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What is your favorite Turkic Muslim Empire?

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God... i only took, 2 of his advices.

"Don't change yourself for her" -> i was not doing that all at the first place but paid extra attention to this issue.

"Don't try to understand her" I'm still giving too much effort to understand her but now, sometimes i just give up. :)

Thats because you still have such wonderful advises in the back of you're mind that you are meant to be doomed :p:
Thats because you still have such wonderful advises in the back of you're mind that you are meant to be doomed :p:

Don't be a jinx. :nono:

We are both happy.

I'm putting a good luck charm here.

Well its inevitable considering the advises you give heed to :-)

Okay, first of all, i will never wear those lame clothes she wants me to buy. (Not gonna change myself)

And this understanding each other issue is so complex, i'm not gonna go in there.
Okay, first of all, i will never wear those lame clothes she wants me to buy. (Not gonna change myself)

And this understanding each other issue is so complex, i'm not gonna go in there.

Well i agree on that one you can do as you like to nobody should force that. But for me i don't think understanding is an issue its more made out to be an issue than it actually is but then i am not a Turk or a man so you can listen to you're mentor whoever that is :lol:
Actually it didn't, it wasn't Turkic. As i wrote previously,

The Safavids came from Northern Iran.
In other words from today's Azeri-Kurdish Areas of Iran. But back then most were Persian there, and Azeri's were and is a Turkified Iranian people(Azerbaijan has Persian roots). Genetic testing demonstrates primarily the Turkification of the region rather than that the Azeri Turks are descendants of migrants from Central Asia.

And the Safavid culture was Persian, they spoke Persian, almost everything was Persian. There was very little Turkic elements and any of those was gone after Isfahan became the capital of the Safavid Empire.
During the time of the Safavid , Mughal and Ottoman empires, the only empire that classifies as a Turkic empire is the Ottoman Empire. Which was the longest living of the three.
No, its the other way around, most Iranians can confirm that.
I think They want to derail the topic; Please do not let them; Even their mod is in mood to troll. Please just report, not let them to troll.
Mate, i think we should discuss it or it will allways lead to discussuions in future.

I don't care for biased opinions, whether from Iranians or non-Iranian/anti-iranian Azeri's, i actually rely on facts.
As i said, Genetic testing demonstrates primarily the Turkification of the region rather than that the Azeri Turks are descendants of migrants from Central Asia.

"Another study, conducted in 2003 by the Russian Journal of Genetics, compared Iranian-language speakers of the Republic of Azerbaijan (the Talysh and Tats) with Turkic Azerbaijanis (Azeri Turks) and found that the genetic structure of that populations, compared with the other Iranian-speaking populations (Persians from Iran, Ossetins, and Tajiks), were closer to Turkic Azerbaijanis than to Iranian-speaking populations elsewhere."

"In 2006 M. Regueiro and A.M. Cadenas of Stanford University show that the population of central Iran (Isfahan) group to Caucasian Azeri people more than population of Turkey in terms of haplogroup distributions and genetic homogeneity."

"Genetic testing has also revealed Azeri population of Iran group more with other Iranian peoples especially with central Iranian people of Isfahan and Azeri population from the Republic of Azerbaijan group more with Caucasian people and people of central Iran."

And etc and etc :)
What do you wanna prove with genetic tests, its for sure Azaris are more Iranian because of mixing with Iranians after centurys...
But that doesnt mean their ancestors was Iranians...
I don't care for biased opinions, whether from Iranians or non-Iranian/anti-iranian/pan-turk Azeri's, i actually rely on facts.
As i said, Genetic testing demonstrates primarily the Turkification of the region rather than that the Azeri Turks are descendants of migrants from Central Asia.

"Another study, conducted in 2003 by the Russian Journal of Genetics, compared Iranian-language speakers of the Republic of Azerbaijan (the Talysh and Tats) with Turkic Azerbaijanis (Azeri Turks) and found that the genetic structure of that populations, compared with the other Iranian-speaking populations (Persians from Iran, Ossetins, and Tajiks), were closer to Turkic Azerbaijanis than to Iranian-speaking populations elsewhere."

"In 2006 M. Regueiro and A.M. Cadenas of Stanford University show that the population of central Iran (Isfahan) group to Caucasian Azeri people more than population of Turkey in terms of haplogroup distributions and genetic homogeneity."

"Genetic testing has also revealed Azeri population of Iran group more with other Iranian peoples especially with central Iranian people of Isfahan and Azeri population from the Republic of Azerbaijan group more with Caucasian people and people of central Iran."

And etc and etc :)

We had done this genetics discussion before and couldn't agree on.
One person even called Great Seljuk as Turk-Persian? :lol:

Safavid, Great Seljuk, Ottoman, Mughals, Mamluks, Huns, Gökturk all Turkic Empires end of discussion.
One person even called Great Seljuk as Turk-Persian? :lol:

Safavid, Great Seljuk, Ottoman, Mughals, Mamluks, Huns, Gökturk all Turkic Empires end of discussion.
Actually Seljuqs official language was persian but their origin was Oghuz Turks.

The Great Seljuq Empire (Modern Turkish: Büyük Selçuklu Devleti; Persian: دولت سلجوقیان‎) was a medieval Turko-Persian[8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15] Sunni Muslim empire, originating from the Qynyq branch of Oghuz Turks
Great Seljuq Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Actually it didn't, it wasn't Turkic. As i wrote previously,

The Safavids came from Northern Iran.
In other words from today's Azeri-Kurdish Areas of Iran. But back then most were Persian there, and Azeri's were and is a Turkified Iranian people(Azerbaijan has Persian roots). Genetic testing demonstrates primarily the Turkification of the region rather than that the Azeri Turks are descendants of migrants from Central Asia.

And the Safavid culture was Persian, they spoke Persian, almost everything was Persian. There was very little Turkic elements and any of those was gone after Isfahan became the capital of the Safavid Empire.
During the time of the Safavid , Mughal and Ottoman empires, the only empire that classifies as a Turkic empire is the Ottoman Empire. Which was the longest living of the three.

now you are being ridiculous. here's why:

"Most of the Persians, with their own language, learn also the Turkish especially in those provinces which have been long under the jurisdiction of the Grand Seignor, as Shirvan, Adirbeitzan, Iraq, Baghdad, and Eruan, where children are taught the Turkish language and by this means it is so common at court that a man seldom hears anyone speak the Persian; as in the Grand Seignior’s country, they ordinarily speak the Sclavonian, and in the Mogul’s the Persian. But in the province of Fars (which is the ancient Persia) and at Shiraz, they speak only the Persian language." (THE TRAVELS OF OLEARIUS IN SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY PERSIA by Adam Olearius [source: Olearius' Travels in Seventeenth-Century Persia]

i hope this will be enough to stop your trolling. i'll cover your first paragrap later. just study on the words ak-koyunlu, karapapak for now.
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