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What is the TTP’s real agenda?

^ Completely irrelevant, again.

How is it irrelevant? when TTP have said drone attacks and the puppet Pakistani army of USA are the reason they are waging war on both USA and Pakistan
Come'on, you don't seriously believe that do you?are you saying that, your intelligence agencies are so naive that another country has been supporting terror(If indeed, they are) in your country for past 4 yrs ...but they got to know of it only two weeks ago?

If it has been done covertly then I don't why ISI must know about it. It may have been before, in fact. IIRC, ISI gave proof to CIA chief for support of CIA for TTP. But nevertheless, if US did its typical threatening it's not surprising that not much was done.

What are you interested in then?
if you believe that US organizing terrorist attacks in your country..you will prefer overlooking the deaths of your people and continue to be its ally, so that
money and arms flow from US, does not stop?

You're misinterpreting me. By saying that we're not interested in proving this, I mean we want to destroy this terror network first.

---------- Post added at 08:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:36 PM ----------

How is it irrelevant? when TTP have said drone attacks and the puppet Pakistani army of USA are the reason they are waging war on both USA and Pakistan

And to which point is "TTP have said drone attacks and the puppet Pakistani army of USA are the reason they are waging war on both USA and Pakistan" relevant to?
What we have now is a bargaining chip in Davis, which is why we're being more strong in our stance.

You're in fact right that ISI didn't discover this just recently. It came to my mind that ISI gave proof to CIA chief for CIA support for terrorism in around 2009. Now it has a bargaining chip in Davis, which is why ISI is releasing all the details about CIA support for TTP in the press and giving US a hard time.

If you think this whole idea of US threatening us is absurd or something, just recall how US forced Pakistan into WoT.
If it has been done covertly then I don't why ISI must know about it.

Coz its their job..if such is indeed true(That no one ISI knew, US is responsible for thousands of terrorist attacks Pakistan uptill now), its entire brass should be fired for grave negligence of duty.

You're misinterpreting me. By saying that we're not interested in proving this, I mean we want to destroy this terror network first.

How do you, plan to destroy it..if not at the source?
According to a report in English daily, Mulla Omar first sent an envoy to the local Taliban and then wrote a letter to the banned Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) admonishing its leaders and telling them that fighting Muslims could not be described as Jihad so they should immediately cease attacks on the Pakistani security forces. He told them: "If they really want to participate in Jihad, they must fight the US and NATO troops inside Afghanistan because their attacks on the Pakistani security forces are undermining the objectives of the war against the invaders and cause of the Taliban movement".
The Frontier Post

We know that it would be in india's interest for Pakistan to fight Afghan Taliban but that's not in Pakistan's interest because Afghan Taliban are the only Afghans with power who will kick out the indians from Afghanistan.
Guys don't be confused by TTP……
You can see the video of shooting of col. Imam... look at the SOB shooting… with covered face.... his dark complexion and build clearly hint his ethnicity.
Same if you see old video where they are brain washing children... in so called madrassa.. the SOB is also a dark south Asian.
You can also see B.Mehsud’s first pictures where he was again standing next to dark brown escort with covered face.

Apparently, TTP is supposed to be a bunch of mountain kids..... having no idea of world beyond couple of hills, living autonomous life, profiting from smuggling Russian and Iranian goods into Pakistan and disassembling stolen cars from Pakistan.

How come they mange to procure weapons from international black market without paying a penny and which state has been generous enough to teach them use of advance military gear and tactics!!! While they have no history of being ever been participants of Afghan war. Point being since when, where and how they established themselves?

How can they sustain finances amounting billions of dollars to fight 4 years long... both intelligence and full scale war with Pakistan army! All over the northern border where northern alliance suppose to have more sway and Taliban were suppose to be nill and never we heard any Taliban trouble in that area across the border.
How come so called Taliban suddenly got addicted to Russian vodka and **** films? Why 30 years ago their parents decided not to circumcised them?

Obviously, TTP is not what popular media sells them to the wider world.
Their master minds are professional evils and have pre-established network of intelligence in Pakistan and implants in right places to form opinion.

