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What pan movements do Arabs tend to favor?

Not true, the founder was Shareef Hussien Bin Ali, as I said Arabisim is part and parcel of Islam. However, this doesn't mean there were not fake Arabs who promoted for extreme and dumb Arabisim to fight Islamic values like Bashar and Qadafi.
Pan-Arabism has nothing to do with Islam! Nothing.
Some of the important Christian figures in the Pan-Arab movement:
Jurji Zaydan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Constantin Zureiq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Michel Aflaq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
More information:

Spare me from those, Arabs have always been proud of themselves since they were founded thousands of years ago. We are an Islamic nation but a proud Arab one, By the by, our armed forces official name is Arab Army, our flag consists of colors that represent our Arab history.


Arab%20Legion%20cap%20badge%20%20the%20regular%20a  rmy%20of%20Transjordan%201920-1956.JPG


And watch this video especially the last minute and see how much we make you look goood:partay:

And eventually your country name is The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
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Sir, what about the UAE?

UAE is like "God's messenger" for Saudis and to some degrees Iraq.

It can show the way, but by itself too small to be significant in the long long run.

In some ways, UAE may become part of the greater Saudi Arabia. I mean they are all part of GCC anyways.

Once the Saudi Arabia converts to "Constitutional monarchy" like UK (may be in 20-30 years), it will have a much wider appeal to democracy lovers in the rest of the GCC.



Jordan too should try to squeeze into GCC somehow. Otherwise it will be stuck with the likes of Lebanon and Syria.
I disrespect those Pan fanatics :lol:

You and Mosa are the only Saudis I have met who don't like Arabisim, and the common thing between you two that one of your relatives doesn't have an Arab linage. :/ Sad to see people like you, I am an Arab but not a fanatic, and don't support those fake Arab nationalists.
You and Mosa are the only Saudis I have met who don't like Arabisim, and the common thing between you two that one of your relatives doesn't have an Arab linage. :/ Sad to see people like you, I am an Arab but not a fanatic, and don't support those fake Arab nationalists.

Well, if you go back to history you will see that Pan-Arab leaders had brought nothing but suffering for their citizens and by large the Arab nations. Maybe I see it in a way thats different from yours or the others ,but that doesn't mean that I'm a self-hating Arab :D. Yes, I'm half a Saudi ,but I like everybody ,and funnily enough my mom is an Arabist ( She is fanatically in love with the Arabian culture) .. I don't know why @Mosamania shares the same view point though.

I could have stayed in the country that I was born in ,but I'm ashamed of our foreign policy ,because we only bomb people who are anthropologically different from us.

Saudi isn't a flawless counrty ,but better than the others.

BTW, I'm kidding here :partay:, I'm not that much deluded,

We know :coffee:
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UAE is like "God's messenger" for Saudis and to some degrees Iraq.

It can show the way, but by itself too small to be significant in the long long run.

In some ways, UAE may become part of the greater Saudi Arabia. I mean they are all part of GCC anyways.

Once the Saudi Arabia converts to "Constitutional monarchy" like UK (may be in 20-30 years), it will have a much wider appeal to democracy lovers in the rest of the GCC.



Jordan too should try to squeeze into GCC somehow. Otherwise it will be stuck with the likes of Lebanon and Syria.

You may also want to add that Pakistan's contribution to the GCC which is undeniable. It goes without saying that Pakistan has been helping us a lot developing our own infrastructures ,health care ,and higher education.

I would like to see Jordan joining the GCC which isn't only fairly certain but around the corner. At the same time, we should encourage our organic ally Pakistan along with Turkey to apply for an observer status in the GCC too.

Today, Pakistan is building a new naval base not that far from the Arabian Gulf and that would encourage our neighbors to do more business with you guys :D
You may also want to add that Pakistan's contribution to the GCC which is undeniable. It goes without saying that Pakistan has been helping us a lot developing our own infrastructures ,health care ,and higher education.

I would like to see Jordan joining the GCC which isn't only fairly certain but around the corner. At the same time, we should encourage our organic ally Pakistan along with Turkey to apply for an observer status in the GCC too.

Today, Pakistan is building a new naval base not that far from the Arabian Gulf and that would encourage our neighbors to do more business with you guys :D

Thank you.

Not just the new port aka Gawader, even Karachi could have benefited immensely from business outsourcing from UAE.

Unfortunately we have destroyed Karachi due to $stupid ethnic politics and thus loosing $billions worth of support services to UAE.

Even Gawader the new port, is sufering from ethnic fascism and tussle.

I'd like to change the name of Gawader to New-Dubai, new-Bali, New Hong Kong, or new-Singapore and set it up like an independent region (similar to Hong Kong, or Singapore).

The name change is necessary to change the perception of locals as well as international investors.

However all these ideas are being shot down, because in Pakistan, our intellectuals have not really learned to appreciate UAE in true sense, and we just want to use it send our labor, and running-from-the-law politicians etc.

Hope one day we too can truly copy and learn from UAE.

I hope one day.

Today, Pakistan is building a new naval base not that far from the Arabian Gulf and that would encourage our neighbors to do more business with you guys :D
persian Gulf

for a name don't copy other. find something in the culture or a word which will show investors what it your idea about the port.
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