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What Pisses Me Off About The European Migrant Crisis

That would be highly unlikely to be implemented. Saying "it's your fault, you fix it!" will not work here, because the response is going to be "it is your country, it is primarily your own responsibility".
Unfortunately yes.
Do you think US and EU could afford the costs associated with re-construction and rehabilitation or they would leave things half-way like they did in Iraq and Afganishtan?
Unfortunately, my plan is pure utopia. Dreams. Europe will continue to suffer from the influx of millions of refugees and poor Syrians and the Iraqis will continue to fight a war in which they can not win without true help of powerful states.
And Libyan "democratic" rulers will continue to earn money on the slave trade and transit of refugees.
So were all Eastern European goverments but you didn't saw us killing each other for 25 years since the fall of communism.Always blaming others for your backwardness.Heck,after a bitter war even ex Yugoslavia chilled and they're functional countries right now.

Hogwash and stupidity,the EU didn't even exist in the 70's! B;ame the EU for the mongol invasions to,will you ?

South Sudanese Christians had a right to decide their future and nobody can blame the civilised world for protecting innocents against crazy tinpots bent on massacring people who want a different future for themselves.

Maybe you need to see all those videos of Malians welcoming the French as liberators,they speak more about the situation than your internet rants.Cased closed on this one to.

Yeah except for the fact that Iraq was ruled by a nutjob who gassed his own people and whose son instituted "prima nocte" across the country.But hey,he ran a tight shift when his soldiers were butchering entire villages !

A country that was blackmailing Europe to be paid for not flooding us with immigrants! A country ran by another nutjob *(you seem to like every warlord out there,raping,killing his own people,what's wrong with you ?) who decided to cut down every civilian protesting in the street for freedom.

See my other posts above your strange love for tyrants sending tanks to cut down "unhappy" citizens.

No,but they sure like to flock in droves,hat in hand, to countries that have such ideals.

They will be accepted as Europeans when they'll act as ones.And they don't,there's no need for the EU to transform in the shitholes these people came from.Humanity can only loose from such an event as a whole.

They will never admit something,always acusing others. Its our fault if their countries are poor,full of terrorists,savages,and corrupt. That guy comes from a country that is with another one destabilizing almost every country in middle east through proxy wars. But its again Eus and Uss fault.
They accuse West over every shit happening,but never question themselves.
Unfortunately yes.

Unfortunately, my plan is pure utopia. Dreams. Europe will continue to suffer from the influx of millions of refugees and poor Syrians and the Iraqis will continue to fight a war in which they can not win without true help of powerful states.
And Libyan "democratic" rulers will continue to earn money on the slave trade and transit of refugees.

What a mess :( Makes me really sad to see so many lives wasted just because of myopic policies and thirst for power of some countries.

If I had my way CIA and entire US covert intelligence outfits would be tried for war crimes for providing false pretext to invade Iraq and then creating this mess in ME. No one has any delusions anymore for the cause of this chaos in ME.

Sadly there is no country powerful enough to take meddling US to task, they keep getting away with their crimes.
I cant see muslim champions like iran and saudi arabia taking them in and letting them marry their women. But they have enough resources and time to send thousands of crazed rabid jihadi dogs into other countries and cause destruction and mayhem in the name of islamic solidarity. Islamic solidarity only applies when used for destruction and chaos.
So were all Eastern European goverments but you didn't saw us killing each other for 25 years since the fall of communism.Always blaming others for your backwardness.Heck,after a bitter war even ex Yugoslavia chilled and they're functional countries right now.

Hogwash and stupidity,the EU didn't even exist in the 70's! B;ame the EU for the mongol invasions to,will you ?

South Sudanese Christians had a right to decide their future and nobody can blame the civilised world for protecting innocents against crazy tinpots bent on massacring people who want a different future for themselves.

Maybe you need to see all those videos of Malians welcoming the French as liberators,they speak more about the situation than your internet rants.Cased closed on this one to.

Yeah except for the fact that Iraq was ruled by a nutjob who gassed his own people and whose son instituted "prima nocte" across the country.But hey,he ran a tight shift when his soldiers were butchering entire villages !

A country that was blackmailing Europe to be paid for not flooding us with immigrants! A country ran by another nutjob *(you seem to like every warlord out there,raping,killing his own people,what's wrong with you ?) who decided to cut down every civilian protesting in the street for freedom.

See my other posts above your strange love for tyrants sending tanks to cut down "unhappy" citizens.

No,but they sure like to flock in droves,hat in hand, to countries that have such ideals.

