
- Joseph Stalin, 1939

As per The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, 1939


German Foreign Minister Joachim Von Ribbentrop (left), Joseph Stalin (center), and his foreign minister, Vyacheslav Molotov (right), in the Kremlin on August 23, 1939.


German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact

German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact (Germany-Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [1939]) -- Encyclopedia Britannica

Stalin's pact with Hitler

WWII Behind Closed Doors: Stalin, the Nazis and the West . Episode 1 . Stalin's Pact with Hitler | PBS

Though Hitler defied the pact and attacked Soviet Union, thus triggering the largest and bloodiest war in the History of mankind but it's said that in the background it was a game played by the British.

When Winston Churchill formed his wartime coalition government in 1940 he appointed Sir Stafford Cripps Ambassador to the Soviet Union in the view that Cripps, who had Marxist sympathies, could negotiate with Joseph Stalin who was at this time allied with Nazi Germany through the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. When Hitler attacked the Soviet Union in June 1941, Cripps became a key figure in forging an alliance between the western powers and the Soviet Union.
In 1942 Cripps returned to Britain and made a broadcast about the Soviet war effort. The popular response was phenomenal, and Cripps rapidly became one of the most popular politicians in the country, despite having no party backing. He was appointed a member of the War Cabinet, with the jobs of Lord Privy Seal and Leader of the House of Commons, and was considered for a short period after his return from Moscow as a rival to Churchill in his hold on the country.

Sir Stafford Cripps


British were clever........ They made such a war propaganda that even the 2 Super Powers got fooled. Both the Soviets and Germans were expecting of an imminent attack from the other, due to this incessant propaganda which ultimately paid off.

It was just a matter of time for the attack to take place and could have been done by anyone. And then Hitler took the initiative and attacked Soviet Union, the largest landmass of the world and this is how the largest and bloodiest war of human history triggered.
“If, against all expectation, Germany finds itself in a difficult situation then she can be sure that the Soviet people will come to Germany's aid and will not allow Germany to be strangled. The Soviet Union wants to see a strong Germany and we will not allow Germany to be thrown to the ground.”
- Joseph Stalin, 1939

As per The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, 1939


German Foreign Minister Joachim Von Ribbentrop (left), Joseph Stalin (center), and his foreign minister, Vyacheslav Molotov (right), in the Kremlin on August 23, 1939.


German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact

German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact (Germany-Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [1939]) -- Encyclopedia Britannica

Stalin's pact with Hitler

WWII Behind Closed Doors: Stalin, the Nazis and the West . Episode 1 . Stalin's Pact with Hitler | PBS

Though Hitler defied the pact and attacked Soviet Union, thus triggering the largest and bloodiest war in the History of mankind but it's said that in the background it was a game played by the British.

When Winston Churchill formed his wartime coalition government in 1940 he appointed Sir Stafford Cripps Ambassador to the Soviet Union in the view that Cripps, who had Marxist sympathies, could negotiate with Joseph Stalin who was at this time allied with Nazi Germany through the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. When Hitler attacked the Soviet Union in June 1941, Cripps became a key figure in forging an alliance between the western powers and the Soviet Union.
In 1942 Cripps returned to Britain and made a broadcast about the Soviet war effort. The popular response was phenomenal, and Cripps rapidly became one of the most popular politicians in the country, despite having no party backing. He was appointed a member of the War Cabinet, with the jobs of Lord Privy Seal and Leader of the House of Commons, and was considered for a short period after his return from Moscow as a rival to Churchill in his hold on the country.

Sir Stafford Cripps


if Russia, Germany and Japan were in same side, Western would be wiped out, history would change and result would be totally opposite.
if Russia, Germany and Japan were in same side, Western would be wiped out, history would change and result would be totally opposite.

How extremely powerful the two armies were.......... you may get some idea, if you see this video documentary......

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The premise is ridiculous.

Hitler's main enemy was the Soviet Union. He only invaded Western Europe because England and France declared war on him.

Not sure what the OP intended to find out.

Who would win between: USA, UK and China vs Germany, Soviet Union, Japan and Italy?
How extremely powerful the two armies were.......... you may get some idea, if you see this video documentary......

i know what Russia was that time, heavy wave of tanks was famous technique of Russia, outnumber and overrun was key method.

The premise is ridiculous.

Hitler's main enemy was the Soviet Union. He only invaded Western Europe because England and France declared war on him.

Not sure what the OP intended to find out.

Who would win between: USA, UK and China vs Germany, Soviet Union, Japan and Italy?

china was nothing that time just like Indian sub continent.
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man,you've posted the Battle of Kursk,the largest tank battles ever fought..but you know what???The war was over for germany before that..it was not much of Russian Army,but Hitlers whimsical policies that inflicted more damage to German Army..also,the game changing war equipment came into later part of the war..by then,war was over for Germany..
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The premise is ridiculous.

Hitler's main enemy was the Soviet Union. He only invaded Western Europe because England and France declared war on him.

Not sure what the OP intended to find out.

Who would win between: USA, UK and China vs Germany, Soviet Union, Japan and Italy?

