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What pan movements do Arabs tend to favor?

Dear poster,

Pakistan got into Shia-Sunni sectarian hell, long time ago.

It happened as soon as that black-faced Mullah Khomeni (BFMK) took control of Iran's oil money.

Pakistan was next door, and we had soft corner for Iranians (for many reasons beyond religion).

BFMK exploited that soft corner and used immense petro-wealth to help create three shia organizations.

1. Student wing (Imamia Student organization - ISO)
2. Militant wing (Jesh Mohammad)
3. political wing (Tehrike Nifaze figh Jafria - TNFJ)

This black faced in his zeal of sectarianism threw away decades old friendship and pushed pakistan into the lap of Saudi-irani rivalry that still goes on today.

Just like in iraq, Pakistanis are very gullible when it comes to pull from either Saudi or from iran.


The Sunnis look at Imam-Kaba, and think of someone who is an image of long gone Sahaba.

the Shias look at Ayatullahs, and think that God himself is hiding in those dastardly long beards.

Couple this with immense power in petro-dollars, and you have a recipe of HUGE disaster.

Bottom line: I agree that Pakistan should keep out from Shia-Sunni $hit.

But unfortunately it is too late.

really really late.


Those are dead organisations... unlike ur GCC supported

Lashkar e Jhangvi
Sipah e sahaba
Tehrik e Taliban Pakistan
etc etc

Which are openly massacring shias in the name of Allah and justifying it by calling shias kafir... also when was the last time the so called shia extremist groups in Pakistan massacred sunnis?:undecided:
Those are dead organisations... unlike ur GCC supported

Lashkar e Jhangvi
Sipah e sahaba
Siph e Mohammad
Tehrik e Taliban Pakistan
etc etc

Which are openly massacring shias in the name of Allah and justifying it by calling shias kafir... also when was the last time the so called shia extremist groups in Pakistan massacred sunnis?undecided:

You have valid points there.

And you know I respect you for being truthful.

Shia militancy in Pakistan died as it quickly ran out of "soldiers". As it could not "outcompete" overwhelming numbers against it. There was no Shia dominated region in Pakistan. They were spread far and wide fully mixed in with Sunnis. Had it been a situation like Lebanon, you would have seen much longer life for the murderous goons of Shia variety as well.

Don't take me wrong. I am just doing an impartial analysis.

My family has long time and deep rooted ties with Pakistani Shias.

Luckily none of my close Shia friends and families lost in this awful period.

But I cried when I saw many of them start living in fear.

These f^ck faced Wahabi militants f d up everything.

While growing up together, my shia friends were as hopeful nay more hopeful about Pakistan, and more hard working.

Back in school days, when I was slacking off, one of shia friends' father sat me down on their dining table and spent pretty much 2 hours explaining to me why it was important for me to work hard and be good at studies.

This one followed by many more sessions of advice and guidance.

So when I look back, I can see immense contributions of Pakistani-Shias personally and to the whole nation.

This is why I cannot forgive Black faced Khomeni, and black faced Imams from Saudi,

for f^ucking the minds of Pakistanis Shias, and Pakistani Sunnis.

Hope you understand from where I come from.

You have valid points there.

And you know I respect you for being truthful.

Shia militancy in Pakistan died as it quickly ran out of "soldiers". As it could not "outcompete" overwhelming numbers against it. There was no Shia dominated region in Pakistan. They were spread far and wide fully mixed in with Sunnis. Had it been a situation like Lebanon, you would have seen much longer life for the murderous goons of Shia variety as well.

Don't take me wrong. I am just doing an impartial analysis.

My family has long time and deep rooted ties with Pakistani Shias.

Luckily none of my close Shia friends and families lost in this awful period.

But I cried when I saw many of them start living in fear.

These f^ck faced Wahabi militants f d up everything.

While growing up together, my shia friends were as hopeful nay more hopeful about Pakistan, and more hard working.

Back in school days, when I was slacking off, one of shia friends' father sat me down on their dining table and spent pretty much 2 hours explaining to me why it was important for me to work hard and be good at studies.

This one followed by many more sessions of advice and guidance.

So when I look back, I can see immense contributions of Pakistani-Shias personally and to the whole nation.

This is why I cannot forgive Black faced Khomeni, and black faced Imams from Saudi,

for f^ucking the minds of Pakistanis Shias, and Pakistani Sunnis.

Hope you understand from where I come from.


My family is also mixed... my maternal family is predominantly shia... while my paternal family is sunni....

