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What is the problem with Iran and JF-17?

Lol reverse engineering is not making it's piracy and unethical.
All the crap iran makes is useless we know and the world knows and laughs at you and your stupid 5th gen FAKE FIGHTER which is not even designed right to fool a Irani lol Iran makes nothing it reverse engineers.

The world laughs at the country that took down the $200 million US Global Hawk and ploughed the American air bases??? No NO..... the world laughs at the country that 95% of its population are too poor to eat more than one meal per day... the world laughs at the country that has to send its people to other countries to work as slaves..... the world laughs at the country that keept gettins its soilders killed by America and did nothing about it...... the world has respect for Iran and Iran has earned that respect.

I think it's quite the opposite. We made your Iranian life miserable. The US and Israel is are a countless times richer, with way better life standards, all while Iran chokes under sanctions. Iranian nuclear scientists, extremely important generals like Qassem, Iranian air defenses, missile stockpiles, weapon caches, all are getting blown up in Iran, in Lebanon, in Iraq, in Syria and more.
Iranian smuggling ships are getting taken over, and now the corona virus is really beating it up well, and the cure or the vaccine is most likely gonna come from Israel or the US :)

You see, you might arm a bunch of proxies because you know you don't have any chance yourselves, but we are not the miserable ones.

Yeap.... Rich America and Israel... and poor Iran:

Rich Israhell and Americunt:





Poor Iran:





es Do you have Nukes, Do you have AESA radar Jets, Do you have Hydrogen, and Neutron bomb?
we do have AESA radarjet. and we opted not to go after those bombs as you see every yeaer since 30 year ago usa andisrael cried iran 2 year to several month away from the bomb
Do you have Link 16 technology
why we want something that they can shutdown by pressing a key
Do you have 150KM air to air missiles?
we have Fakour-90
Raad air launched missiles
we have our air launched missile why we want RAAD . we have Meshkat we have Ya-Ali
Do you have miniature Nasr nuke missiles?
how hard its to understand we don't want nuke.
Now what can you or Iranian Miltiary provide better to Pakistan? Nothing.
a question , do you made those fancy equipment ? can you point a camera to a tent and say my missile will hit that tent and then hit it . can you build jet engine ? can you build your own radars can your air defense system be compared to ours ? can you design your own submarines.
I cannot for the life of me understand why Pakistan has not already sold Iran a couple dozen JF-17's.

Pakistan has been in desperate need of cash for the past year and the economy is in the toilet. Somehow Pakistan has not figured out that to make money you need to increase exports. JF-17 is probably the most important export Pakistan has.

Iran needs to improve their Air Force. West is not selling to Iran, so that leaves Russia or Pakistan. What is the problem with Iran and JF-17? Pakistan needs cash and Iran needs planes. JF-17 doesn't use any western parts which means Iran doesn't have to worry about any restrictions. Pakistan can sell dozens of JF-17's and log a giant boost to the economy since at least half of Iran's Air Force should be replaced and they are a big buyer with plenty of money. If sanctions are the problem, Pakistan can sell them under the table without any acknowledgement of the deal. It is kind of amazing that Iran doesn't already have JF-17's, it is the most obvious deal Pakistan could make. Pakistan desperately needs a big export boost for economy, Iran desperately needs new planes for Air Force, Iran JF-17 deal should be a no brainer for both sides at this point. It is hard to believe Iran JF-17 deal has not already happened. I thought it would've happened 5 years ago.
Do they need it or asked for it. Besides if you need arab countries to purchase future versions then don't buy then.
we do have AESA radarjet. and we opted not to go after those bombs as you see every yeaer since 30 year ago usa andisrael cried iran 2 year to several month away from the bomb

What AESA are you talking about? radarjet? Show me its specs. What is it Mulitmode? anything.

