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What Pisses Me Off About The European Migrant Crisis

The reason the middle east is so screwed up is because the middle eastern people are incompetent to manage their own affairs. End of story. And, they are soooooooooo incompetent that they bite the hands of anyone who tries to help them overcome their own stupidity. They inhabit a culture which is being replaced by human natural mechanisms. Unfortunately, human nature is Darwinian, albeit with many disguising overlays, so the process is brutal to watch.
The illegal invaders are throwing away food and water in Hungary

Look at the sense of entitlement and attitude of these pathetic freeloaders.I know plenty of European orphanages and nursing homes in need of free food and water and they're being wasted on these illegals.

Desperate ,traumatised by war people just throw away free food and water ? It's not the first time they do it either....
That's the first good news about Sweden I heard in years. :D Danke.
In one poll which is normally not reliable, but support for SD has been growing.
More reliable polls put them in third place.
Still they have less influence than last period due to an agreement
between the left and the right block last December.
good watch.

Probably the most narrow-minded short sighted view on the immigrant crisis so far. I'm sorry but whenever nut jobs like these pop up on Youtube you should usually avoid them at all costs as they dont know what they are talking about most of the time. Their arguments are fueled by personal experiences and emotions rather then actually proven statistics and facts.
The reason the middle east is so screwed up is because the middle eastern people are incompetent to manage their own affairs. End of story. And, they are soooooooooo incompetent that they bite the hands of anyone who tries to help them overcome their own stupidity. They inhabit a culture which is being replaced by human natural mechanisms. Unfortunately, human nature is Darwinian, albeit with many disguising overlays, so the process is brutal to watch.

More its a remnants of colonialism which sought to place dictators in the middle east to control and divide the populations

E.g artificial iraq sunni minority dictator ruling majority shia

Syria, minority alewite dictator ruling majority sunni

Places like Jordan or Saudi with self serving monarchs mailable to western interests

Even so the middle east had no where near the mass murdering cluster **** of a people such as the Europeans who murdered millions of each other in two world wars

Democracy is a process that takes time not forced by idiots in senseless wars
The illegal invaders are throwing away food and water in Hungary

Look at the sense of entitlement and attitude of these pathetic freeloaders.I know plenty of European orphanages and nursing homes in need of free food and water and they're being wasted on these illegals.

Desperate ,traumatised by war people just throw away free food and water ? It's not the first time they do it either....

They should be happy to be far from war and being offered food and water... NO! They want a big luxury house and earning money that German taxpayers pay !
As Orban said,it isnt an European problem,but a German problem. 800.000 this year,1.00.000 the next ? If they are on self destruction mode,please dont drag other EU members with you.
Sorry i thought you were one mullah (I cant see member flags since im on my phone)wishing to see an muslimised Europe. As there are mny over here. Be sure that when Europeans are fe dup,we know how to kick out some butts. We did it many times and will have again to do it if nothing changes

Oh boo hoo

Whats this????

A former colonial power who occupied people countries, stole their resources now complaining about people turning up in their country

Oh the hypocrisy
Oh the irony:laugh:
They're 5% in Sweden and the Swedish Nationalist Party is 1st in the polls(against immigration).Take into account that many Swedish new comers are Serb/Croat stock,not muslims .
There are NO Muslims in Sweden.
According to the Koran, you can only be a Muslim in a Muslim country, LOL
As bad as it is in Syria i don't think many are are lining up to go to India.

I mean why would you want to move to a place where over half the population doesn't have access to basic sanitation.

Plus they would have their hands full protecting Syrian women against desperate Bharti men.

all credit to india (despite my hate for them for the kashmir issue) they have taken some syrian refugees who applied in. our muslim nations need to start handling the situation better. as if not bad enogh saudia is now bombing yemen causing more refugees. these whites in europe must also ask themselves why they r facing refugees. they caused the problem now they must house the problem. wait till these people rise up against the europeans when theres no jobs and they r told not to wear hijab etc. europe will burn like the way they burnt the muslim states :D
Oh boo hoo

Whats this????

A former colonial power who occupied people countries, stole their resources now complaining about people turning up in their country

Oh the hypocrisy
Oh the irony:laugh:

Vive la Coloniale !
Not true. They teach you wrong Koran in Sweden.

We are reading the one without the Gannet...

"This was the reason for Islam's view on at-ta'arrub ba'd al-hijra as reflected in many ahadith. At-ta'arrub ba'd al-hijra literally means "becoming shorn of one's percepts of faith after migrating [to city]," and technically, it means leaving an environment where you could follow Islam and moving to a place where you maybe prone to not following Islam. Such a migration is counted as one of the major sins."

"This is a very complex issue.. however the key point that is being missed in all these postings that are being brought up is that living in NON Muslim lands is in relation to a land that is not in conflict or not attacking/slaughtering Muslims/Muslim Lands.. THIS iSSUE IS MORE OF LIVING AMONGST A PEOPLE WHO ARE ATTACKING MUSLIMS/MUSLIM LANDS

So whether you're living in the US/UK you're not living in a 'non-muslim' land only... you're living in a land that is at war and killing Muslims.

What is the scholarly consensus on living amongst those who are killing Muslims? We can go to the Quraysh on this one and what the Prophet SAWS said regarding those who live amongst them -- ' they strenghten their numbers '.

Al-Hassan Ibn Salih said: "whoever remains in the land of the enemy, will be treated like the disbelievers, so long as he was able to join the Muslims but did not do it. If one of the disbelievers accepts Islam, but still remains with the disbelievers, even though he was able to go to join the Muslims, he is to be treated like them; neither his blood nor his property will be protected.

Al-Hassan said: "If a Muslim emigrates to the land of the disbelievers, yet does not renounce Islam, he will be an apostate by virtue of his abandonment of 'Dar ul-Islam"' . (The Arabic text of the preceding passage refers to the land of the disbelievers as ‘dar ul-harb' and 'Ard ul-Adu', that is: the 'land of the enemy'; this indicates an active military opposition to the Muslims, as if in a state of war).

Sheikh Qahtani says: But those who would emigrate to non-Muslim lands in search of wealth or prosperity to live under their protection, while they were able to go to live amongst the Muslims in their own land, but still do not withdraw themselves from the disbelievers; such people are not far from the fold of disbelief, and we can find no possible excuse for them, so we ask Allah's Forgiveness."

Lot's of other text on this issue
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Well, as long as they don't come here, it's good for us. Their reasons don't bother me one bit.

Just to drive home the point

This is how your average Syrian woman looks like

Indian men are notorious to lust for fairer skin

American Woman Gang-Raped In India | Culture Variety

3 Indians sentenced for raping Japanese student - CBS News

Now i shudder to think what could happen to defenseless refugee women when faced with these kind of guys.


Refugees leave their homeland in many cases to avoid harm being done to their female folk who are the most vulnerable in civil war type conflicts.....wouldn't make sense to move to someplace which is perceived rightly or wrongly to be the rape capital of the world !
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