Take the example of Quetta it has always had a sizeable shia population... nobody had problems.. shias,sunnis... we all lived happily... now its a hell hole... and who suffered the most and are suffering? hazaras.... bcoz of their ethnicity ... they are recognizable as almost all of them are shia... And who was responsible? when did Sh!t hit the fan? It was when Gen zia bowed down to the wahabis and imported their bloody ideology... SSP,LJ etc were formed... and to counter them Iran supported Sipah e Mohammad ..... but who cares... in the end... its the people who suffered...
My family is also mixed... my maternal family is predominantly shia... while my paternal family is sunni....

Take the example of Quetta it has always had a sizeable shia population... nobody had problems.. shias,sunnis... we all lived happily... now its a hell hole... and who suffered the most and are suffering? hazaras.... bcoz of their ethnicity ... they are recognizable as almost all of them are shia... And who was responsible? when did Sh!t hit the fan? It was when Gen zia bowed down to the wahabis and imported their bloody ideology... SSP,LJ etc were formed... and to counter them Iran supported Sipah e Mohammad ..... but who cares... in the end... its the people who suffered...

Many analysts do not realize that Shia-Sunni $hit started in two cities.

1. Quetta
2. Karachi

And it started soon after black faced ayatullahs took control of Iranian petro-dollars.

Who could forget that in the early 80s one of the imambargah became a battle ground between Shia militants and the police.

Shia militants fired AK-47 from inside the imambargah and killed bunch of police officers.

Similarly Shia-Sunni $hit happened in Karachi in the early 80s.

in both the cases, Pakistani society was too weak to nip the evil in the bud.

Instead our elite both Shia and Sunni felt it was better to let Shia and Sunni militants battle it out, instead of pushing army and rangers into it.

May be they were right (and by doing this they avoided a split in the army/rangers),

May be they were wrong. (as clearly we have lost both Karachi and Quetta and much much more).

However the main responsibility lies with us.

When we the Pakistanis still have not figured out that for 99% of us Pakistan is the first and the last home.

Shias cannot move to iran and

Sunnis will definitely be not welcomed in Saudi as refugees.

The day we figured out that Pakistan is first.

the day we cursed Saudi Mullahs for fanning sectarian $hit and interfering with Pakistanis
the day we cursed Irani ayatullahs for fanning sectarian $hit and interfering with Pakistanis

While we respect them immensely, and hold them high, the least they should do is not fan the sectarian $hit.

Many analysts do not realize that Shia-Sunni $hit started in two cities.

1. Quetta
2. Karachi

And it started soon after black faced ayatullahs took control of Iranian petro-dollars.

Who could forget that in the early 80s one of the imambargah became a battle ground between Shia militants and the police.

Shia militants fired AK-47 from inside the imambargah and killed bunch of police officers.

Similarly Shia-Sunni $hit happened in Karachi in the early 80s.

in both the cases, Pakistani society was too weak to nip the evil in the bud.

Instead our elite both Shia and Sunni felt it was better to let Shia and Sunni militants battle it out, instead of pushing army and rangers into it.

May be they were right (and by doing this they avoided a split in the army/rangers),

May be they were wrong. (as clearly we have lost both Karachi and Quetta and much much more).

However the main responsibility lies with us.

When we the Pakistanis still have not figured out that for 99% of us Pakistan is the first and the last home.

Shias cannot move to iran and

Sunnis will definitely be not welcomed in Saudi as refugees.

The day we figured out that Pakistan is first.

the day we cursed Saudi Mullahs for fanning sectarian $hit and interfering with Pakistanis
the day we cursed Irani ayatullahs for fanning sectarian $hit and interfering with Pakistanis

While we respect them immensely, and hold them high, the least they should do is not fan the sectarian $hit.


Probably bcoz we are still split between our ethnicities... Nationalism has taken a backseat..... We should encourage or should i say enforce NATIONALISM... it is the only way forward...we are the sons of soil... we are Panjabi,Sindhi,Baluch,Pashtun,Hazara,Qazalbash,Turkic,Kurd,Balti etc etc.........and we should be PROUD!

We also lack leaders... our politicians are sacks of shyt! they care about themselves ... their political dynasties..... same is the case of people/awam.... they dont care about the country..... selfish **** people..
I dare you to prove to me that you are Saudi, that is all I am saying.

