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What Pisses Me Off About The European Migrant Crisis

@flamer84 Between the western puzzies there are still the French... majority of us dont want more so called refugees. I really respect eastern europeans you cant fck with them... try to settle in Poland or Hungary.. wait for the surprise.

I was amazed seeing so many Westerners turning on Eastern Europeans for being "racist".Ofcourse,that was a leftist forum,so it's not really a general thing i guess.
That won't stop Western states from moaning when an Eastern state like Hungary builds a fence and tries to stop the Horde from entering as you have no balls in stopping them at your borders.

Im not a fan of Orban,but he got the balls to do something instead of critizing and staying and doing nothing,we should help them,but socialists... Valls should accept migrants in his house. I swear to God that the next day,hell have another speech.
Im not a fan of Orban,but he got the balls to do something instead of critizing and staying and doing nothing,we should help them,but socialists... Valls should accept migrants in his house. I swear to God that the next day,hell have another speech.

Yep,that's what i've always said,take 30-40 in your own houses (i'm sure they can afford it) and come back to us in a month or so.
Luckily for Europe,it found unlikely heroes in Victor Orban (as much as i dislike him) and other EE states.The Hungarian dude just told the farts in Bruxelles and Germany to piss off,if they want immigrants,they can have them.The Czech Republic just said it will change its laws and won't have any "refugees"...0,nada,rien,nothing.Same for Slovakia ,Poland.

Seriously though,some of you Westerners are insane,i'm reading a leftist forum where Eastern Europeans get attacked for not sharing "European values".It's a troll fest East vs West,some German politicians suggested cutting EU funds for Eastern states.Oh well,bye bye EU,keep your "funds" and all the immigrants in the world.

You still don't get it do you? The Western Europeans and Americans are by far the richest countries on earth. Without them you would be enjoying Vostok up your backside and standing long freaking ques for bread. You don't now because the West has let you muppets in to share their fruit with you.

Now ever think how the West is so rich ulike you Eastern European muppets who not long ago were slaves of the Ottoman and now act extra hard against Muslims because of this complex of having been raped by the Ottomans.

Well while the Ottomans were raping you guys the Western Europeans were doing in Africa, Asia and Middle East. While the Ottomans were riding your women the WEstern Europeans were selling African slaves and getting rich.

Even today you go anywhere you will find Americans and British followed by French in Africa, in Middle East and Asia making money and deals. Of course the other side of the coin is they get immigrants. If you look at the immigrants in France they are mostly from French speaking Africa. However the French have first rights n Algerian oil and gas. Not Romania.

Thats why I told you before it would be easy as sh*te to build a wall and shoot all the boats. They don't do that because they need to keep hold onto Algreria, Saudia Arabia and Africa for the bloody resources. The West to be fair works for it all over the world.

Look here while you complain about Mooslems the French President is


The Queen is


President Bush is


Prince Charles is


Angela Merkel is getting a blow job from Saudi king looking from the smiles on her face


Do you now why? Multibillion dolllar deals that keeps these Western economies mighty and that now you are milking as part of EU. It is a system you join and you take the good and bad. Trust me the system will win. The Muslim countries tried to take on were destroyed. Go ask Saddam, Gaddafi. Bottom line is dollars, dollars and lots of them.

But notice there is no Romanian, Hungarian, Slovak, Bulgarian leaders. That is because the Saudi's will say f*uck off to them. They only interested in the big bad boys of the West. The ones with the goodies to offer. In order USA, UK, France and Germany. These leaders of the West are there to make sure those huge multi billion dollar companies make profits which feed the economies of these countries. Thats why they can afford to bail you guys with Euro grants.

And they happen to be the "West". Without them the Russians and theTurks would have right good bang fest again.
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I was amazed seeing so many Westerners turning on Eastern Europeans for being "racist".Ofcourse,that was a leftist forum,so it's not really a general thing i guess.

