Here Gomereh Sabji is always mixed with Lamb ... !!Yes, it's one of those dishes that you either absolutely love or simply don't like. It's quite hard to get the sour-sweet balance just right.
I have to say, I have never been invited by a professor. You lucky man. Iranians are very hospitable people. Glad you enjoyed your stay.
The most recent Iranian food i tried was Bandari Sausages !! it was amazing ,,
naan with Kherbuza !! what black magic is this !!touche.. well said
and by the way I dont like Turkish donnar kebab either. whatever its origin is
as for Origin, like I said I dont really care because sometimes a certain kind of food cuisine is discovered simultaneously in neighbouring areas with minor alterations as the traders , soldiers and travellers travelled around the countries
for me it was a the first time to see tomato roasted with meat on the skews served with Naan or Naan and Kherbuza eaten together.