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What will Pakistan be like in the next 30 years?

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According to my own opinion Pakistan will have great development in
ammnution.weapons. and also in nuclear sectors.

This is a nation whom have been choosen in muslim state
a nation of muslim who will have the best weapons and army in the world and they will fight with a nation in which they will gain victory.
because Pakistan has been already choosen.
What will be our new per capita income when the new population level is taken into account?
The author's concerns are genuine .......... that ugly plastic is making Pakistan look ugly everywhere.

Population control is non existent .......... well somehow the nature will have to intervene in that area too, and I think it is .......... I have witnessed a rise in "C" section deliveries ...... once its C the chances of that reversing back to normal are minimal ...... and with multiple C sections the chances of risking mother's life are higher. If you ask me condoms are cheaper than the procedure ............ don't worry its same in principle as having a wet dream .... no life is getting killed.
Keep converting agricultural land into housing schemes and motorways and a day will come when we will be dependent on others for our food requirement. Ecological balance is essential.

Also there is prediction in next 20 years or so South East asia will be more Humid and face drought like situations repeatedly. Imagine what we gifting to our next generation
Keep converting agricultural land into housing schemes and motorways and a day will come when we will be dependent on others for our food requirement. Ecological balance is essential.
Who "Others" sir?
I am not sure what other region would be meeting world's growing food demand. I think at that time, everyone will be sort of running short on such commodities!
May be people will be living on multi-Vitamins tablets at that time. :D We might never know.
Education can't stop population growth!
Its a cultural thing... its same phenomenon all around the ME.
Only matter of concern is that our public have failed to understand, that politicians are not the right bet.
We need to fix our basics and come up with radicalized plan. for this we need professionals, experience, quality protocols.
Put women to some work, instead of watching Indian tv. Automatically their will be population control.
We need to build Kalabagh dam and irrigate new lands. Alternate energy should be our focus.
We need to work on, how to organize this increased population. Ho to bring them in streets, how to provide space for their living.
Alas all they could think of is underpass and metro.
If the life offers you lemons you have two choices either rub them on your wounds or make a lemonade...enough said
Does it matter? India exist and 60% of you still have to use railway tracks to release turd.
And that turd flows downhill through the rivers in the land of the pure.... And in land of the pure uses the same water for drinking.

In 30 years if Pakistan continued to look for the godfather to counter India, I am sure it will be another patsy in the making this time for China just like the way they were for Americans.

With no stable government, unless they find good leaders, all hopes of growth and development are hopes. When leaders continue to amass the wealth oversees there is a very low chance of growth.

Pakistan can become a important player but all will depend on its leadership (which they currently do not have) and their foreign policy (which is always in need for a godfather)
And that turd flows downhill through the rivers in the land of the pure.... And in land of the pure uses the same water for drinking.

In 30 years if Pakistan continued to look for the godfather to counter India, I am sure it will be another patsy in the making this time for China just like the way they were for Americans.

With no stable government, unless they find good leaders, all hopes of growth and development are hopes. When leaders continue to amass the wealth oversees there is a very low chance of growth.

Pakistan can become a important player but all will depend on its leadership (which they currently do not have) and their foreign policy (which is always in need for a godfather)

Meanwhile in 30 years even railway tracks will not be enough for Indians to release turd.
Meray piyaray bhai, you worry too much......... who knows what will happen in 50 years time........ what calamity will strike the human race, which war will break out etcetra etcettttraaa......... there is only ONE master of destiny......... so what we can do till then is populate our little corner of the world with HIS blessings! :D

What I do know is, we are not overpopulated and vastness of this land can sustain a population three to four time what we are.... what happens after that? well, let's leave the future to Allah SWT, master of Universes.

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