Iran always wanted to go for Nuclear Bombs thats why earlier Iranian Military asked for help from Pakistan and AQ Khan Pakistani Nuclear scientist for Nuclear secrets and how to assemble Centrifuges taught by us, otherwise why would you ask for it? When that cover was busted by Israeli, US agencies and Israel bombed Iraqi reactors, Iran could not handle the pressure and blamed Pakistan for giving the secrets. IAEA has poofs that without Pakistani scientists Iran could never have the Uranium enrichment and centrifuges. Iran then also got help from Russia. If it was for Iran, Iran threatens day and night to have the capacity to make Nuclear Bombs till today.

why we want something that they can shutdown by pressing a key

It cannot shut down, Pakistan has both GPS Link 16 and Chinese Beidou System on JF17s, I donot know you will even understand this, recently Pakistan shot down your UAVs by our JF17s, Tell you something about the capability?

Pakistan just shot down the SU30 MKI and Indian MIG21 Bison, do you have any plane good enough to even Indian standards of Su 30mki, LoL.

We have Fakour-90

Fakour-90, a basic copy of American AIM-54 Phoenix. Reversed engineered missile and installed on obsolete F14 Tomcats. Pakistan can easily taken them out with its SD-10A, PL15, Pakistan made H4s. Still I appreciate the lethal Fakour-90 missile with a 200km+ range and many qualities of the Air to Air Missile.

we have our air launched missile why we want RAAD . we have Meshkat we have Ya-Ali

Meshkat is a close copy of Ukrainain Kh-55 cruise missile, LOL Pakistan laughs of at this, with RAAD, Babur, and MRVs. Infact the Ya'Ali Missile which was made in 2015 is a total copy of Pakistani made RAAD, Zarb and Harba Cruise Missiles. There are various connections that Pakistan sold alot of these missile to Iran during Asif Ali Zardari era, a shia himself.

how hard its to understand we don't want nuke.

You donot want is blatant mistalk, you want it desperately but you cannot have it, the world will never want you to have it, Pakistan not going to give it, Russia will never give its Nuke tech, India will never give its Nuke tech to Iran.

a question , do you made those fancy equipment ? can you point a camera to a tent and say my missile will hit that tent and then hit it . can you build jet engine ?

Pakistan does make fancy equipment: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/pakistan-made-weapon-systems.357510/

Regarding the Jet Engine technology, No, its a long difficult art, it will take years to make, but hopefully with 5th generation Project Azm we will see some great news. Mind you Project Azm is not Chinese Aircraft.

can you build your own radars can your air defense system be compared to ours ?

Yes Pakistan has built its own Radar System:

Pakistan develops it's own Radar System
25 Nov, 2016


Director Vision, Pakistan Air Force, Commodore Fazal Mahmood says Pakistan has developed its own radar system.

He stated this while briefing media men at Defence Exhibition (IDEAS-2016) in Karachi on Friday.
He said radar system has also been provided to friendly country Jordan.

Pakistan's Home made GSR , Ground surveillance radar
GSR ,Ground surveillance radar is a class of radar sensors that monitor activity surrounding or on critical infrastructure areas such as airports,[1] seaports, military installations, national borders, refineries and other critical industry and the like. Such radars are characterized by their ability to detect movement at ground level of targets such as an individual walking or crawling towards a facility. Such radars typically have ranges of several hundred metres to over 10 kilometers.

Pakistan's Ministry of defense production launched a Research and development project for completely indigenous production of a GSR in collaboration with EME and other departments of NUST.
A total of 39 Million Rs were allocated for R&D. The preliminary/Theoretical work was completed within an year with 20+ PHD students working on the project. The project was so successful that AESA and PESA technologies seemed conceivable within Pakistan's own expertise and resources.
International Microwave journal IEEE received and published dozens of research papers about Radar technology from the students working on this project. See project 274 on NUST website
NESCOM was given the task of further developing the AESA , PESA related research which branched out of this project. 300 Million USD were allocated for Pakistan's own dedicated Electronics R&D labs near Islamabad which had to be a subsidiary of NESCOM.
Unfortunately the labs never materialized in its desired form. Much of the funds dedicated for the lab were diverted to other civilian projects by PPP Prime minister Raja Pervez Ashraf.
A toned down NESCOM Electronics complex was completed in 2012,but was again a victim of financial corruption and could not do any mlre than manufacturing Motherboards for NRTC's Software defined radios.