Luckily,socialists are endengered species over here,and i still have some hope when i see more and more patriots,loving their past,their country,culture,and dont want it to be destroyed under do called humanity.
But you know who are the real ennemies ? These liberal socialists puzzies,just like the woman in the video i posted in the other thread.
How do Romanians see this ? Are they ready to coexist with migrants coming from nowhere ?
You still don't get it do you? The Western Europeans and Americans are by far the richest countries on earth. Without them you would be enjoying Vostok up your backside and standing long freaking ques for bread. You don't now because the West has let you muppets in to share their fruit with you.

Now ever think how the West is so rich ulike you Eastern European muppets who not long ago were slaves of the Ottoman and now act extra hard against Muslims because of this complex of having been raped by the Ottomans.

Well while the Ottomans were raping you guys the Western Europeans were doing in Africa, Asia and Middle East. While the Ottomans were riding your women the WEstern Europeans were selling African slaves and getting rich.

Even today you go anywhere you will find Americans and British followed by French in Africa, in Middle East and Asia making money and deals. Of course the other side of the coin is they get immigrants. If you look at the immigrants in France they are mostly from French speaking Africa. However the French have first rights n Algerian oil and gas. Not Romania.

Thats why I told you before it would be easy as sh*te to build a wall and shoot all the boats. They don't do that because they need to keep hold onto Algreria, Saudia Arabia and Africa for the bloody resources. The West to be fair works for it all over the world.

Look here why you complain about Mooslems the French President is


The Queen is


President Bush is


Prince Charles is


Do you now why? Multibillion dolllar deals that keeps these Western economies mighty and that now you are milking as part of EU. It is a system you join and you take the good and bad. Trust me the system will win. The Muslim countries tried to take on were destroyed. Go ask Saddam, Gaddafi. Bottom line is dollars, dollars and lots of them.

Well,good for them.We're not complaining about muslims,we just won't take them in our countries.Deal with it.Do we owe you something ? NO

Luckily,socialists are endengered species over here,and i still have some hope when i see more and more patriots,loving their past,their country,culture,and dont want it to be destroyed under do called humanity.
But you know who are the real ennemies ? These liberal socialists puzzies,just like the woman in the video i posted in the other thread.
How do Romanians see this ? Are they ready to coexist with migrants coming from nowhere ?

The Prime Minister said it will take some 2000 but that's like a personal opinion,the general opinion is one of rage if this happens.Nothing good will come of it if they try to do it,that's for sure,we haven't integrated the gypsies in 600 years,we really don't need extra headeche.
The one thing that pisses me off is the vast majority seem to be young men, who should be fighting for their country against any extremists, instead they choose to flee. Whether or not that is for reasons such as not wanting to fight for dictator Assad or against him they are running from extremists who want your country to be eradicated and be a part of some bs Islamic superstate.

So I really dont care much for them, if my country is being attacked by mostly foreign invaders trying to turn my country into a religious hotbed of steaming shit I will grab an AK and go to the front and fight til my death not run to a richer country. I fear the reality is, they dont see alot wrong with the likes of IS otherwise why would you leave, if your a young man and afraid of your country being attacked then you fight for it, if your running its most likely because your somewhat sympathetic but not fully fledged to strap explosives to your chest and blow yourself up a checkpoint manned by 2 middle aged men.

They should create an unofficial army out of these young men and send them back home to take back their country, does nobody any good when your just hopping from country to country most likely never having any plans more longterm than your next meal.
Guys we all got it wrong:

Pakistan bombed Syria. Iran killed Gaddafi. A Kazakh Nomad is responsible for migrant crisis in Europe. Maldives had been funding ''moderate'' fighters in Syria. True story.
Yes, its all the fault of US, Nato and EU.
NOTHING to do with aanything or anybody else.
Wash your hands clean.
What did YOU do TODAY to help persons displaced by conflict?
What is YOUR country doing TODAY?
How are YOU letting YOUR GOVERNMENT know what you want them to do?

In short: above bla bla bla bla is by people full of themsselves, talking from the comfort of their safe homes.
None of us can deny what sparked this specific migrant crisis is the destabilisation of the ME that was, largely, created in the wake of the 2003 invasion of Iraq and 2001 invasion of Afghanistan. And many (actually most) of the "coalition" were from Europe. It certainly appears to be a case of chickens coming home to roost or "blowback" by another name.

