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What kind of options does Pakistan have for retaliation?

Should we respond militarily or by blocking trade routes?

  • Military

  • Blocking Trade routes

  • Both

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Haha, USA does not give a damn for India and India will never get UNSC seat because India is China's enemy and China would block India's entry in UNSC. Keep dreaming. ;)

Ha ha ha, as though an ordinary Indian cares about UNSC seat! If the economy grows in the same pace, then even China will woo India! Even today they did not side with all weather friend!

If BJP does not give a crap for the Shimla agreement then stop barking about solving the Kashmir dispute bilaterally. ;)

Who is barking? The present BJP is totally indifferent to resolving the Kashmir dispute... They do NOT need dialogue with Pakistan! It is Pakistan who begs for dialogue!
They shouldn't, not unless Pakistan can convincingly disprove India's claim it was attacking a terror haven. If Pakistan can't do that, it will effectively be an official acknowledgement by Pakistan that it "owns" the terrorists, that they are not "stateless" actors at all, and that Pakistan has merely been pretending they are for the past thirty years.

Are u trying to imply that all of that ain't true ?
Ikram Sehgal--a Pakistani defense analyst of repute--is quoted by NY Times to say that the important question will be whether the Indian govt will absorb the Pakistani response. And I think the magnitude of Pakistan's response will depend upon what exactly happened: Right now, two very extremes narratives: Indians claiming hundreds of people died in buildings inside Pakistan while Pakistanis saying that only a few trees in a forested area.
It will be very hard for Pakistan to hide the damage as claimed by India; even in Pakistan there is an information age.

Ikram Sehgal should stop talking to American media. He will only make things worse for Pakistan, considering his past there.

OT: Pakistan lost the only good option available by not taking on IAF fighters. Now the option is only bad and worse and worst.
OT: Pakistan lost the only good option available by not taking on IAF fighters. Now the option is only bad and worse and worst.
How was that a good option? Pakistan has been on record as stating that it did not want to escalate. The SOP in peacetime is to warn intruding aircraft, not shoot them down, as long as they return. The fact that the IAF dropped bombs was not confirmed till later, since the bombs were dropped in an uninhabited area. As has been pointed out in prior posts, such airspace violations occur regularly, and SOP is to warn the aircraft to return.
Ha ha ha, as though an ordinary Indian cares about UNSC seat! If the economy grows in the same pace, then even China will woo India! Even today they did not side with all weather friend!

Who is barking? The present BJP is totally indifferent to resolving the Kashmir dispute... They do NOT need dialogue with Pakistan! It is Pakistan who begs for dialogue!
Listen you barking animal you are the one who said India seeks UNSC seat.

Stop wasting my time here.

How do you know China has not sided with Pakistan you ignorant person?
OT: Pakistan lost the only good option available by not taking on IAF fighters. Now the option is only bad and worse and worst.

I don't think so. There wasn't much of a time to really engage the intruders and once they went back across the LoC then Pakistani aircraft would almost certainly fall in a trap of waiting aircrafts and SAMs. Understand that the attacker had the advantage given the element of surprise and the short distance to cover. This may well be repeated by PAF but in the opposite direction!!

So... let's find out the real nature of the damage. If Indians really didn't kill hundreds at Balakot in 'buildings' then it may well backfire on India. As I said, truth will not be hard to hide. The debris, the dead bodies, the injured to the hospitals, the bomb parts. While Pakistani Army may want to hide all that but the locals--and Balakot is in a pretty populated part of Pakistan--would be able to tell in great details....
Pak army should suppky arms to kashmiris openly and ask international friends that eitger bring india on talks or we support freedom in kashmir which ibternationaly not a part of india so supporting one against un official is not a crime
Pakistan has only two options
!1) All out nuclear war which is like Suicidal
!2) Carry put Hydrogen Bomb test like Tsar Bomba to scar off Indian...which is preferred option.
Indians think Pakistan Army, Airforce, PM Imran Khan gave verbal threats, Pakistan can not do anything damaging to India:

It should be pointed out that whatever military "retaliation" Pakistan may choose to undertake, it will likely do so without much international support. Not from the U.N., not from Bangladesh, not even from China.

That's because India has been making the case that it was acting against terror havens and under binding post-9/11 U.N. Security Council Resolutions these are fair game for any U.N. member-state to attack - the sovereign territorial rights of the member-state containing the terror haven are effectively null in this regard.

On the other hand, if Pakistan "retaliates" against India militarily, that would be considered an attack by Pakistan against India, a violation of India's sovereign rights by Pakistan.
Every dick and John consider themselves Aristotle or General Rommel.
Pakistan will retaliate for certain. Everything has two sides, and India will suffer more both militarily and economically.
Pakistan is 100% legit to retaliate and US could do nuffing. They need Pak help to bring back troops.
This is very alarming, 60+- km inside Pakistan they came and go back unharmed. ..

This is not good, at the time when ur Airforce and Air defence both are on. *redalert*. ... very poor performance @ PAF . ..I am realllllllly worried now, specially After analysing this map pic.

By the way Where were our awacs air crafts and new Tps-77 like radars and SAM and AAM missiles,,,,?

I think the Indians themselves de-escalated internally, taking pressure off of them to act in any meaningful way. And it seems GoP isn't going to escalate either.

Maybe somewhere in an empty field we can create nice crater by shelling or airstrike, while simultaneously claiming 5.89*10^12 Indian casualties.

Exactly...we should allow both Government to have their own narrative without really damaging any human lives...
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