They will be accepted as Europeans when they'll act as ones.And they don't,there's no need for the EU to transform in the shitholes these people came from.Humanity can only loose from such an event as a whole.

1- Do not make me bring your history here. Just because you have not been killing each other for the past few decades, it does not mean you have not been at each others throats for the rest of history. Europeans have killed more of each other than Muslims ever have or will in future. Only in the last World War, tens of millions were killed on European continent. Get a grip before coming here and teaching us about "civility".

2- EU, Europe, Western Europe or alternatively France, Germany and UK are all synonymous for us. These semantic games are just useful to you.

3- There are no innocents there. They are still killing each other there. The new state is a failed one. It was created through agitation from Europe. It is not a natural state and is pretty much controlled by war lords. Stop lying. No body believes your lies anymore about "innocence", "freedom", "democracy" and "the right to determine their future".

And you are so full of it. If you really believe in "right to determine their future" then these fine young and energetic African gentlemen also have decided their future is in Europe married to French and German ladies. So why the fuss? Are you a racist?

4- Oh, yeah I am sure, they do. The love France. That is why they want to immigrate to France eventually. After all, the love for liberators does not end in Mali. This love will take them to Paris into the arms of Parisian girls. Have no doubt about that.

5- Saddam was supported by France. You have to remember that it was France that used to sell chemical weapons to Saddam and sell Mirage fighters to deliver those chemical weapons and even sell anti-ship missiles to Saddam. Read up on your history. You seem to be way too ignorant. Saddam only became "bad" when he threatened Western interests. Before that, he was a buddy of France and US.

6- You did not like that? Fine. Now deal with the fine young and energetic African gentlemen coming ashore in your countries on your own. Why are you then complaining here to us? Is it because your fertility rates are low and you are afraid of becoming a minority in your own country by the next century? Well, then that is racism, if you are afraid of being a genetical minority. It is pure racism, as per your own definition of racism.

7- All nations have had tyrants. My objection is your pathetic, hypocritical and extremely attitude to only selectively target the tyrants. You have no problem with tyrants in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain for example. You are completely fine with Jordanian tyrant. Such hypocrisy is not welcome. And yeah, when you drop the tyrants dead, destroying the country in question, then it becomes your and absolutely your responsibility to rebuilt that nation. You can not just walk away after destroying nations. When you break it, you own it.

8- Because you destroy their countries and 24/7 advertise your "ideals" on world media which you own by the way in addition to constantly bragging about these ideals. Of course people around the world, are going to get influenced by so much bragging and advertisement and would want to move in with your guys. I just do not understand why now, you guys are making so much fuss? It is a mess of your own making.

9- Now, you are forgetting about the freedom of choice and freedom of expression and freedom of sexual orientation. They can do whatever they want in Europe. That is why they have migrated there. You can not limit their choices in Europe. If you do, then Europe will become a caste based apartheid society incapable of bragging about human rights and freedom and democracy and feminism and women rights and etc etc etc
It is too late to complain.

US, EU and NATO destroyed country after country. They laid waste to Africa. Finally they killed the only employer on African continent who used to give jobs to migrant workers in Africa. His name was Qadaffi.

When you destroy other people's homes, and kill their employer then people start to migrate. Even morons understand this.

And what's up with you guys, in Europe and America? You are all the time talking about human rights, freedom, democracy, equality, women rights etc etc. You even go to war and lay waste to countries for these principles.

And now you are complaining about a few million refugees who want to settle down in Europe and marry your women? Just because their skin color is dark and their religion is different?

So where is your lofty claims to human rights and equality and freedom and such, now? Or these are just excuses to kill millions of Muslims?

What is it?

They marry nobody. They are put in camps and treated like dirt.

As for your "human rights" bla bla. I give a shit about human rights.
Do you think that the EU will work out an effective solution and what do you prefer to see the solution as in terms of settling those who make to the EU?

The short term solution is to make all those countries that bombed Libya to take in African migrants. France, Germany, Italy, US and UK should be made to take in as many as migrants are there. Even if in millions. It is just simple responsibility for the deeds they have done. They should stop complaining. For the past 4 decades West has doubled down on state destruction across third world specially in recent times on Muslim lands. State destruction causes huge migrant waves. This is their making. They should rise up and accept the refugees.

