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What Pisses Me Off About The European Migrant Crisis

Nice to see Germany doing this. Hope we don't do this.

200 million plus change, won't make a difference. Providing quality medical care, food and lodging is an issue.

Politically sensitive but a great chance to show some leadership and climb the moral high-ground. As such perception of BJP is anti-muslim, would help set things straight

What do you think?
Obviously, I meant other parts of the world besides were the 3 main streams are going.
Hmmm, that is a pretty good question. The US has clearly taken a "no chance" approach to them but their more liberal brothers to the North have let them settle- I hadn't noticed this before. Interesting.

200 million plus change, won't make a difference. Providing quality medical care, food and lodging is an issue.

Politically sensitive but a great chance to show some leadership and climb the moral high-ground. As such perception of BJP is anti-muslim, would help set things straight

What do you think?
It would be beyond absurd if India started taking them in sir. India can't even provide for its poorest, it is in no position to take in refugees from one of the poorest regions in the world.
200 million plus change, won't make a difference. Providing quality medical care, food and lodging is an issue.

Politically sensitive but a great chance to show some leadership and climb the moral high-ground. As such perception of BJP is anti-muslim, would help set things straight

What do you think?
NOT EVEN ONE of them should be even allowed TRANSIT, let alone asylum here. BJP/Congress/Left - jaye bhaad mein.
Regardless of the human cost they have to pay.
Tell me one thing good sir, People who support Assad are being bombed. Assad is fighting ISIS who are the worst scum to ever have breathed air. Now even ISIS is being bombed. These people are damned if they do and damned if they don't.

How do you deal with that. What option does a Man with a starving family has? Does he go fight on the front and let his family die or does he go in search for a better life?

Tough questions no simple answers. Should have thought a bit before providing weapons, training and air support to rebels that you guys are opening a Pandora's Box. Now that same Assad is fighting ISIS do you align with a genocidal dictator or ISIS?

Should have thought a bit before invading Iraq on false pretexts that it may result in destabilization of whole ME.

Well there are so many groups in Syria you could find one fitting your allegiances but thats of course besides the point as its true, damned whatever you do. I would make sure my family is safe of course and defend my homeland from external forces whoever they may be.

Lots of things shouldnt have happened man but the simple fact is that they HAVE TO HAPPEN, dictatorships historically dont end peacefully. And removing them has to happen whether or not its now or in 100 years.

You think the likes of North Korea would just decide one day that they dont want Kim anymore and he says ok and opens up the country, the same with all of the ME dictators, there is only one way to free a country with a dictator and whether or not that is forced by an outside power or internal, its going to be bloody and lengthy, of course you can argue about the ethics and rights and wrongs of involvement all day long but blaming specific parties for the current situation doesent help or change the situation.

Its wrong of course to get involved but what other ending is there, dictatorships are just dynasties, the arab spring started off fairly "native" but it turned very violent very fast with no outside involvement because the leaders and those loyal to them and anyone who can be bought will fight to the end, all of these dictators and any future offspring of them continue these reigns and there is only one way to end them.

Iin the long term these countries will ultimately be better off as these days the world is moving so fast change needs to happen now or your country is left behind. Imagine Iraq under Saddams rule still existing today, it performs ok slowly trudging along, not performing terrible but not great either then in 20 years there is a huge revolution, Iraq probably still not close to a standard of living you see now in the west is thrown back into the stone age whilst the "modern" world is watching holograms as their televisions and going to cancer curing medical bays, its the type of situation that a country just cant recover from and turns into another Somalia. The way I see it is these countries pretty much have to go through hell to come through the other side, better to do it now whilst they can catch up reasonably well in the future than do it in 20-30 years.
NOT EVEN ONE of them should be even allowed TRANSIT, let alone asylum here. BJP/Congress/Left - jaye bhaad mein.
Regardless of the human cost they have to pay.

Ok, you obviously have strong opinion about this which is understandable.

Well there are so many groups in Syria you could find one fitting your allegiances but thats of course besides the point as its true, damned whatever you do. I would make sure my family is safe of course and defend my homeland from external forces whoever they may be.

Lots of things shouldnt have happened man but the simple fact is that they HAVE TO HAPPEN, dictatorships historically dont end peacefully. And removing them has to happen whether or not its now or in 100 years.

You think the likes of North Korea would just decide one day that they dont want Kim anymore and he says ok and opens up the country, the same with all of the ME dictators, there is only one way to free a country with a dictator and whether or not that is forced by an outside power or internal, its going to be bloody and lengthy, of course you can argue about the ethics and rights and wrongs of involvement all day long but blaming specific parties for the current situation doesent help or change the situation.

Its wrong of course to get involved but what other ending is there, dictatorships are just dynasties, the arab spring started off fairly "native" but it turned very violent very fast with no outside involvement because the leaders and those loyal to them and anyone who can be bought will fight to the end, all of these dictators and any future offspring of them continue these reigns and there is only one way to end them.

Iin the long term these countries will ultimately be better off as these days the world is moving so fast change needs to happen now or your country is left behind. Imagine Iraq under Saddams rule still existing today, it performs ok slowly trudging along, not performing terrible but not great either then in 20 years there is a huge revolution, Iraq probably still not close to a standard of living you see now in the west is thrown back into the stone age whilst the "modern" world is watching holograms as their televisions and going to cancer curing medical bays, its the type of situation that a country just cant recover from and turns into another Somalia. The way I see it is these countries pretty much have to go through hell to come through the other side, better to do it now whilst they can catch up reasonably well in the future than do it in 20-30 years.

