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What Pisses Me Off About The European Migrant Crisis

@Gabriel92 Romania has started receiving Ukrainian refugees,link in Romanian

Case bătrânești, amenajate special pentru imigranți. Astăzi a ajuns prima familie

Translation from the article:

They are very happy to be in Romania,they will imediately start to take Romanian language lessons and they're not moving on to Western Europe as they're happy being in a safe country and out of the war zone.Now these are normal refugees affected by war and not some shameless economic migrants.Welcome to these people on my part ! Hope we'll accomodate more of them.

Did you ever hear Merkel saying all Ukr refugees are welcome like she did for Syrians ?

Total hypocrisy. Instead of bringing more alien people,we should help those that are affected by war in EUROPE. Ukrainians can integrate very well in other european countries,after all they arent that different from us. I will always support my countrys decisions when it comes to help our Ukrainian friends.
NOT EVEN ONE of them should be even allowed TRANSIT, let alone asylum here. BJP/Congress/Left - jaye bhaad mein.
Regardless of the human cost they have to pay.

As bad as it is in Syria i don't think many are are lining up to go to India.

I mean why would you want to move to a place where over half the population doesn't have access to basic sanitation.

Plus they would have their hands full protecting Syrian women against desperate Bharti men.
Total hypocrisy. Instead of bringing more alien people,we should help those that are affected by war in EUROPE. Ukrainians can integrate very well in other european countries,after all they arent that different from us. I will always support my countrys decisions when it comes to help our Ukrainian friends.

They're European,whites and Christians,so they don't matter.Plus EU farts decreted that most of Ukraine is a safe country so there's no need for them to come within EU borders.Nevermind that the Horde coming right now leaves from safe countries like Turkey,Lebanon,Jordan through ,you've guessed it !,other safe countries like Italy,Greece ,Macedonia,Serbia,Hungary,just to reach Western Europe for hand outs.See the hypocrisy here ?
@Gabriel92 @flamer84 @Steve781 @C130

According to you people , how many years it would take for Europe to die ie become Muslim, if refugee influx did not abate?

Do take higher fertility of Muslims into account?

I'm not even taking this scenario into account as it will never happen.I'd just prefere to skip the scenario of ugly street battles,ghettos ,army and citizen guards on the streets but that seems unavoidable in 5-10 years time.

Glad to see some Euro politicians calling it like they are .

Hungary’s prime minister, Viktor Orban, remains defiant on his country’s hardline anti-immigrant stance, with a waring that Europeans risk becoming a minority on their own continent.“The reality is that Europe is threatened by a mass inflow of people, many tens of millions of people could come to Europe,” Reuters quoted in telling a public radio station.
He added: “Now we talk about hundreds of thousands but next year we will talk about millions and there is no end to this. All of a sudden we will see that we are in minority in our own continent.”
“Hungary cannot ignore Schengen rules in its procedures,” said Orban, referring to Europe’s zone of passport-free travel.
“Migrants must cooperate with Hungarian authorities, with the German authorities and if Germany wants to admit Syrians, it should issue permission for them to go into Germany.”
Orban said the new measures being debated by parliament would be implemented later this month.
“Everyone should be prepared for this: Serbia, Macedonia, the immigrants, the human traffickers. We ourselves will prepare for this, and a different era will start from 15 September.”
This is funny, so you blame US for supporting Taliban against USSR, why not blame USSR for invading Afghanistan in the first place? Why not say that Russia is going scott-free?

History is continuous, you have to put limits on your chain of blame or it'll end only when you can no longer make any historic claims and virtually everyone will end up with a portion of the blame.

The country in question was US and my remarks were restricted to it. As you have correctly said no is a saint and dig long enough you would find skeletons in every country's closet. Two wrongs don't make a right; hence whatever USSR did does not provide justification for Americans to support terrorists and nut-jobs which would later make up Taliban.
The country in question was US and my remarks were restricted to it. As you have correctly said no is a saint and dig long enough you would find skeletons in every country's closet. Two wrongs don't make a right; hence whatever USSR did does not provide justification for Americans to support terrorists and nut-jobs which would later make up Taliban.

Debatable, particularly if these people were mercenaries who later descended into terrorism. Ground level manager of these lunatics was Pak, so actually these refugees should be flooding to Pak - or they would if they had any confidence in Pak surviving.

The point is that its silly to try to justify this invasion by refugees because of US or EU action in the ME. They should have turned down these people. Let Islamic nations take care of their 'brothers'.
Debatable, particularly if these people were mercenaries who later descended into terrorism. Ground level manager of these lunatics was Pak, so actually these refugees should be flooding to Pak - or they would if they had any confidence in Pak surviving.

The point is that its silly to try to justify this invasion by refugees because of US or EU action in the ME. They should have turned down these people. Let Islamic nations take care of their 'brothers'.

No, it is their moral responsible for fanning the fire and turning these countries into Battle-zones for their ideology of democracy.

As I said, Assad is fighting against ISIS and ironically US and assorted countries are providing support to very people who weaken Assad and thus indirectly help ISIS. Now which is the bigger evil? Assad or ISIS.

how would we like it if tomorrow US starts sending arms for terrorists in Kashmir? As they say it is all perception and I am sure in the eyes of terrorists in Kashmir GoI is no worse than Assad
I can only hope the Arab world would return the favor if Europeans ever need to migrate in mass in a short period of time . millions of Christians and Atheists would do well for your community. diversify is good :D
I am not sure about arab world but you are wellcome any time to PAKISTAN , so when should i be expecting you!!!!!!
No, it is their moral responsible for fanning the fire and turning these countries into Battle-zones for their ideology of democracy.