I find it amusing how the US, who is by far the most culpable, has got away scott free in this context because there is no direct land route from the ME to North America.
The one thing that pisses me off is the vast majority seem to be young men, who should be fighting for their country against any extremists, instead they choose to flee. Whether or not that is for reasons such as not wanting to fight for dictator Assad or against him they are running from extremists who want your country to be eradicated and be a part of some bs Islamic superstate.

So I really dont care much for them, if my country is being attacked by mostly foreign invaders trying to turn my country into a religious hotbed of steaming shit I will grab an AK and go to the front and fight til my death not run to a richer country. I fear the reality is, they dont see alot wrong with the likes of IS otherwise why would you leave, if your a young man and afraid of your country being attacked then you fight for it, if your running its most likely because your somewhat sympathetic but not fully fledged to strap explosives to your chest and blow yourself up a checkpoint manned by 2 middle aged men

Tell me one thing good sir, People who support Assad are being bombed. Assad is fighting ISIS who are the worst scum to ever have breathed air. Now even ISIS is being bombed. These people are damned if they do and damned if they don't.

How do you deal with that. What option does a Man with a starving family has? Does he go fight on the front and let his family die or does he go in search for a better life?

Tough questions no simple answers. Should have thought a bit before providing weapons, training and air support to rebels that you guys are opening a Pandora's Box. Now that same Assad is fighting ISIS do you align with a genocidal dictator or ISIS?

Should have thought a bit before invading Iraq on false pretexts that it may result in destabilization of whole ME.
I find it amusing how the US, who is by far the most culpable, has got away scott free in this context because there is no direct land route from the ME to North America.

It is amusing to you only because you choose to ignore the fact that USA itself was attacked om 9/11 using Afghanistan as a base.
It is amusing to you only because you choose to ignore the fact that USA itself was attacked om 9/11 using Afghanistan as a base.

Btw didn't US provide support to the same folks against USSR who would later form a part of Taliban and give a free reign and sanctuary to OBL to plan such dastardly attacks?

After USSR were outed from Afganishtan, how much did US spend on re-construction and rehabilitation and de-weaponzation of these fighters? I guess not much. They were the neglected love child of CIA and ISI, wasn't much of a surprise that there would be some blow-back.
Re-arrangement of world and its resources is taking place, when you start fcuking up the world it adjust itself...world/earth is living breathing entity and it has build in defense system and right now that defense system has been invoked. Lets see who wants to get in the way and stop this re-arrangement.
It is amusing to you only because you choose to ignore the fact that USA itself was attacked om 9/11 using Afghanistan as a base.
Afghanistan was a fair fight initially and I more than support the operations launched in the latter half of 2001. However, the moment the Afghan mission turned from taking out the Taliban and AQ into a nation building mission at the behest of industrialists who were set (and have as a result) make billions from an ongoing conflict of that kind the US has lost my sympathy.

And really sir, Afghanistan barely factors into this present crisis, the vast majority of immigrants trying to get into Europe are coming from Syria, Libya and Iraq. The 2003 Iraq war had NOTHING to do with 9/11 and the invasion was the domino that has created the current "crisis".
Btw didn't US provide support to the same folks against USSR who would later form a part of Taliban and give a free reign and sanctuary to OBL to plan such dastardly attacks?

After USSR were outed from Afganishtan, how much did US spend on re-construction and rehabilitation and de-weaponzation of these fighters? I guess not much. They were the neglected love child of CIA and ISI, wasn't much of a surprise that there would be some blow-back.

Who is friend or foe keeps changing in international geopolitics, of course. Nothing new or strange in that.

Afghanistan was a fair fight initially and I more than support the operations launched in the latter half of 2001. However, the moment the Afghan mission turned from taking out the Taliban and AQ into a nation building mission at the behest of industrialists who were set (and have as a result) make billions from an ongoing conflict of that kind the US has lost my sympathy.

And really sir, Afghanistan barely factors into this present crisis, the vast majority of immigrants trying to get into Europe are coming from Syria, Libya and Iraq. The 2003 Iraq war had NOTHING to do with 9/11 and the invasion was the domino that has created the current "crisis".

What if the plan is to remake the entire region just like after WW1?
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