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What is the problem with Iran and JF-17?

Improved cockpit instrumentation great.
Overhauled aircraft great.
Different upgraded radar not so sure.
Engine is the same,field performance the same. Even if the radar is improved will it be able to carry any BVR weapons or PGM's other than the old AGM.65 A and B's that Iran has in it's inventory,the answer is no so sadly these aircraft are still limited to carry the old stock of AIM.9J's and AIM.9P's that Iran has so here is th improvement.
instead of Aim-9 we use Fatter which have a range of 40km and the radar have been replaced and i showed you the new AESA radar which i showed in my post. also the ejection seat is also upgraded with and Iranian made seat which is more advanced than the original.
about can't carry other weapons well do you knew F-5 can carry 7000 pound of armament and fuel in its five pylon and plus that t Sidewinder at wingtips.
its two innermost pylon and the one under its belly are actually can carry missiles and bomb as Mk-83 and the ventral pylon actually capable of carrying MK-84 .
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Ehhh..., you live in Sweden, right? How much of SAAB's Gripen is Swedish?

Iran would not buy from Sweden either. Sweden does neither have control over the entire component chain of its aircraft. But it is low risk for Sweden because all the components they import comes from their allies. Hence for them it is low risk. However if Iran could (which it can't because of sanction) then they would never buy from Sweden or any other country that cannot guarantee 100% maintenance and those or only USA, Russia and (maybe) China (theoretically speaking)!

Furthermore Sweden is the main designer and integrator of Gripen. They have a history of producing 100% of the entire fighter jet in the past. The reason why they don't do it is because of cost and politics. If they wanted they could make the whole aircraft at home in a heart beat! One of the most intricate parts of the aircraft is the jet propulsion. Sweden have TWO companies who or word leading in Gas Turbines and Aircraft Propulsion. That is the difference!
Hello Pakistani brothers
We dont want to buy your piece of shit
Because we already have made our piece of shit before






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kowsar avionics 1.jpg



If you can sell us a fighter capable to su30-sm, so this is a different story
any other country that cannot guarantee 100% maintenance and those or only USA, Russia and (maybe) China (theoretically speaking)!
We are theoretically still under western defense sanction but I am pretty sure that our 10 defense group which 7 of them are on the list of world top 20 defense group in revenue can get the job done at home.
We are theoretically still under western defense sanction but I am pretty sure that our 10 defense group which 7 of them are on the list of world top 20 defense group in revenue can get the job done at home.
I’m not dissing China! Historically, jet engines has been China’s Achilles heels and you have relied heavily on Russian help. However it is a given that China will soon control the entire chain (and maybe it already does, but it is not public domain yet!).
I’m not dissing China! Historically, jet engines has been China’s Achilles heels and you have relied heavily on Russian help. However it is a given that China will soon control the entire chain (and maybe it already does, but it is not public domain yet!).
Just like to clarify, nothing against anyone. Indeed we are still lag behind on the aircraft engine, we are barely just self suffecient, but the production rate, engine power, life span are still problem which can not be bypass.
We are theoretically still under western defense sanction but I am pretty sure that our 10 defense group which 7 of them are on the list of world top 20 defense group in revenue can get the job done at home.
Nothing is irreplaceable. Even if the Russians banned the export of engines, the United States banned the export of electronic components, Germany banned the export of CNC machines. China is capable of making similar machines and equipment, not better than imported goods, but it is good enough to use and the quality may improve over time.
Nothing is irreplaceable. Even if the Russians banned the export of engines, the United States banned the export of electronic components, Germany banned the export of CNC machines. China is capable of making similar machines and equipment, not better than imported goods, but it is good enough to use and the quality may improve over time.
Indeed alternative can always be found, Russian has come through its darkest period after the reunification of Crimea when the whole west implied more sanction which even stops their French optics on Su30, T-90 tanks, Ukrainian ship engine and many more.
I'm just waiting for Israel / US to bomb Iran. After that you'll see all these forum Iran Strong guys crying like babies and coming to buy the JF-17. But buy then its too late. Its already too late, their country has gone to sh!t so they are calling the JF-17 that instead. Sour grapes anyone?
I cannot for the life of me understand why Pakistan has not already sold Iran a couple dozen JF-17's.

Pakistan has been in desperate need of cash for the past year and the economy is in the toilet. Somehow Pakistan has not figured out that to make money you need to increase exports. JF-17 is probably the most important export Pakistan has.

Iran needs to improve their Air Force. West is not selling to Iran, so that leaves Russia or Pakistan. What is the problem with Iran and JF-17? Pakistan needs cash and Iran needs planes. JF-17 doesn't use any western parts which means Iran doesn't have to worry about any restrictions. Pakistan can sell dozens of JF-17's and log a giant boost to the economy since at least half of Iran's Air Force should be replaced and they are a big buyer with plenty of money. If sanctions are the problem, Pakistan can sell them under the table without any acknowledgement of the deal. It is kind of amazing that Iran doesn't already have JF-17's, it is the most obvious deal Pakistan could make. Pakistan desperately needs a big export boost for economy, Iran desperately needs new planes for Air Force, Iran JF-17 deal should be a no brainer for both sides at this point. It is hard to believe Iran JF-17 deal has not already happened. I thought it would've happened 5 years ago.
Iran is smart. They know the area to invest in military is missile. And they prove it very well when they humiliate the American in early 2020. They know no matter what aircraft they field. It will never has the chance like ballistic missile go penetrate US air defence in middle East. Using the smallest amount of fund and yet could achieve far greater effect.