As I said, Assad is fighting against ISIS and ironically US and assorted countries are providing support to very people who weaken Assad and thus indirectly help ISIS. Now which is the bigger evil? Assad or ISIS.

A subjective concept such as morality in geo-politics makes little sense. You cannot fight your enemy with your arms tied behind your back.

So what would you have US do in response to the USSR invading Afghanistan? Launch a direct counter-invasion?

Its similar to India. Pak is responsible for terrorism in India. I have nothing against India giving it back in kind as long as its not traced back to us.

As for Assad and IS, there is no lesser or greater evil just as there are no friends - just interests. US and USSR fought on the same side in WWII, then against each other in half-a-century long cold war. What's new?
I'm not even taking this scenario into account as it will never happen.I'd just prefere to skip the scenario of ugly street battles,ghettos ,army and citizen guards on the streets but that seems unavoidable in 5-10 years time.

Why are you ruling out such a scenario?

France has population of 66 million and has around 12% muslims. Even addition of a million muslims (which at current rate of migration would happen in a 2-3 years) would increase its muslim population to 14%.Add to this higher fertility rate of muslims, Muslims in France may become 20% by 2050. At this point they would have enough political clout that no President would be elected in France without their support. Thus while France may not become a muslim majority country, it may very well become an Islamic country within a decade due to political clout and propensity to use violence to achieve their goals, by muslims . That's why I quoted @Gabriel92 in my last post. He may have better awareness of ground realities in his country.

Problem with Sweden is even more grave. Though percentage of muslims there is only around 5% , but crashing fertility rates, emigration of ethnic Swedes, and a fanatic left-liberal government has sealed fate of Sweden.

Same with Germany, though here the basic problem is that Germans simply don't reproduce.

Thus there are many states in Europe which have chance to become Islamic countries in a generation or two and become Muslim majority countries by the end of century.
Why are you ruling out such a scenario?

France has population of 66 million and has around 12% muslims. Even addition of a million muslims (which at current rate of migration would happen in a 2-3 years) would increase its muslim population to 14%.Add to this higher fertility rate of muslims, Muslims in France may become 20% by 2050. At this point they would have enough political clout that no President would be elected in France without their support. Thus while France may not become a muslim majority country, it may very well become an Islamic country within a decade due to political clout and propensity to use violence to achieve their goals, by muslims . That's why I quoted @Gabriel92 in my last post. He may have better awareness of ground realities in his country.

Problem with Sweden is even more grave. Though percentage of muslims there is only around 5% , but crashing fertility rates, emigration of ethnic Swedes, and a fanatic left-liberal government has sealed fate of Sweden.

Same with Germany, though here the basic problem is that Germans simply don't reproduce.

Thus there are many states in Europe which have chance to become Islamic countries in a generation or two and become Muslim majority countries by the end of century.

Muslims make not more than 8% of population,and heck are making many troubles. And you think that in the future we will stay and watch ? While many French see the real face of the politicians,you think theyll vote for those that promote immigration ? Let me laugh. Socialists are an endengered species,time will come when theyll disappear. By the way,French are those (with irish if im not wrong) that make a lot of babies in Europe. The numer of French ethnics babies is growing every year. (Ad those European kids being born in France )Damn,I have more kids than many migrants. No way a German.or whatsoever would make 4 kids. So keep dreaming about seeing my country being muslim. Maybe Sweden.
If Marine le Pen is elected in 2017 or even 2022,which isnt impossible,youll see what will happen to all of these so called muslims and refugees. Hehe.
As bad as it is in Syria i don't think many are are lining up to go to India.

I mean why would you want to move to a place where over half the population doesn't have access to basic sanitation.

Plus they would have their hands full protecting Syrian women against desperate Bharti men.
Well, as long as they don't come here, it's good for us. Their reasons don't bother me one bit.

Muslims make not more than 8% of population,and heck are making many troubles. And you think that in the future we will stay and watch ? While many French see the real face of the politicians,you think theyll vote for those that promote immigration ? Let me laugh. Socialists are an endengered species,time will come when theyll disappear. By the way,French are those (with irish if im not wrong) that make a lot of babies in Europe. The numer of French ethnics babies is growing every year. (Ad those European kids being born in France )Damn,I have more kids than many migrants. No way a German.or whatsoever would make 4 kids. So keep dreaming about seeing my country being muslim. Maybe Sweden.
If Marine le Pen is elected in 2017 or even 2022,which isnt impossible,youll see what will happen to all of these so called muslims and refugees. Hehe.
Sweden will be Western Europe's first Muslim nation. How much chance is there for you to welcome Swedish refugees in ... say 50 years (when Swedes will leave Sweden)?
I am not sure about arab world but you are wellcome any time to PAKISTAN , so when should i be expecting you!!!!!!

I think ill migrate to Pakistan and Saudi Arabia,with Pork and Wine,i will pray in the streets and will try to convert everyone to christianism,and will not work and earn welfare. I wonder what would be their reactions.
Sweden will be Western Europe's first Muslim nation. How much chance is there for you to welcome Swedish refugees in ... say 50 years (when Swedes will leave Sweden)?

They're 5% in Sweden and the Swedish Nationalist Party is 1st in the polls(against immigration).Take into account that many Swedish new comers are Serb/Croat stock,not muslims .

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