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What pan movements do Arabs tend to favor?

Iran is a f!lthy rich state too man!
having lot of difficulties nowadays. many people cannot buy drugs and many die .
i saw people saying the sold their last car their last properties to pay the medic for the cancer of wife/husband...
and now they have nothing.

so NO we are not in the same situation at all. we have a terrible sanctions policy on our country.
And these sanctions sanction/kill normal people and it is not even making troubles to the leaders or the guys they want to give pain to ;)
having lot of difficulties nowadays. many people cannot buy drugs and many die .
i saw people saying the sold their last car their last properties to pay the medic for the cancer of wife/husband...
and now they have nothing.

so NO we are not in the same situation at all. we have a terrible sanctions policy on our country.
And these sanctions sanction/kill normal people and it is not even making troubles to the leaders or the guys they want to give pain to ;)

I'm sorry to hear that Hussien. I firmly believe that the sanctions imposed by the Intl community is unfair and very disturbing.
If panarabism would mean that Islamists from arabia would stop coming to turkic countrys then go with panarabism please leave us alone then.
If panarabism would mean that Islamists from arabia would stop coming to turkic countrys then go with panarabism please leave us alone then.

Like how Turkey is coming and meddling in Arab countries now right.
Like how Turkey is coming and meddling in Arab countries now right.
I dont only speak about Turkey and Arabs always want that Turkey does something but only AKP wants that in Turkey we will see how it turns out.
Like how Turkey is coming and meddling in Arab countries now right.

Turkey is a neighboring friendly country of the Arab nations and we do appreciate their help for the Syrian people. I would never consider Turkey as an outsider ,but a friend in need is a friend indeed.
Turkey is a neighboring friendly country of the Arab nations and we do appreciate their help for the Syrian people. I would never consider Turkey as an outsider ,but a friend in need is a friend indeed.

Turkey is not part of the Arab league, the Arab world.
It is not up to you and me to decide who is allowed to do that, it suddenly is not allowed if people want Iran to meddle cause you do not like that.

If Turkey interferes, Iran interferes.

if Iran interferes, Turkey interferes.

Just saying for!

Sir, Don't forget Pakistan.



Absolutely not. The GCC tend to have a similar point if view when it comes to Turkey and Pakistan. Therefore, I can predict a bright future for you folks with them.

Thank you.

Not just the new port aka Gawader, even Karachi could have benefited immensely from business outsourcing from UAE.

Unfortunately we have destroyed Karachi due to $stupid ethnic politics and thus loosing $billions worth of support services to UAE.

Even Gawader the new port, is sufering from ethnic fascism and tussle.

I'd like to change the name of Gawader to New-Dubai, new-Bali, New Hong Kong, or new-Singapore and set it up like an independent region (similar to Hong Kong, or Singapore).

The name change is necessary to change the perception of locals as well as international investors.

However all these ideas are being shot down, because in Pakistan, our intellectuals have not really learned to appreciate UAE in true sense, and we just want to use it send our labor, and running-from-the-law politicians etc.

Hope one day we too can truly copy and learn from UAE.

I hope one day.

ye always gcc pakistan lol

Pakistan is not so involved in this, better for them.
They do not need shia-sunni civil war there
ye always gcc pakistan lol

Pakistan is not so involved in this, better for them.
They do not need shia-sunni civil war there

Talk to Zadari :wave:

And yes, Pakistan is involved already isn't that true @Aeronaut? :D

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Talk to Zadari :wave:

And yes, Pakistan is involved already isn't that true @Aeronaut? :D


Right, very nice situation

So when Syria and Iraq are in hands of sunnis again, who is the next to kill ?
Because we have always been killing each other, even in our caliphates we liked to kill each other.
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ye always gcc pakistan lol

Pakistan is not so involved in this, better for them.
They do not need shia-sunni civil war there

Dear poster,

Pakistan got into Shia-Sunni sectarian hell, long time ago.

It happened as soon as that black-faced Mullah Khomeni (BFMK) took control of Iran's oil money.

Pakistan was next door, and we had soft corner for Iranians (for many reasons beyond religion).

BFMK exploited that soft corner and used immense petro-wealth to help create three shia organizations.

1. Student wing (Imamia Student organization - ISO)
2. Militant wing (Jesh Mohammad)
3. political wing (Tehrike Nifaze figh Jafria - TNFJ)

This black faced in his zeal of sectarianism threw away decades old friendship and pushed pakistan into the lap of Saudi-irani rivalry that still goes on today.

Just like in iraq, Pakistanis are very gullible when it comes to pull from either Saudi or from iran.


The Sunnis look at Imam-Kaba, and think of someone who is an image of long gone Sahaba.

the Shias look at Ayatullahs, and think that God himself is hiding in those dastardly long beards.

Couple this with immense power in petro-dollars, and you have a recipe of HUGE disaster.

Bottom line: I agree that Pakistan should keep out from Shia-Sunni $hit.

But unfortunately it is too late.

really really late.


Right, very nice situation

So when Syria and Iraq are in hands of sunnis again, who is the next to kill ?
Because we have always been killing each other, even in our caliphates we liked to kill each other.

you are correct.

Only one out of 4 Khalifa-Rashideen had a stable rule. The rest of them had HUGE trouble, and pretty much got murdered on the job.

And let's not even get into the later "Khalifas". As they all were simply kings and emperors inside an Islamic green garb.

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