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What will Pakistan be like in the next 30 years?

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Probably the vision of a hollywood dystopia, filled with draught, lynchings for food with mini landlords/warlords holding areas while the population continues to devastate in squalor. More and more a security authoritarian state with severe disparity in application of law focusing on heavy religiosity for the poor and middle(dwindling) class and a sin city openness for the elite. Food is scarce and ponzi schemes upon ponzi schemes of food stamps that help more and more squeezed urban masses. Karachi is now two cities with checkposts and bridges separating the elite areas of the city in the Southwest from the gradual urban slums of the East. Middle classes are moving more and more into the suburbs as they try to survive from increasing taxes along with ridiculous inflation.
Lahore is practically unlivable without a face mask as pollution & overpopulation stress the city's food and water supply along with increasing extremism that has turned most of the city intolerant of the arts. Peshawar is a dustbowl with deadly diseases breaking out due to mosques preaching against medicine& vaccines. , Quetta a fort and Gwadar a Chinese city. Terror attacks within the cities have reduced but crime has gone through the roof as muggings are more common than car accidents.

FATA and the border regions of Afghanistan are now a meat grinding warzone with "shaheeds" everyday and stories of heroism against ISIS-K against whatever is left of a broken Afghanistan. The Taliban control the entire South of Afghanistan which has reduced the baloch militancy to all but social media posts, but it is on social media where tons of fake paid& bot accounts wage an online insurgency with Balochi, Sindhi, Seraiki,Hindko, Gilgit&Baltistan, Pashtun, Mohajir & Shia narratives giving the impression that Pakistan is barely hanging on.

The border on the east is the same with troops on both sides dying by ambushes but the Kashmir issue is all but dead as India completes its religious/ethnic relocation/cleansing of Kashmir which now looks full of people that resemble nothing like the Kashmiris that were. Aircraft get shot down on&off on both sides as long range SAM operators become the new snipers of the air and skirmish leads.

CPEC in itself works to some extent but any earnings service the Chinese debt collectors, military and corruption. Whatever little is left ends up in paying for fossil fuel imports and food. Balochistan is no longer much of an issue in the interior as labor pumps in on semi completed projects of CPEC while others lie abandoned. Chinese now have a permanent presence in GHQ along with occupying many businesses and houses in the elite neighborhoods of the country along with occupying most of the port facilities.

The Dynasty politics continue as the third generations continue, Poverty continues to create masses selling their souls for an onion or a piece of bread.

The Markhor, Snow Leopard, Hubara Bustard & Blind Dolphin are extinct either by over hunting, drought, human encroachment or disease.

This is what will happen unless the educated and slightly less ignorant than others take a maddening craze at changing their country.
Probably won't be around
il be around 56-7

Probably the vision of a hollywood dystopia, filled with draught, lynchings for food with mini landlords/warlords holding areas while the population continues to devastate in squalor. More and more a security authoritarian state with severe disparity in application of law focusing on heavy religiosity for the poor and middle(dwindling) class and a sin city openness for the elite. Food is scarce and ponzi schemes upon ponzi schemes of food stamps that help more and more squeezed urban masses. Karachi is now two cities with checkposts and bridges separating the elite areas of the city in the Southwest from the gradual urban slums of the East. Middle classes are moving more and more into the suburbs as they try to survive from increasing taxes along with ridiculous inflation.
Lahore is practically unlivable without a face mask as pollution & overpopulation stress the city's food and water supply along with increasing extremism that has turned most of the city intolerant of the arts. Peshawar is a dustbowl with deadly diseases breaking out due to mosques preaching against medicine& vaccines. , Quetta a fort and Gwadar a Chinese city. Terror attacks within the cities have reduced but crime has gone through the roof as muggings are more common than car accidents.

FATA and the border regions of Afghanistan are now a meat grinding warzone with "shaheeds" everyday and stories of heroism against ISIS-K against whatever is left of a broken Afghanistan. The Taliban control the entire South of Afghanistan which has reduced the baloch militancy to all but social media posts, but it is on social media where tons of fake paid& bot accounts wage an online insurgency with Balochi, Sindhi, Seraiki,Hindko, Gilgit&Baltistan, Pashtun, Mohajir & Shia narratives giving the impression that Pakistan is barely hanging on.