The research on further development and building of a prototype GSR continued at NUST/EME
The project was started in 2006 and named "national Radar" or NR.

Over the years 3 versions were built and tested and in 2014 the Final prototype NR-V3 was accepted for production by Pakistan's Ministry of Defense production.

The Radar's Exact specifications are still undisclosed,but a learned guess is that the Radar has the capability of detecting Humans at 4Km range and Vehicles at 12Km range with an average accuracy of 96%.
The biggest challenge in any Ground surveillance radar is to identify target among clutter or reflections of trees,buildings and other ground objects. This was probably the biggest research project and many research papers were written by Pakistani PHD students on this subject during the project.
The final Algorithms was very robust and with accuracy of 96% or more.

All the components,including Antenna,transmitters,Receivers,Filters and software were designed,built and tested in Pakistan.

It is yet to be seen when the Radar will enter mass production and deployment on strategically important locations for area surveillance.


And another Pakistan made is this: research attached: Pakistan's NR-V3 Ground surveillance Radar http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6450732/

can you design your own submarines.

Not Yet, Pakistan does not make its own submarines, but it can overhaul its French subs, it can also completely fix its Midget Submarines.
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The world laughs at the country that took down the $200 million US Global Hawk and ploughed the American air bases??? No NO..... the world laughs at the country that 95% of its population are too poor to eat more than one meal per day... the world laughs at the country that has to send its people to other countries to work as slaves..... the world laughs at the country that keept gettins its soilders killed by America and did nothing about it...... the world has respect for Iran and Iran has earned that respect.

Yeap.... Rich America and Israel... and poor Iran:

Rich Israhell and Americunt:





Poor Iran:





Did you just post a picture of a few homeless men to prove we are poor and post a picture of a 1970s era looking city to prove Iran is not?
How foolish are you? Israeli and American people live in much better conditions, make more money and live longer than Iranian people, American and Israeli cities make those pathetic excuses of a city look like garbage.

On the contrary, Israeli citizens live extremely miserably constantly under direct Iranian sponsored fire. Iranians live in total peace, there are no shelters, no emergency rooms against enemy fire. Iran is a oase of peace compared to Israel. You have to be better be careful, any moment an Iranian sponsored missile might fall onto your roof ending your and your family's miserable life on the occupied Palestinian lands. If you are lucky, you will get warned by those American sponsored anti home-made rocket missile that will save your ***.

The average Iranian watches you on tv running to the nearest shelter. Never forget.

And oh, never forget India,Georgia etc... extremely cowardish when we just started the game you guys suddenly ended it ;)

Its a honour to give casualties against two bloodsucking powers. But, we are your neighbours now, forcefully. Now eat the future Iranian sponsored missiles for now... you inbred settler son of a b.itch.
I live in the north and haven't heard a siren since 2006.

Iranian citizens live under poverty, get humilated on a day to day basis by both America and Israel with absolutely no ability to respond, born in a shitty Islamic regime ruled by dictators, you make me laugh.

All you can do is sponsor terrorism like the pathetic excuse of a terrorist nation you are because you know for a certainty that if Iran causes casualties directly it can be fucked and glassed within a push of a button, your existence is dependent on our temper. Now you can boast about your useless ballistic missiles but even if they had 100% accuracy and hit rate they wouldn't he enough to destroy Israel, but as we can see their accuracy is 0 because 13 of them couldn't even kill a single American after they turned Qassem into a Kebab
First of all my backward Bangladeshi friend. Iran will never place itself in a situation where your Israeli or American masters are able to bomb Iranian soil. Rest assured, we will not let our beloved country be targetted by the scum of the earth. We will avoid that.
Imagine thinking Israel and the US can't wipe your miserable country out
The world laughs at the country that took down the $200 million US Global Hawk and ploughed the American air bases??? No NO..... the world laughs at the country that 95% of its population are too poor to eat more than one meal per day... the world laughs at the country that has to send its people to other countries to work as slaves..... the world laughs at the country that keept gettins its soilders killed by America and did nothing about it...... the world has respect for Iran and Iran has earned that respect.