The long term solution, is for West to understand that promoting Western ideas for which there is no foundation in other lands, only brings disaster. Bombing other nations to democracy and killing your way to attain women rights, does not work. And a big source of instability in Muslim lands is the Western support for Saudi Arabia and Takfirism. When Saudis openly fund and finance mosques in Europe, promoting Takfirism, this only shows the complicity of West with Saudis. Saudi Arabia is completely dependent on West. Without Western support Saudi Arabia can not go on and become the ideological and financial underwriters of Taliban, alqaida, Isis, boko-haram etc etc which only bring massive destruction in countries they ravage causing huge migrant waves.

West should not even complain. Almost every where the roots of problems can be traced to something West has done. In Iran they overthrew a democratic government in 1953. Even in Pakistan alot of the problems can be traced back to West eg. Kashmir was left undecided by the British intentionally. The West should stop complaining. They are rich and powerful. They are responsible for all this mess. They should share their wealth, their power and their genes with nations they have ravaged, in order to absolve themselves of their sins. I see, no other solution.

They marry nobody. They are put in camps and treated like dirt.

As for your "human rights" bla bla. I give a shit about human rights.

No, they wont in long run. The prime example of which is you. I hear that you are from Guatemalan genetic stock, living in Europe with a European citizenship.
It is just simple responsibility for the deeds they have done. They should stop complaining.

As I said before, saying "it's your fault, you fix it!" will not work here, because the response is going to be "it is your country, it is primarily your own responsibility".

They are responsible for all this mess. They should share their wealth, their power and their genes with nations they have ravaged, in order to absolve themselves of their sins. I see, no other solution.

Riiiiight. Do you want a cherry on the top of all that?
The short term solution is to make all those countries that bombed Libya to take in African migrants. France, Germany, Italy, US and UK should be made to take in as many as migrants are there. Even if in millions. It is just simple responsibility for the deeds they have done. They should stop complaining. For the past 4 decades West has doubled down on state destruction across third world specially in recent times on Muslim lands. State destruction causes huge migrant waves. This is their making. They should rise up and accept the refugees.

The long term solution, is for West to understand that promoting Western ideas for which there is no foundation in other lands, only brings disaster. Bombing other nations to democracy and killing your way to attain women rights, does not work. And a big source of instability in Muslim lands is the Western support for Saudi Arabia and Takfirism. When Saudis openly fund and finance mosques in Europe, promoting Takfirism, this only shows the complicity of West with Saudis. Saudi Arabia is completely dependent on West. Without Western support Saudi Arabia can not go on and become the ideological and financial underwriters of Taliban, alqaida, Isis, boko-haram etc etc which only bring massive destruction in countries they ravage causing huge migrant waves.

West should not even complain. Almost every where the roots of problems can be traced to something West has done. In Iran they overthrew a democratic government in 1953. Even in Pakistan alot of the problems can be traced back to West eg. Kashmir was left undecided by the British intentionally. The West should stop complaining. They are rich and powerful. They are responsible for all this mess. They should share their wealth, their power and their genes with nations they have ravaged, in order to absolve themselves of their sins. I see, no other solution.

No, they wont in long run. The prime example of which is you. I hear that you are from Guatemalan genetic stock, living in Europe with a European citizenship.

I´m from italian genetic stock and germanic as well. And the guatemalan part were italians who settled in guatemala.

And nope we will share nothing. Why should we? And which sins? Weaklings are responsible for their own weakness. Its our duty to take whatever we can get
The short term solution is to make all those countries that bombed Libya to take in African migrants. France, Germany, Italy, US and UK should be made to take in as many as migrants are there. Even if in millions. It is just simple responsibility for the deeds they have done. They should stop complaining. For the past 4 decades West has doubled down on state destruction across third world specially in recent times on Muslim lands. State destruction causes huge migrant waves. This is their making. They should rise up and accept the refugees.

The long term solution, is for West to understand that promoting Western ideas for which there is no foundation in other lands, only brings disaster. Bombing other nations to democracy and killing your way to attain women rights, does not work. And a big source of instability in Muslim lands is the Western support for Saudi Arabia and Takfirism. When Saudis openly fund and finance mosques in Europe, promoting Takfirism, this only shows the complicity of West with Saudis. Saudi Arabia is completely dependent on West. Without Western support Saudi Arabia can not go on and become the ideological and financial underwriters of Taliban, alqaida, Isis, boko-haram etc etc which only bring massive destruction in countries they ravage causing huge migrant waves.