I hope now u can understand why Iran never regards importance of fighter jets.

I'm just waiting for Israel / US to bomb Iran. After that you'll see all these forum Iran Strong guys crying like babies and coming to buy the JF-17. But buy then its too late. Its already too late, their country has gone to sh!t so they are calling the JF-17 that instead. Sour grapes anyone?
No, the US allies are now afraid of Iran Fateh missile. They wouldn't dare to touch Iran. Ballistic missile are fast and accurate. Very difficult to counter and plus they bear no casualty. Unlike manned fighter jets where training of pilot, ground crew and maintainance takes up bulk of the fund and time. Iran is smart to invest in ballistic missile. This is also the reason why China has an independent second artillery unit.
Well, I was simply one of few people who suggest this but because my idea is to retire old fighters and have a unified
Platform to be able invest on int and produce modern arms base on it ...

But the truth is that if we can choose , Su-30 , Mig-35 , J10c are more eye catching if we can produce them locally ....

If we can produce a turbofan engine with 25 knt dry thrust , we simply can produce something in par with JF17
Iran wants to buy SU-57. This will be Iran's ace against the F-35.

But the truth is that if we can choose , Su-30 , Mig-35 , J10c are more eye catching if we can produce them locally ....

The su-30 and mig-35 are the most affordable option for Iran. Russians desperately need money and are willing to TOT.

China is not too concerned about arms exports because its economy is much better than Russia, arms exports are not their only source of revenue. China does not want relations with Arabia saudi and israel affected by the sale of weapons to Iran.

China will support Iran economically, not militarily
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I'm just waiting for Israel / US to bomb Iran. After that you'll see all these forum Iran Strong guys crying like babies and coming to buy the JF-17. But buy then its too late. Its already too late, their country has gone to sh!t so they are calling the JF-17 that instead. Sour grapes anyone?

Did the Iranians defecate in your breakfast this morning for you to say stupid stuff like that or are you just here to cause needless trouble? I forgot many of you PDF rabble-rousers can't stay on topic even if your life depended on it. Why try and start problems when there is no need for it?

It doesn't mean jack if Iran buys the JF-17 now or later since it isn't even in Iran's military plans to acquire big budget planes due to severe sanctions and budgetary constraints. As Beast so eloquently elucidated earlier, Iran has focused almost squarely on advancing their missile technology (it works rather well FYI), also to add to his point Iran is advancing its radar, drone, cruise missile and SAM technology as well. Jets are not the 'be all and end all' of military hardware nor do they win wars all on their own. We've seen just a small example of what advanced missile hardware can do (Fateh-313, Qiam Ballistic missile attack against Ayn Al-Assad and Erbil). It's true that since Iran doesn't have a competent air-force it is at a severe symmetrical disadvantage but it makes up for it in other areas (BMs, AshBMs, AshCMs, Drones, Quasi-BMs, Cruise Missiles, Cyber-Warfare, Allies/Proxies, geo-politics etc...). Hopefully one day when Iran's economy is better and the weapons embargo is lifted, Iran can start construction of fighter jets in-house with full TOT from China or Russia on certain jets (far-fetched but I'm still hopeful). Maybe even Iran can get into the JF-17 program and help elevate the fighter becoming another node of production for the Jet. But there really is no need for you to come here and start calling the Iranians "Cry-babies" hoping for Iran to be destroyed just so you can feel good about yourself, and the JF-17........

I swear some you PDF guys are just here to cause trouble, everything else, especially the topic at hand be damned. let me just start a flame war for the hell of it.....
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I'm just waiting for Israel / US to bomb Iran. After that you'll see all these forum Iran Strong guys crying like babies and coming to buy the JF-17. But buy then its too late. Its already too late, their country has gone to sh!t so they are calling the JF-17 that instead. Sour grapes anyone?

Stop being so offended buddy, JF-17 simply doesn't meet Iran's special requirements.
In my view ...

1 - I dont think Iran wants or needs JF17 in the first place. Priority should be Long range interceptors.
2 - China and Pakistan cant sell Iran anything meaningful because it will do more harm than good to us .. ( sanctions / black listings / relations with M.E).

Iran needs F14 replacement i.e. Su35. But the problem is that even Russia dont want to take on the rest of the world just to make a sale to Iran just like the S300 case. I read some Iranian members mention end of sanctions in 2020 etc but I dont think they will be allowed to make any purchase even after the end of that date .. West will impose other sanctions and try everything to stop it.

What Iran should do (in my view) in the short term is not concentrate on its Mig29's. Try to siphon old Mig29's from anywhere they can and covertly get Russian / Ukrainian or even Chinese companies to upgrade and modernize them. They have some kind of liking to the F5 so Research on using Rd33/93 as a base for any indigenous F5 iteration they would like to mass produce.
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