The border on the east is the same with troops on both sides dying by ambushes but the Kashmir issue is all but dead as India completes its religious/ethnic relocation/cleansing of Kashmir which now looks full of people that resemble nothing like the Kashmiris that were. Aircraft get shot down on&off on both sides as long range SAM operators become the new snipers of the air and skirmish leads.

CPEC in itself works to some extent but any earnings service the Chinese debt collectors, military and corruption. Whatever little is left ends up in paying for fossil fuel imports and food. Balochistan is no longer much of an issue in the interior as labor pumps in on semi completed projects of CPEC while others lie abandoned. Chinese now have a permanent presence in GHQ along with occupying many businesses and houses in the elite neighborhoods of the country along with occupying most of the port facilities.

The Dynasty politics continue as the third generations continue, Poverty continues to create masses selling their souls for an onion or a piece of bread.

The Markhor, Snow Leopard, Hubara Bustard & Blind Dolphin are extinct either by over hunting, drought, human encroachment or disease.

This is what will happen unless the educated and slightly less ignorant than others take a maddening craze at changing their country.
In short we are fuked.
The only way to provide for the growing population is to capture land from the east and put a green crescent there.
Full of starving people. They should handing out free condoms!
Having a large population is a blessing and an advantage. it means more influence.
CPEC will have a positive influence on the increase of the population..as revenue per capita will increase.. the birth rate will automatically start to decrease..So, in 30 years we shall see a modern Pakistan with a sound economy, something like China today..
Enjoy your ban with cow dung cookies and cow piss cola

And that turd flows downhill through the rivers in the land of the pure.... And in land of the pure uses the same water for drinking.

In 30 years if Pakistan continued to look for the godfather to counter India, I am sure it will be another patsy in the making this time for China just like the way they were for Americans.

With no stable government, unless they find good leaders, all hopes of growth and development are hopes. When leaders continue to amass the wealth oversees there is a very low chance of growth.

Pakistan can become a important player but all will depend on its leadership (which they currently do not have) and their foreign policy (which is always in need for a godfather)
Definitely Pakistan will become much more of an authoritarian police state in the near future. Political dissent will be squeezed like never before. The ‘deep State’ will seize more power. I also predict that mosques, madaris and Ulema will lose their independence and the State will cement its control over religious institutions and disseminate a new programme that makes Islam subversive to the interests of the Pakistani military establishment. Islamic preachers will be strictly monitored and not allowed to preach anything which deviates from the ideology and interests of the State. Ulema will totally lose their political and social influence and become nothing more than functionaries for the State. Hence, the original purpose for which the Muslims sacrificed to make Pakistan will have died. Muslims sacrificed for Pakistan to escape the menace of Hindu political and social domination, but what is the use now that they will be subject to secularist political and social domination?
Having a big population is not always a bad thing, it depends on how productive this population is, if everyone produce more than they consumer, that could be a huge blessing for the nation. so education and professional training is the key.
not allowed to preach anything which deviates from the ideology and interests of the Stat
Apkey moan mein ghee shakar :D
@Musafir117 @Sher Shah Awan @

Ulema will totally lose their political and social influence and become nothing more than functionaries for the State.
And that would be excellent in my view
Hence, the original purpose for which the Muslims sacrificed to make Pakistan will have died.
We wanted a free country for Muslims we got it we will make living conditions of the masses better as time passes
but what is the use now that they will be subject to secularist political and social domination?
If the panama case reaches its logical conclusion you will see a great change in this buddy :D
Apkey moan mein ghee shakar :D

Lol he doesn't understand the contradiction in his point. The Ulama, mosques etc would not lose their power, on the contrary it would cement the position and prestige of the point of view of the "chosen sect", hence defeating the very premise of his argument as it would lead further discord and violence than what we see today.

I believe instead that state should not actively choose one point of view over another and should act as a neutral observer and only intervene if security, unity and the rule of law is threatened.
If no sher or teer !! then yeh jawani hai dewani
After 30 years ! YOUth will be much powerful and even the step areas will be getting good and modern resources. Robots will take place especially on LOC

Real question is my friend ..Will Pakistan remain as Pakistan after 30 years?

Same question ! will india survive ??

Definitely but with Khalistan and Gujrat as its new neighbours to the east

I wanna be Pm of Khalistan:enjoy:
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