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What is your idea about the possibility of secularism in Iran?

I don't care if the regime has many supporters in backward villages. They probably do, but considering the fact that 70% of all Iranians live in urban areas, I merely focus on those developments, rather than looking at poor villagers, who have nothing to eat, and come to Tehran by regime-busses, to demonstrate in the name of Khamenei and co.

Most Iranians I know, whether Kurd, Azeri, Fars, Arab or Baluch; all despise the current system and see Khamenei + the rest of the mullahs/pasdars as a backward, corrupt and lying clan of elites.
who are the "most Iranians i know"?besid that are those villagers none Iranians?90% of people in mashhad,qom and yazd are pro system.arent they?mashhad population is about 4,qom' one is + 1 milion,and yazd's one is already close to milion.
my friend-i have told this to you many times-you should discuss with facts.the last part of your comment lacks logic as hell.
who are the "most Iranians i know"?besid that are those villagers none Iranians?90% of people in mashhad,qom and yazd are pro system.arent they?mashhad population is about 4,qom' one is + 1 milion,and yazd's one is already close to milion.
my friend-i have told this to you many times-you should discuss with facts.the last part of your comment lacks logic as hell.

90%? You just made these figures up yourselves. No way 90% of Mashhadis support this regime or system.
I prefer a peaceful transition of power and change. The best scenario is change that comes from within the establishment. Why? Because otherwise the country could face disorder and chaos, like we see in Iraq, Syria and Libya. In this case most current institutions could adapt to these new developments, rather than break apart.
well said.harsh one is impossible.IRGC will suppress protests.there is no chance for harsh one.regime is changing himself.believe me.khamnei is aware of the people's willing.

this change will need much time.
After comming to PDF I was surprised by so many secular iranians. Some people still praise zorastian culture unfortunately. And what kind of Islamic gov is iran when it backs a scum like assad & maliki in iraq? Don't get me wrong my iranian friends, I still consider iran a muslim brotherly country. Just expressing my opinion with PDF experience, nothing else. If your majority people wants secularism U will get there anyway.
In my opinion we should take it slow and bring change through reforms. Immediate and drastic change (i.e revolution) can have unintended consequences and can also be hijacked. As Iranians know all too well.

That comment is very very accurate and pragmatic.

I've found Iranians to be very civilised, pragmatic and smart people and I've always wondered how the 1979 revolution came about. The religious zeal must have really become a mass frenzy or the king would have made the people really desperate. A gradual change in 1979 would have made Iran the top dog in the region by now.
ok.you tell me.how many percent of mashhadis support the government?have you been to mashhad?have you seen women's way of dressing in streets or still your mashhadis "most Iranians i know" have told you the story?
again you need to be among people in the streets.
ok ignore mashhadis..have you been to kurdistan?do you know while prayer times shopkeepers stop work to say their prayers?
have you been to small cities where you can see khamenei and khomeini wallpapers on each wall of shops?

That comment is very very accurate and pragmatic.

I've found Iranians to be very civilised, pragmatic and smart people and I've always wondered how the 1979 revolution came about. The religious zeal must have really become a mass frenzy or the king would have made the people really desperate. A gradual change in 1979 would have made Iran the top dog in the region by now.
overseas Iranians dont represent us.

edit...time to lala.bye bye.
Its definitely possible. Its possible in most countries and definitely in Iran.
I think there is a desire at grassroot level to embrace modern values (including secularism) in iran unlike many countries where it was imposed from top.
My own impression is lack of genuine democracy is the major problem in iran ( not islam).
overseas Iranians dont represent us.

Well I just said I found overseas Iranians to be civilised, smart and pragmatic. Too bad if they do not represent you :)

Cheers I'm not telling you what system is best for you. I just said change should be gradual, thats all.
Well I just said I found overseas Iranians to be civilised, smart and pragmatic. Too bad if they do not represent you.

If every one was educated like overseas Iranians, whom the Ahmadinejad was her/his choice?
Well I just said I found overseas Iranians to be civilised, smart and pragmatic. Too bad if they do not represent you.

genius.im not saying we are different to them in case of being civilised....in fact we are ahead of them.the difference is about ideology and the opinions as its clear on PDF.
90%? You just made these figures up yourselves. No way 90% of Mashhadis support this regime or system.

He means the majority, and I think he is right somehow.

Ir.Tab. why don't you give us your opinions on all the points you raised? You asked for everybody else's but didn't say much yourself.

I will start, I just want to start some serious discussion just after the thread reaches the stability which is enough to reach an overall result.
genius.im not saying we are different to them in case of being civilised....in fact we are ahead of them.the difference is about ideology and the opinions as its clear on PDF.

Since you called me a genius, and since you are civil you must have meant it, then take my advice and read my comment again. I did not comment on ideology or system of governance at all, I only talked about my preference for gradual changes over revolutions. Cheers.
ohave you been to kurdistan?do you know while prayer times shopkeepers stop work to say their prayers?

My mom is from Kermanshah. If there is one people in Iran who hate the regime, its the Kurds. Do you know how many Kurds the regime has executed?
In my opinion, in order Iran to be secular, a bloody revolution/conflict is needed like the one in Syria or even worse, or foreign military intervention... It seems to me that the regime is pretty strong and have considerable amount of public support on its back.

What do you guys think?

I believe secular Iran would be an important partner, or even ally of Turkey, moreover secular Iran would mean safer Turkey.
Dumbest comment.... Syria is already secular but this "revolution" want to make it a Sharia State... and soon Turkey will be in the hands of The Muslim Brotherhood...
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