While all said and done…..In the end there has to be a recovery plan out of this investment of billions and I think who profited out of it is open secret.... all credit goes to the traitors of Pakistan and victims of misinformation.

A quick flashback to TTP campaign and we'll notice that overall, they had been pretty desperate in their approach.... as such they were short of time in reaching their objective!

They introduced themselves as Talibans until Mullah Umer charged them for copy rights... later they renamed themselves deceptively… typical ID theft, but in a well laid plan…… media continue to violate the copy rights and as a result most of world is misinformed about real perpetrators of 4 year long terrorism in Pakistan. Media kept blaming dead Taliban…while 100% terrorist attacks in Pakistan are carried out by out fit formed in 2006.

TTP’s most move remain reward drive of 2000USD-10000USD for killing foreigners... in Pakistan and bidding to buy loyalties of tribal chiefs with dollars, reportedly more than Pakistan’s budget. Unfortunate tribal chiefs were punished later by US drones for not reaching terms with TTP’s generous offer.

TTP started off by targeting ex-army chief and President, triggering political unrest by murdering BB and eventually sent a reformist President packing.
Than came targeting Chinese nationals.... Srilankan cricket team.... almost triggering diplomatic row with respective states in respect to the wishes of anti Pakistan states.
TTP campaign further, developed in to bombing of..... girl schools, bazars, mosques of various sects., shrines, houses, cantonments, transports, hospitals, police, soldiers, checkposts, safe houses, UN offices, ex-army officers, engineers, technicians, children of army officers, ahmedis, sunnis, shias, christians, hindus, sikhs, punjabis in particular.... does it not show desperation???? for igniting civil unrest?
un-holyshit...... they even tried to bomb JFT's kamra facility!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you believe those mountain goats knew the strategic gain of JFT!!!!

They got to be ghosts… while all Pakistan hates them they have no place to hide.

Reality is..... no individuals or group of individuals can sustain a war against a state and here we are talking of un-circumcised bunch with no history of ever being lived out of hundred square km., which is at present is sieged on 3 sides by Pak army and one side combined by forces of US, India, NATO and ISAF.
Coz its their job..if such is indeed true(That no one ISI knew, US is responsible for thousands of terrorist attacks Pakistan uptill now), its entire brass should be fired for grave negligence of duty.

How do you, plan to destroy it..if not at the source?

Re-read my posts. They're edited.

As far as destroying is concerned, that's for the military to decide, not me.
You are just another indian trying to convince Pakistanis that Afghan Taliban and TTP are the same, but Pakistanis will never listen to indians because we already know how much you indians "care" for Pakistan and Pakistan's interests in the Central/South Asian region.

You got this from what I wrote? NEVER!

But I do have some dear friends that are close to my heart that hail from Pakistan....and for them and their relatives is why I wish Pakistan the best.....

Afghan Taliban consists of mostly Mujahideens who liberated their country, Afghanistan, from kuffar (nonmuslim) Soviet invaders in the 80's. Pakistan and the entire Islamic world (even non-islamic countries like USA) saw these Mujahideens as heros. Now they are doing the same, and are trying to liberate their Islamic country from kuffar (non-muslim) American/NATO invaders.

Spot on....wait you are talking about the TTP right?

TTP was formed in 2007 and all their targets are the ISLAMIC Republic of Pakistan, the army of Islamic Republic of Pakistan (which is 99.99% Muslim which includes that one Sikh recruit), and the people of Islamic Republic of Pakistan (which are 97% Muslim population).

We all know how your country became "Islamic".....Parkistani army over the years has produced many such mad men who imposed their will on the people.....but we all know that Pakistan was envisioned to be secular b y its forefather....

Whats funny is that the respected members of Pakistan always wish for that secularism and liberalism to be revived.....and your PA is figting to protect the same liberal minded that the TTP targets.....

Its funny that you defend the extremists on the far side of the border trying to do exactly what the TTP wants to do in your country......
Hypocrisy at its best......LOL!

TTP and Afghan Taliban can not be compared. Almost all of Pakistan's problems started after US invasion of Afghanistan and India's presence in Afghanistan.

