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What is the problem with Iran and JF-17?

Iran would consider it a personal insult to buy a Pakistani jet.
They want a blonde jet.
Iran would consider it a personal insult to buy a Pakistani jet.
They want a blonde jet.

Thats nonesense......
There is no such thing as a Pakistani jet......when you cant make the engine, radar, avionics, landing gear, ejection seat... how is it Pakistani in any way??

I would suggest Pakistan starts making bicycles first, then motocycles.... then we can start talking about maybe Pakistan made cars.....jets are way too complex for Pakistan.
See if you can make good quality bikes and find a market for them.
I cannot for the life of me understand why Pakistan has not already sold Iran a couple dozen JF-17's.

Pakistan has been in desperate need of cash for the past year and the economy is in the toilet. Somehow Pakistan has not figured out that to make money you need to increase exports. JF-17 is probably the most important export Pakistan has.

Iran needs to improve their Air Force. West is not selling to Iran, so that leaves Russia or Pakistan. What is the problem with Iran and JF-17? Pakistan needs cash and Iran needs planes. JF-17 doesn't use any western parts which means Iran doesn't have to worry about any restrictions. Pakistan can sell dozens of JF-17's and log a giant boost to the economy since at least half of Iran's Air Force should be replaced and they are a big buyer with plenty of money. If sanctions are the problem, Pakistan can sell them under the table without any acknowledgement of the deal. It is kind of amazing that Iran doesn't already have JF-17's, it is the most obvious deal Pakistan could make. Pakistan desperately needs a big export boost for economy, Iran desperately needs new planes for Air Force, Iran JF-17 deal should be a no brainer for both sides at this point. It is hard to believe Iran JF-17 deal has not already happened. I thought it would've happened 5 years ago.
Why on earth should Pakistan sell fighter jets to a potential adversary??

Are you mad??

Iranians as a people by and large are neutral or accommodating towards Pakistan however some of the IRGC and higher echelons of the regime are mad enough to consider fighting against Pakistan. Pakistan should certainly be politically forthcoming towards Iran and trade with them or find ways to alleviate the human suffering caused by sanctions but to sell them our best military hardware would be madness.

Hope that puts this nonsensical idea to bed.
Thats nonesense......
There is no such thing as a Pakistani jet......when you cant make the engine, radar, avionics, landing gear, ejection seat... how is it Pakistani in any way??

I would suggest Pakistan starts making bicycles first, then motocycles.... then we can start talking about maybe Pakistan made cars.....jets are way too complex for Pakistan.
See if you can make good quality bikes and find a market for them.
This might help you.
images - 2020-04-20T150822.942.jpeg
Now No chance Pakistan will sell JF 17 Thunder block I, II or the most advanced AESA equipped Block III to Iran or Bangladesh or Afghanistan...Period.

Pakistan made the biggest mistake in world to sell nuclear weapons designs, infact Pakistan sold Missiles to Iran, including designs, and different types of missiles Pakistan produce. Like Libya, Iran cried wolf about Pakistanis selling Weapons to Iran too.

Pakistan should never collaborate any new military programs with Iran in future as its far behind Pakistan in technology anyway.
Thats nonesense......
There is no such thing as a Pakistani jet......when you cant make the engine, radar, avionics, landing gear, ejection seat... how is it Pakistani in any way??

I would suggest Pakistan starts making bicycles first, then motocycles.... then we can start talking about maybe Pakistan made cars.....jets are way too complex for Pakistan.
See if you can make good quality bikes and find a market for them.
You believe everything on a Euro fighter came from Euro ?
Let me guess you probably also believe everything in your Iranian car and laptop was made in iran..
Such mentality led to a disaster like qaher.Dont burn in envy..fix your mentality.
You believe everything on a Euro fighter came from Euro ?
Let me guess you probably also believe everything in your Iranian car and laptop was made in iran..
Such mentality led to a disaster like qaher.Dont burn in envy..fix your mentality.

You are missing the point.... firstly Qhaher is a project in progress..... losers have been making fun of Iran´s projects like the S300 equivalent and pin point accurate surface to surface missile too..... until Iran showed the real results. Americas are certaily not laughing after their Global Hawk was taken down and their military bases destroyed....
Also no one is talking about the Euro fighter or the Grippen... those countries have high tech industries, and can make all the planes themselves if needed.
This is not the case with Pakistan. Pakistan makes almost none of the JF 17..... the fact that Pakistanis are reacting like little kids here shows their backward mentality and not wanting to see the reality of the world.

This is why I said make bikes and cars first.... then maybe planes.....