On topic, I support Pan Mosamaniasim, follow me my sons and I shall deliver thee unto salvation. :smart:

I never said i was ethnically saudi. I worked in saudi for quite some time contractually. But rather than living in compounds, i lived close to regular saudis and was able to understand their culture more closely, as well as Islam.
He doesn't seem to be for myself either. The Saudis often prefer to keep distance from the others for some reason :rofl:

I'm following you homeboy :sniper:
Again i never said i was, and yes you're right, they prefer to keep distance. Tribally. My point is, this doesn't work, because some "questionable" individuals who don't look arab, have been genetically absorbed into some tribes already.
I'm not saying they marry zanjis, who are full blooded. I'm saying some of the zanjis have already been absorbed, over thousands of years, because Islam said its okay to marry your slaves now.
Bilal ibn Rabah for example, was the son of an arab father and zanj mother, and that was 1400 years ago.
Al jahiz also is another example who is mixed, from a great-great grandfather zanji. Also from thousands of years.
I never said i was ethnically saudi. I worked in saudi for quite some time contractually. But rather than living in compounds, i lived close to regular saudis and was able to understand their culture more closely, as well as Islam.

Again i never said i was, and yes you're right, they prefer to keep distance. Tribally. My point is, this doesn't work, because some "questionable" individuals who don't look arab, have been genetically absorbed into some tribes already.
I'm not saying they marry zanjis, who are full blooded. I'm saying some of the zanjis have already been absorbed, over thousands of years, because Islam said its okay to marry your slaves now.
Bilal ibn Rabah for example, was the son of an arab father and zanj mother, and that was 1400 years ago.
Al jahiz also is another example who is mixed, from a great-great grandfather zanji. Also from thousands of years.

LoL what? What tribes are you talking about? We're living in the 21st centuary dude get real!

Also, I never brought the black and white issue whatsoever :no:
I dare you to prove to me that you are Saudi, that is all I am saying.

On topic, I support Pan Mosamaniasim, follow me my sons and I shall deliver thee unto salvation. :smart:

Exactly, there is no Pan-anything.

UAE's #1 priority is UAE, Qatar's Qatar, Bahrain's Bahrain.

The only reason they work together on things like GCC is to simplify things and allow for mutual benefit.

I think Arab government's are working better for their own people than Pakistan's. Which is why we are wondering what sort of Pan are they and they are not.
LoL what? What tribes are you talking about? We're living in the 21st centuary dude get real!

Also, I never brought the black and white issue whatsoever :no:

Well i'm talking about what i've observed with my own eyes. I was there in 2009, and worked contractually for 18 months.

You did however, say "the saudis like to keep distance from the others for some reason". So, whoever you're talking about, i logically assumed you're talking about blacks. If not, who are "the others" ?
Well i'm talking about what i've observed with my own eyes. And i never said you brought up the black and white issue. I did.
You did however, say "the saudis like to keep distance from the others for some reason". So, whoever you're talking about, i don't know.

That doesn't mean we dislike people, but we would rather keep it to ourselves, just like the Aussies ;) ..
That doesn't mean we dislike people, but we would rather keep it to ourselves, just like the Aussies ;) ..

I don't think you comprehended my point.

I'm not saying you treated blacks badly. I'm saying, there's already negroid genes in your genepool, from thousands of years ago of zanj admixture. That's why i saw some families in Saudis who have 2 tanned colour children, then one really dark child, or wide noses, or very kinky hair, etc. Negroid features emerging in regular arab gene pools.

That's why i gave the examples of bilal ibn rabah, and el jahiz. My point is, that thousands of years ago inter-breeding occured. And it continued. Genes don't just disappear.
I don't think you comprehended my point.

I'm not saying you treated blacks badly. I'm saying, there's already negroid genes in your genepool, from thousands of years ago of zanj admixture. That's why i saw some families in Saudis who have 2 tanned colour children, then one really dark child, or wide noses, or very kinky hair, etc. Negroid features emerging in regular arab gene pools.

That's why i gave the examples of bilal ibn rabah, and el jahiz. My point is, that thousands of years ago inter-breeding occured. And it continued. Genes don't just disappear.

Point taken. I just wanted to stress out that the urban people of ours -the majority- don't care about color or ethnicity or whatever.

Thanks for nailing that to us though :smart:
Point taken. I just wanted to stress out that the urban people of ours -the majority- don't care about color or ethnicity or whatever.

Thanks for nailing that to us though :smart:

Well, it's not just colour, it's representative of a wider anthropological legacy. But, you're probably right, although my neighbours in dammam didn't seem very happy about people "of colour".:lol:
Well, it's not just colour, it's representative of a wider anthropological legacy. But, you're probably right, although my neighbours in dammam didn't seem very happy about people "of colour".:lol:

Depends on who your neighbors are. Dammam is a bit conservative unlike Khobar which has a large liberal community.
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