West should not even complain. Almost every where the roots of problems can be traced to something West has done. In Iran they overthrew a democratic government in 1953. Even in Pakistan alot of the problems can be traced back to West eg. Kashmir was left undecided by the British intentionally. The West should stop complaining. They are rich and powerful. They are responsible for all this mess. They should share their wealth, their power and their genes with nations they have ravaged, in order to absolve themselves of their sins. I see, no other solution.

If only the west could understand that their ideas and belief system are not compatible all across the globe then half the wars would never have been fought. They have a false sense of White man's Burden where they believe it is their duty to civilize the savages, little do they understand that our culture and society predates their by centuries.

I would refrain from commenting about SA except for saying they have similar problem of suffering from a false sense of superiority of their belief system.

You raise an interesting point about Western countries intentionally creating fault - lines and conflicts in east so that we remained mired in our petty wars and never can confront the west however the truth is a mixed bag. We ourselves are not without fault, our people have been short - sighted and vulnerable to western propaganda. We have had a dearth of leaders who would put their countries first and foremost before their personal gains leaving other countries free to exploit fissures in our societies for their benefit.

People talk a lot about conflict between Islam and rest of the world but I believe the true conflict is not religious but a civilizational one between east and west. We have a major demographic advantage and that scares a lot of western countries; so the age old tried and tested trick of divide and rule pioneered by British is being applied with help of some willing stooges.
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The short term solution is to make all those countries that bombed Libya to take in African migrants. France, Germany, Italy, US and UK should be made to take in as many as migrants are there. Even if in millions. It is just simple responsibility for the deeds they have done. They should stop complaining. For the past 4 decades West has doubled down on state destruction across third world specially in recent times on Muslim lands. State destruction causes huge migrant waves. This is their making. They should rise up and accept the refugees.

The long term solution, is for West to understand that promoting Western ideas for which there is no foundation in other lands, only brings disaster. Bombing other nations to democracy and killing your way to attain women rights, does not work. And a big source of instability in Muslim lands is the Western support for Saudi Arabia and Takfirism. When Saudis openly fund and finance mosques in Europe, promoting Takfirism, this only shows the complicity of West with Saudis. Saudi Arabia is completely dependent on West. Without Western support Saudi Arabia can not go on and become the ideological and financial underwriters of Taliban, alqaida, Isis, boko-haram etc etc which only bring massive destruction in countries they ravage causing huge migrant waves.

West should not even complain. Almost every where the roots of problems can be traced to something West has done. In Iran they overthrew a democratic government in 1953. Even in Pakistan alot of the problems can be traced back to West eg. Kashmir was left undecided by the British intentionally. The West should stop complaining. They are rich and powerful. They are responsible for all this mess. They should share their wealth, their power and their genes with nations they have ravaged, in order to absolve themselves of their sins. I see, no other solution.

No, they wont in long run. The prime example of which is you. I hear that you are from Guatemalan genetic stock, living in Europe with a European citizenship.

The simple solution is that the crazy Iranian mullah regime who has its hands dirty in all the ME wars-in Syria,Iraq,Yemen,Palestine,Lebanon and even helped the US in Afghanistan should take them in as a direct muslim Ummah neighbour.You even have troops on the ground in Iraq/Syria and have the audacity to point fingers at others.
As I said before, saying "it's your fault, you fix it!" will not work here, because the response is going to be "it is your country, it is primarily your own responsibility".

No dear. The responsiblity is swimming across seas and is washing ashore in their country. They can moan and bittchh around. Who they are going to complain to? Assad? The non-existent government in Somalia? Iran? :lol: Pakistan? :rofl:

There is nobody they can complain to. They have been destroying the STATES and the GOVERNANCE structures of these lands because ideologically they were not as per the European taste. There is nobody left to complain to. They have eliminated all other forces. The only force remaining and capable of coping with this disaster is themselves.

So it is not even a case of whose responsibility is this. It is already a European responsibility. It is just these guys are now cowarding out because they are afraid their women might have some fun with these fine young and massive African gentlemen. And this is racism.
it's very sad when people are displaced and have to leave their homes because war and conflicts they didn't necessarily ask for came to their neighborhoods.

but what I don't understand is, why these people are not going to other states in the region where there isn't war and conflict and where it'll be culturally much easier to integrate.. where the hell are Iran and Saudi now ?

and, are some of these people abusing their misfortune as an opportunity to get to greener pastures in secular Europe, where many will refuse to integrate into society and some might even harbour pro jihadist feelings and might abuse the social welfare systems ?

these are real fears Europeans have and they must be addressed without being scared of being not being PC enough

bleeding heart today ? tomorrow you might actually get a jihad bullet in your chest..

sad but true..
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