Yeap.... Rich America and Israel... and poor Iran:

Rich Israhell and Americunt:





Poor Iran:





Lol they killed one of your top general and you guys launched fake strikes on them after warning them about the attack you couldn't kill a single US soldier. Call Americans whatever you want Iran will now run to America for IMF loan and surely Corona vaccine will also come from America. If you were that rich why did you go to them your enemies lol. Besides what have you guys invented except reverse engineering old tech lol not even a single fighter in your airforce can match JF 17 and F 16 combo that we have. We are making 58 percent of aircraft by ourselves while you copy f5 and call it your own design.
Lol they killed one of your top general and you guys launched fake strikes on them after warning them about the attack you couldn't kill a single US soldier. Call Americans whatever you want Iran will now run to America for IMF loan and surely Corona vaccine will also come from America. If you were that rich why did you go to them your enemies lol. Besides what have you guys invented except reverse engineering old tech lol not even a single fighter in your airforce can match JF 17 and F 16 combo that we have. We are making 58 percent of aircraft by ourselves while you copy f5 and call it your own design.

JF-17 is a fighter jet, not an invention. That was made only possible in development with China.

2 Americans and 1 coalition dead since last month in Iraq. More to come...
Fakour-90, a basic copy of American AIM-54 Phoenix. Reversed engineered missile and installed on obsolete F14 Tomcats. Pakistan can easily taken them out with its SD-10A, PL15, Pakistan made H4s. Still I appreciate the lethal Fakour-90 missile with a 200km+ range and many qualities of the Air to Air Missile.
nly the control surface look like AIM-54 nothing else is simillar suggest go and read the related thread on this forum.
Dezful air show several years ago. all made in Iran and if you think this come with the original airplane you are wrong


again a bigger one for a bigger plane this time kish air show

Iran always wanted to go for Nuclear Bombs thats why earlier Iranian Military asked for help from Pakistan and AQ Khan Pakistani Nuclear scientist for Nuclear secrets and how to assemble Centrifuges taught by us, otherwise why would you ask for it?
there is nuclear program and nuke program only if you could understand the difference
It cannot shut down, Pakistan has both GPS Link 16 and Chinese Beidou System on JF17s, I donot know you will even understand this, recently Pakistan shot down your UAVs by our JF17s, Tell you something about the capability?

Pakistan just shot down the SU30 MKI and Indian MIG21 Bison, do you have any plane good enough to even Indian standards of Su 30mki, LoL.
there is no evidence of su-30 its several month i ask for evidence of that and only get evidence of nig-21 . thay Su-30 shotdown to me is exactly like India claim about f-16 shotdown.
Meshkat is a close copy of Ukrainain Kh-55 cruise missile, LOL Pakistan laughs of at this, with RAAD, Babur, and MRVs. Infact the Ya'Ali Missile which was made in 2015 is a total copy of Pakistani made RAAD, Zarb and Harba Cruise Missiles. There are various connections that Pakistan sold alot of these missile to Iran during Asif Ali Zardari era, a shia himself.
what ever made your day . in dact you have no evidence of that.
You donot want is blatant mistalk, you want it desperately but you cannot have it, the world will never want you to have it, Pakistan not going to give it, Russia will never give its Nuke tech, India will never give its Nuke tech to Iran.
a heathen is everybody is heathen
Pakistan does make fancy equipment: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/pakistan-made-weapon-systems.357510/

Regarding the Jet Engine technology, No, its a long difficult art, it will take years to make, but hopefully with 5th generation Project Azm we will see some great news. Mind you Project Azm is not Chinese Aircraft.
let it come out first.
Pakistan develops it's own Radar System
25 Nov, 2016


Director Vision, Pakistan Air Force, Commodore Fazal Mahmood says Pakistan has developed its own radar system.

