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What is your wifes biggest complaint against you?


Apr 24, 2022
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My wife only has one complaint against me and that is I don't talk to her much even though I talk to her quite a bit. She wants me to talk to her all the time.

I tell her her that's how I am but she says when you have people over in the men's living room i can hear you talk talk and talk but when it comes to me you say what is there to talk about and you only talk for a little bit and that's it.

When I'm in my bedroom that's one of my best free time where I go on my phone, read forums, listen to music, maybe watch a movie, etc... and what can I talk to a person I spend the whole night with every night.

Damn women they are never satisfied.
My wife only has one complaint against me and that is I don't talk to her much even though I talk to her quite a bit. She wants me to talk to her all the time.

I tell her her that's how I am but she says when you have people over in the men's living room i can hear you talk talk and talk but when it comes to me you say what is there to talk about and you only talk for a little bit and that's it.

When I'm in my bedroom that's one of my best free time where I go on my phone, read forums, listen to music, maybe watch a movie, etc... and what can I talk to a person I spend the whole night with every night.

Damn women they are never satisfied.

I have been fed up with words ........ I need to give and spend more quality time.

I am working from home since covid 19, yaar these women never get satisfied.
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Single for life, happily.

Some people(majority) are wired in a way to live with one person forever and start a family of their own. Others like me(minority) are just wired differently. Occasional/casual relations here and there, it starts there and it ends there. Nothing serious. Life is good. :-)
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