Missed a lot of history classes I see...
You Indians should stop bullshitting around that TTP is some Islamic entity , it is not , its made up primarily made up of tribal Pashtuns who are holding Pakistan hostage over their claim of being Islamic all the while committing terrorist acts all over the country

Since our independence in 1947 the Indians and the Afghans have stirred the pot in FATA and instigated insurgencies with the aim of breaking up Pakistan. Now again India and Afghanistan are stirring the pot but this time there is US in the mix also.

TTP is nothing but a bunch of tribal bandits and brigands who have put on the Islamic cloak to hold a nuclear armed country hostage. One of their main reasons is simply because our troops are stationed there and these rats think that it’s their 'elaqa' and our troops should not be there.

It’s really that simple, there is no Islam involved here.

Indians first openly instigated Pashtun nationalists from 1947 onwards but they failed in their attempts, the Pashtuns of Afghanistan also instigated and stoked insurgency in tribal areas for the same reason but Pakistan with stood.

It is behind this back drop that Pakistan got actively involved in the afghan theatre. It’s no secret that the foreign mister of Afghanistan voted angst Pakistan in the UN in 1947 and so did India vote against the creation of Pakistan.

Liaqat Ali Khan made many reconciliatory efforts with Daud khan to try and convince him to leave his anti-Pakistan stance but he was stubborn like a mule and went on with his stupidity and then got killed like a dog by his own people.

During his reign when he was heavily supporting insurgency in tribal belt INDIA was ALSO actively involved even then there are de-classified US cables that document these facts quite well.

Here we Pakistanis must also ask why these goons in the tribal areas become pawns in the hands of the enemies of Pakistan? Surely when they take money from the enemy and do to Pakistan what the enemy wishes then this makes them also enemy of Pakistan. Then why don’t we call spade a spade and tackle this problem like it should have been from the start.

No Islamic this Islamic that, these people are NOT Islamic, they equate pashtunwali with Islam, which is preposterous.

Today even some US think tanks want to use the tribes against Pakistan and they are in fact doing so as we speak, everyone other than ourselves can see where to hammer us from

Why should we let this happen?

These terrorists are in regular contacts with the yanks, it really a question of who is aping who, the pashtuns want everyone out from their ‘elaqa’ , all the while they would like to free load on Pakistan , so they become 'Tehrik e Taliban Pakistan and call the other groups from Punjab as 'Panjabi Taliban' which is kid of ironic since by this logic they become 'Pathan Taliban' but any how.

Many among the bearded Taliban have active links with the yanks , Haji Bashir noorzai was a key Taliban supporter he was rounded up from Ney York by under cover operative whom were supposed to be his friends. You can pick a guess how he got to New York and what was he doing their in company of two yankies.

Similarly our own Sufi Muhammad from Swat has direct contacts with the US consulate in Peshawar, what for one may ask.

No more calling of TTP as an 'Islamic' front of some sort or even calling them Pakistani, these rats are none of these

They are just tools in the hands of enemies of Pakistan and the only solution is to wipe them off the face of the earth.

Their only aim is to cause death and destruction in Pakistan nothing else and the reason they do it is that they are paid to do so.
You Indians should stop bullshitting around that TTP is some Islamic entity , it is not , its made up primarily made up of tribal Pashtuns who are holding Pakistan hostage over their claim of being Islamic all the while committing terrorist acts all over the country

Since our independence in 1947 the Indians and the Afghans have stirred the pot in FATA and instigated insurgencies with the aim of breaking up Pakistan. Now again India and Afghanistan are stirring the pot but this time there is US in the mix also.

TTP is nothing but a bunch of tribal bandits and brigands who have put on the Islamic cloak to hold a nuclear armed country hostage. One of their main reasons is simply because our troops are stationed there and these rats think that it’s their 'elaqa' and our troops should not be there.

It’s really that simple, there is no Islam involved here.

Indians first openly instigated Pashtun nationalists from 1947 onwards but they failed in their attempts, the Pashtuns of Afghanistan also instigated and stoked insurgency in tribal areas for the same reason but Pakistan with stood.