He stated this while briefing media men at Defence Exhibition (IDEAS-2016) in Karachi on Friday.
He said radar system has also been provided to friendly country Jordan.

Pakistan's Home made GSR , Ground surveillance radar
GSR ,Ground surveillance radar is a class of radar sensors that monitor activity surrounding or on critical infrastructure areas such as airports,[1] seaports, military installations, national borders, refineries and other critical industry and the like. Such radars are characterized by their ability to detect movement at ground level of targets such as an individual walking or crawling towards a facility. Such radars typically have ranges of several hundred metres to over 10 kilometers.

Pakistan's Ministry of defense production launched a Research and development project for completely indigenous production of a GSR in collaboration with EME and other departments of NUST.
A total of 39 Million Rs were allocated for R&D. The preliminary/Theoretical work was completed within an year with 20+ PHD students working on the project. The project was so successful that AESA and PESA technologies seemed conceivable within Pakistan's own expertise and resources.
International Microwave journal IEEE received and published dozens of research papers about Radar technology from the students working on this project. See project 274 on NUST website
NESCOM was given the task of further developing the AESA , PESA related research which branched out of this project. 300 Million USD were allocated for Pakistan's own dedicated Electronics R&D labs near Islamabad which had to be a subsidiary of NESCOM.
Unfortunately the labs never materialized in its desired form. Much of the funds dedicated for the lab were diverted to other civilian projects by PPP Prime minister Raja Pervez Ashraf.
A toned down NESCOM Electronics complex was completed in 2012,but was again a victim of financial corruption and could not do any mlre than manufacturing Motherboards for NRTC's Software defined radios.

The research on further development and building of a prototype GSR continued at NUST/EME
The project was started in 2006 and named "national Radar" or NR.

Over the years 3 versions were built and tested and in 2014 the Final prototype NR-V3 was accepted for production by Pakistan's Ministry of Defense production.

The Radar's Exact specifications are still undisclosed,but a learned guess is that the Radar has the capability of detecting Humans at 4Km range and Vehicles at 12Km range with an average accuracy of 96%.
The biggest challenge in any Ground surveillance radar is to identify target among clutter or reflections of trees,buildings and other ground objects. This was probably the biggest research project and many research papers were written by Pakistani PHD students on this subject during the project.
The final Algorithms was very robust and with accuracy of 96% or more.

All the components,including Antenna,transmitters,Receivers,Filters and software were designed,built and tested in Pakistan.

It is yet to be seen when the Radar will enter mass production and deployment on strategically important locations for area surveillance.


And another Pakistan made is this: research attached: Pakistan's NR-V3 Ground surveillance Radar http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6450732/
do I really need to compare your ground control radar with our radars
Lol they killed one of your top general and you guys launched fake strikes on them after warning them about the attack you couldn't kill a single US soldier.
I always ask where is Michael D'Andrea
Imagine thinking Israel and the US can't wipe your miserable country out

Idk you Jewish-Nazi filth it seems Iran is still around, the Nuclear facilities are up and running day and night, the people are still living even though the the harshest of (unjust) sanctions have been levied upon them, their military is advancing and still completing its objectives the region over in-spite of your fascists states "daily strikes". In general Iran is indeed still operating as a nation :yes4::victory1:

All things considered, Iran has done pretty good for itself given all the obstacles put in its path. Moreover Iran will be around and your bullshit threats of genocide don't bother a single person whatsoever, keep on talking that "holier than thou" crap like it means something. I always knew that some of you Israelis were worse than cockroaches but after seeing multiple Israelis (Disqus, PDF, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, Facebook) spout the same bullshit like you just did; I've come to notice the inhuman sentiments you vomited here on PDF are widespread throughout Israel. It really is a god-complex many of you douche-nozzles embody. BEHOLD THE UNTOUCHABLE, INFALLIBLE, UNBEATABLE, INVINCIBLE, UNYIELDING BENNY OF JUDEA......You're a pathetic "human" and it shows big time lmao, don't get too mad or you might just gain a couple more inches down there.