How would you conclude that Hitler's main enemy was the Soviet's. Is it only because they ultimately fought the war ?
The premise is ridiculous.

Hitler's main enemy was the Soviet Union. He only invaded Western Europe because England and France declared war on him.

Not sure what the OP intended to find out.

Who would win between: USA, UK and China vs Germany, Soviet Union, Japan and Italy?

UK's performance during WW II..joke..they were fighting for survival...if Battle of Britain was won by Germany,or most precisely,if Luftwaffe actually concentrated on military targets than civilian targets,Germany would've won long ago and then Germany would mount impending invasion..

China..same thing..they couldn't handle Japan properly even when Japanese Army was stretched out and loosing in the hand of UK and Asia..

Allied's performance in WW II was USA's one man show..they didn't have best soldiers or best weapons..but they had giant industrial power and their country remained intact from the devastation of the war..

man,you've posted the Battle of Kursk,the largest tank battles ever fought..but you know what???The war was over for germany before that..it was not much of Russian Army,but Hitlers whimsical policies that inflicted more damage to German Army..also,the game changing war equipment came into later part of the war..by then,war was over for Germany..

It was the last assault by Hitler in full force to re establish Nazi positions in the East.
It's true that the Greatest blunder Hitler did in Stalingrad. One after other strategic mistakes. Basically I think, Hitler's greatest blunder was his attack on Soviet Russia.

Any other country in this World would have fallen like a pack of cards in front of the mighty Germany, during that time but the only exception was the Soviets.
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UK's performance during WW II..joke..they were fighting for survival...if Battle of Britain was won by Germany,or most precisely,if Luftwaffe actually concentrated on military targets than civilian targets,Germany would've won long ago and then Germany would mount impending invasion..

China..same thing..they couldn't handle Japan properly even when Japanese Army was stretched out and loosing in the hand of UK and Asia..

Allied's performance in WW II was USA's one man show..they didn't have best soldiers or best weapons..but they had giant industrial power and their country remained intact from the devastation of the war..

From where did China come ? :undecided:

China was nothing then. It can be said that China was under Japanese occupation during that time.
It was the last assault by Hitler in full force to re establish Nazi positions in the East.
It's true that the Greatest blunder Hitler did in Stalingrad. One after other strategic mistakes. Basically I think, Hitler's greatest blunder was his attack on Soviet Russia.

Any other country in this World would have fallen like a pack of cards in front of the mighty Germany, during that time but the only exception was the Soviets.

one of the main reason of defeat in Russia is tactics..Blitzkrieg couldn't work in Russia,cause here,flanking isn't a matter of KMs..here,battle lines were stretched hundreds of kms..so,as Blitzkrieg couldn't work,Germany bogged down to the same kind of "Trench Warfare" mentality of WW 1 and brute force..the result they got is expected..you can't attack a massive country with half a billion people with a huge army and capture it without huge losses..especially when the demography is extremely tricky and harsh..
one of the main reason of defeat in Russia is tactics..Blitzkrieg couldn't work in Russia,cause here,flanking isn't a matter of KMs..here,battle lines were stretched hundreds of kms..so,as Blitzkrieg couldn't work,Germany bogged down to the same kind of "Trench Warfare" mentality of WW 1 and brute force..the result they got is expected..you can't attack a massive country with half a billion people with a huge army and capture it without huge losses..especially when the demography is extremely tricky and harsh..

Moreover Russian winter played a big part! Due to over obsession on Russia(more so Stalingrad Obsession), Hitler even started losing the North African fronts.
There are a lot of ifs......even if Hitler had gone against USSR he could have won if he were not an anti-semite.....He would have the A-Bomb by '40....many Jewish physicists(who helped with the Manhattan project) were German....If Hitler could stretch the war by a year or so they could initiate the space age and have spy satellites over USSR and USA....The Nazis could have developed the Horten-Ho or develop longer range V2s and bomb the US.
There are a lot of ifs......even if Hitler had gone against USSR he could have won if he were not an anti-semite.....He would have the A-Bomb by '40....many Jewish physicists(who helped with the Manhattan project) were German....If Hitler could stretch the war by a year or so they could initiate the space age and have spy satellites over USSR and USA....The Nazis could have developed the Horten-Ho or develop longer range V2s and bomb the US.

the thing is that,Germany already had A-bomb which they tested at Norway coast..most probably,they developed even before USA,but never used it..and as for bombing USA,Germany had plans to use present V-2 from U-boats to USA,something like crude SLBM type thing..don't know about Spy Sats though,which came much later periods..
the thing is that,Germany already had A-bomb which they tested at Norway coast..most probably,they developed even before USA,but never used it..and as for bombing USA,Germany had plans to use present V-2 from U-boats to USA,something like crude SLBM type thing..don't know about Spy Sats though,which came much later periods..

I never heard of it.Can you give me few details more please? The heavy water treatment plant in Vemork was destroyed by the Norwegian resistance forces led by Joachim Ronneberg and 70th anniversary of this extraordinary raid was celebrated just few months back.

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