It is behind this back drop that Pakistan got actively involved in the afghan theatre. It’s no secret that the foreign mister of Afghanistan voted angst Pakistan in the UN in 1947 and so did India vote against the creation of Pakistan.

Liaqat Ali Khan made many reconciliatory efforts with Daud khan to try and convince him to leave his anti-Pakistan stance but he was stubborn like a mule and went on with his stupidity and then got killed like a dog by his own people.

During his reign when he was heavily supporting insurgency in tribal belt INDIA was ALSO actively involved even then there are de-classified US cables that document these facts quite well.

Here we Pakistanis must also ask why these goons in the tribal areas become pawns in the hands of the enemies of Pakistan? Surely when they take money from the enemy and do to Pakistan what the enemy wishes then this makes them also enemy of Pakistan. Then why don’t we call spade a spade and tackle this problem like it should have been from the start.

No Islamic this Islamic that, these people are NOT Islamic, they equate pashtunwali with Islam, which is preposterous.

Today even some US think tanks want to use the tribes against Pakistan and they are in fact doing so as we speak, everyone other than ourselves can see where to hammer us from

Why should we let this happen?

These terrorists are in regular contacts with the yanks, it really a question of who is aping who, the pashtuns want everyone out from their ‘elaqa’ , all the while they would like to free load on Pakistan , so they become 'Tehrik e Taliban Pakistan and call the other groups from Punjab as 'Panjabi Taliban' which is kid of ironic since by this logic they become 'Pathan Taliban' but any how.

Many among the bearded Taliban have active links with the yanks , Haji Bashir noorzai was a key Taliban supporter he was rounded up from Ney York by under cover operative whom were supposed to be his friends. You can pick a guess how he got to New York and what was he doing their in company of two yankies.

Similarly our own Sufi Muhammad from Swat has direct contacts with the US consulate in Peshawar, what for one may ask.

No more calling of TTP as an 'Islamic' front of some sort or even calling them Pakistani, these rats are none of these

They are just tools in the hands of enemies of Pakistan and the only solution is to wipe them off the face of the earth.

Their only aim is to cause death and destruction in Pakistan nothing else and the reason they do it is that they are paid to do so.

Your right brother. TTP has the same interests as hindu extremists, zionists, and crusaders....and that is to destroy Pakistan. And which is the reason Raymond Davis (CIA agents) had contacted the TTP and wanted to provide nuclear material to TTP (the enemy that dreams to destroy Pakistan, the same dream which is shared by hindu extremists from india).
^ Problem is that it doesn't fight any other country or military. Almost exclusively only Pakistan. If that was not the case, what you'd say would make sense. A jihadi group would always give way more preference to non-muslim occupiers.

Ah, but the problem is that the TTP considers the Pakistan army as murtad because of its close alliance with US. Just like other Jihadi groups declare Muslims in Kashmir or Afghanistan Kafirs and kill them considering they are legitimate targets.

What has to be done is a single minded across the board policy by the GoP that all these pseudo-"Jihads" are wrong and incorrect. A policy for Pakistan and another policy of Afghanistan allows the TTP ideology to flourish.

The Afghan Taliban is not an Islamic groups either even though they use rhetoric in the name of Islam, just like TTP or LeT or the myriad other so called "Jihadi" groups who have perverted Islam and the concept of Jihad.
But as said several times now, all these groups target non-muslim armies - Indian army for Kashmiri groups, US/NATO for Afghan groups. TTP has only on very extremely rare occasions have targeted US or NATO. Like literally almost always, it targets Pakistan.

To not target NATO, who no doubt they know are far more likely candidate for jihad against, is very strange for a jihadi group.
But as said several times now, all these groups target non-muslim armies - Indian army for Kashmiri groups, US/NATO for Afghan groups. TTP has only on very extremely rare occasions have targeted US or NATO. Like literally almost always, it targets Pakistan.

It's an insurgency based in Pakistan aiming to bring Pakistan under Islamic Sharia law (their interpretation of it).

They are trying to overthrow the Pakistani govt.

Quite similar to the Maoists in India.

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