Whatever bagel I get it, you're frustrated that the Iranians just won't give up and have shown a notable amount of resilience. Kind of suspicious that Hezbollah is stronger than ever, Iran is still in Syria completing its objectives in Iraq and Syria whilst replacing the cheap equipment the IDF destroys but it would seem you are insinuating that Iran is 'losing'. I don't see much of a "loss" going on to be honest. The war is not even close to being over, lets see who achieves their objectives then we can talk about loss and gain.

But in all honesty Benny, try and calm down a little jew-bro; use our American tax-payer money to increase that small sufganiyah in your pants, don't want the local Arab-Druze to take your hooked nose women now do you ;)

P.S.: here's some awesome nicknames you can start addressing yourself as when you talk to people, it will help out surely!!; Reprehensible, repugnant, racist, bigoted, loathsome, inhumane, inhuman, disgusting, filthy, lowly, ne'er-do-well, a loafer, pillock, dullard, idiot, contemptible...
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Idk you Jewish-Nazi filth it seems Iran is still around, the Nuclear facilities are up and running day and night, the people are still living even though the the harshest of (unjust) sanctions have been levied upon them, their military is advancing and still completing its objectives the region over in-spite of your fascists states "daily strikes". In general Iran is indeed still operating as a nation :yes4::victory1:

All things considered, Iran has done pretty good for itself given all the obstacles put in its path. Moreover Iran will be around and your bullshit threats of genocide don't bother a single person whatsoever, keep on talking that "holier than thou" crap like it means something. I always knew that some of you Israelis were worse than cockroaches but after seeing multiple Israelis (Disqus, PDF, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, Facebook) spout the same bullshit like you just did; I've come to notice the inhuman sentiments you vomited here on PDF are widespread throughout Israel. It really is a god-complex many of you douche-nozzles embody. BEHOLD THE UNTOUCHABLE, INFALLIBLE, UNBEATABLE, INVINCIBLE, UNYIELDING BENNY OF JUDEA......You're a pathetic "human" and it shows big time lmao, don't get too mad or you might just gain a couple more inches down there.

Whatever bagel I get it, you're frustrated that the Iranians just won't give up and have shown a notable amount of resilience. Kind of suspicious that Hezbollah is stronger than ever, Iran is still in Syria completing its objectives in Iraq and Syria whilst replacing the cheap equipment the IDF destroys but it would seem you are insinuating that Iran is 'losing'. I don't see much of a "loss" going on to be honest. The war is not even close to being over, lets see who achieves their objectives then we can talk about loss and gain.

But in all honesty Benny, try and calm down a little jew-bro; use our American tax-payer money to increase that small sufganiyah in your pants, don't want the local Arab-Druze to take your hooked nose women now do you ;)

P.S.: here's some awesome nicknames you can start addressing yourself as when you talk to people, it will help out surely!!; Reprehensible, repugnant, racist, bigoted, loathsome, inhumane, inhuman, disgusting, filthy, lowly, ne'er-do-well, a loafer, pillock, dullard, idiot, contemptible...
Haha iran go boom
LOL.... looks like a sore spot was touch with the Joo...

They have tent cities and huge number of hungry beggers..... yet they think they are doing well.... lost very war in the past 20 years..... yet think they are powerful..... conduct terror attacks.... and think they are untouchable....... its 2020 joo..... the end of scum is near.... read my signature

Imagine thinking Israel and the US can't wipe your miserable country out

LOL you scum child killers got your arse whopped by Hezbollah.... you think you can handel Iran?

LOL.... Your militarry doesnt think they can take on Iran, but the Internet Warrir Joo think he can. See what the Izraeli general says:
Top Israel general: We need US support to fight Iran
izrahll.... nation of beggers and thieves.... according to izraili tv:
Truth hurts for the JOO:

Izrahlli minister says that MILLIONS of Jooz wont be able to pay their rents and will commit suecide:

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