Pretty accurate summation, as I said no easy answers. The main point is externally enforced change is certain to blow-back. As aptly said - Road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

Patience is required as there is a certain cultural gap b/w east and west and our criteria of injustices, morality and law are all very different. We cannot impose anything on a sovereign country. You are correct N. Koreans are not gonna throw of the yolk of dictatorship anytime soon and that grates on our modern sensibilities but if N. Koreans were not a military powerful nation alleged to have nukes would you guys have invaded N. Korea?

There are other interests at play in ME and it was powder Keg which just needed a spark to ignite for good or bad it exploded. It would take decades to sort out the mess and may be not even that will make up for the misery and suffering.
Ok, you obviously have strong opinion about this which is understandable.
No. It's based on the policy of least risk. :)

Only the Yazidis can be even considered. No one else. Economic considerations are the primary ones here. The UN takes care of the asylum seekers. The problem is the Partipatiory Jihad Probability Index. Muslim populations from the cesspit that is now Syria is just asking for trouble. Doesn't matter if they are kids, women, children. Better safe than sorry.

We have enough sectarian differences here already.
No. It's based on the policy of least risk. :)

Off Topic - No risk - no return. The absence of risk appetite is the reason where India is where it is for good or bad. We didn't take risks we ought to have taken, Britishers and others took that risk and lorded over us.
Off Topic - No risk - no return. The absence of risk appetite is the reason where India is where it is for good or bad. We didn't take risks we ought to have taken, Britishers and others took that risk and lorded over us.
Not worth it. Moral high ground is of no use to us. I would much prefer sending mercenaries to Assad to fight on his behalf (and earn moolah) instead.
Ethical responsibility of millions of Afghan refugees who took refuge in Iran for 35 years belonged to US not Iran. It was US that ruined Afghanistan.

Iran did whatever it could despite being under sanctions and despite being in war against US and French supported Saddam.

So was it USA that invaded Afghanistan in December, 1979, that started the exodus? Do you know of a country called USSR that once existed and what it did in Afghanistan? My, my, what a selective memory you have, Sir.
200 million plus change, won't make a difference. Providing quality medical care, food and lodging is an issue.

Politically sensitive but a great chance to show some leadership and climb the moral high-ground. As such perception of BJP is anti-muslim, would help set things straight

What do you think?

PLEASE! think at least one step further than any whim. India has more poverty than almost any other country in the world and you want provide refuge to 200M more? First off India cannot afford to even feed and house them. Second I'll very much doubt if they'd want to come to India. Third, Europe has the wealth and a dwindling population, so refugees there is appropriate - BUT not as citizen. Regardless of international law complications around return that someone pointed out, I think Europe should simply provide temporary refuge and send them all back to Syrial or wherever they are from.

The ummah has become nothing but a collection hooligans and their victims. The rich part of the ummah must be made to act responsibly.
you sold them the idea of democracy by bombs- now accept the democracy loving immigrants with open hearts-
saudi wahhabi money is only for buying their jihadi rats suicide vests and aks
Shouldn't have overthrown Gaddafi or tried to overthrow Assad by backing the FSA/ISIS terrorists.

Europeans are dying and will need constant flow of immigrants to replace the declining population, wonder how many ISIS or Islamist sympathizers are there, it's truly a curse. I'm fascinated to see history unfolding in front of me, native Europeans eventually become minorities ironic.
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Idiotic of EU to even accept these 'refugees' when other nearby, culturally similar countries refuse to do so. Then again, silly liberal EU leaders have been destroying their countries for a while now out a misplaced sense of compassion.

I knew it was too good to last. Cameron lost his balls after a single day.
David Cameron vows to review asylum policy as pressure grows | Daily Mail Online

Cameron is just a psuedo-conservative. He never had any bal*s.

I agree but then you shouldn't get all self righteous quote 9/11 attacks for justification of all subsequent US actions however illegal and contrived. When you have been playing the dirty game of International Geo-Politics for so long, don't expect a win at all times.

The poster had correctly said US had gone scott-free for its crime of invading Iraq and meddling in ME post 9/11 without bearing the consequences of Refugee Crisis on it's shore. He was right in his indignation.

This is funny, so you blame US for supporting Taliban against USSR, why not blame USSR for invading Afghanistan in the first place? Why not say that Russia is going scott-free?

History is continuous, you have to put limits on your chain of blame or it'll end only when you can no longer make any historic claims and virtually everyone will end up with a portion of the blame.

So was it USA that invaded Afghanistan in December, 1979, that started the exodus? Do you know of a country called USSR that once existed and what it did in Afghanistan? My, my, what a selective memory you have, Sir.

Sir, I am sure you have been down this road many times before on this forum - US is to blame for every evil in the world in some of the reader's world view.

The tendency of blaming the powerful is a well know form of weakness that afflicts billions in the world.
@Gabriel92 Romania has started receiving Ukrainian refugees,link in Romanian

Case bătrânești, amenajate special pentru imigranți. Astăzi a ajuns prima familie

Translation from the article:

They are very happy to be in Romania,they will imediately start to take Romanian language lessons and they're not moving on to Western Europe as they're happy being in a safe country and out of the war zone.Now these are normal refugees affected by war and not some shameless economic migrants.Welcome to these people on my part ! Hope we'll accomodate more of them.

Did you ever hear Merkel saying all Ukr refugees are welcome like she did for Syrians ?
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