Yes... Iran does make almost all of their own cars.... this is how they could develope their industries and technology to make sophisticated weapons..... and if Pakistan cant make cars, they will never be able to make planes...... this is fact, whether you like it or not.
You are missing the point.... firstly Qhaher is a project in progress..... losers have been making fun of Iran´s projects like the S300 equivalent and pin point accurate surface to surface missile too..... until Iran showed the real results. Americas are certaily not laughing after their Global Hawk was taken down and their military bases destroyed....
Also no one is talking about the Euro fighter or the Grippen... those countries have high tech industries, and can make all the planes themselves if needed.
This is not the case with Pakistan. Pakistan makes almost none of the JF 17..... the fact that Pakistanis are reacting like little kids here shows their backward mentality and not wanting to see the reality of the world.

This is why I said make bikes and cars first.... then maybe planes.....

Yes... Iran does make almost all of their own cars.... this is how they could develope their industries and technology to make sophisticated weapons..... and if Pakistan cant make cars, they will never be able to make planes...... this is fact, whether you like it or not.
No hard feeling taken buddy.....
Its the little kids that get over exited.... this project can be very imprtant for Pakistan IF it starts making different parts f the plane itself.... little by little..... over a number of yeras, it will have its own industries and technology to make a new plane.
That way, Pakistan will have something others want.....
Getting over exited about a plane that is almost entirely foreign made is premature and childing...... insultig Iran for not buying this plane is stupid.
In a merry hypothetical world for Pakistan, where there were no sanctions and Iran had the money to look for an aircraft, Iran would go to Russia or China a million times before coming to Pakistan to even buy a 9mm pistol. Iranians won't accept defence equipment from, what they call, 'inferior people'.
No, we dont consider you ''inferior people''. We consider you as a friendly neighbour with few Persian influences in your culture. Pakistan's name is even Persian. Why should we consider you inferior when you have (partly) same culture as us ?

I am aware of the radical wahabi pakistanis siding with the radical factions in Persian gulf states against Iran but i am 100% sure that doesn't represent whole of Pakistan.

Also few racists here and there dont make it the entire nation.
No, we dont consider you ''inferior people''. We consider you as a friendly neighbour with few Persian influences in your culture. Pakistan's name is even in Persian. Why should we consider you inferior when you have (partly) same culture as us ?

I am aware of the radical wahabi pakistanis siding with the radical factions in Persian gulf states against Iran but i am 100% sure that doesn't represent whole of Pakistan.

Also few racists here and there dont make it the entire nation.

Please bear in mind that at least 20% of Pakistan's population have direct Persian/Iranian ancestry. That is 10× more than the number of Pakistanis who have ANY genetic links to india.
I'm just waiting for Israel / US to bomb Iran. After that you'll see all these forum Iran Strong guys crying like babies and coming to buy the JF-17. But buy then its too late. Its already too late, their country has gone to sh!t so they are calling the JF-17 that instead. Sour grapes anyone?
First of all my backward Bangladeshi friend. Iran will never place itself in a situation where your Israeli or American masters are able to bomb Iranian soil. Rest assured, we will not let our beloved country be targetted by the scum of the earth. We will avoid that.

Second, talking about sour grapes, what have you done against your white masters that are dominating your country as they please, one call from the American ambassador might change your leadership. Isn't it better to support a nation under American siege instead of criticizing it from your British funded chair ?

Please bear in mind that at least 20% of Pakistan's population have direct Persian/Iranian ancestry. That is 10× more than the number of Pakistanis who have ANY genetic links to india.
Personally, i consider Pakistan to be closer to Iran than India.

After Tajikistan and Afghanistan, Pakistan is the most closest to Iran. In the wider scale, Iran and Pakistan are part of the big family.

I think the issue here is that Iran, if it were to buy new combat aircraft for its dilapidated air-force, would need something that is head and shoulders above much of the rest of the competition. The Jf-17 is an amazing multi-role strike platform but wont be a worthwhile investment for Iran. Jf-17 is a relatively cheap multirole strike aircraft and wouldn't be a worthwhile investment for Iran since Iranian adversaries are fielding the best of the best in terms of Jet fighters (F-22, F-15, F-35s). Something like the Su-30SM or Su-35 would be much better investment due to how powerful they are as opposed to the Jf-17, allowing Iran to engage against the F-35s and F-15s with higher combat efficacy.

JF-17 would undoubtedly be a welcomed addition but not a needed addition is what I'm really trying to get at here.
Well said. I am sure Pakistan produces some nice stuff but who on their right mind wouldnt go for the best of the best ? We all can agree that Russia produces better fighter jets than Pakistan. Even better than China. So Russian jets would have priority but i would love to see Chinese and Pakistani jets in our arsenal too.

my point is that Iran is in no imminent danger from NATO (or Israeli) jets
You are wrong. It is known that Israel bombed Iraq recently

The Zionists bombed Iraq to show us that they can strike us too. We are under direct threat from Israeli F-16's and F35's.

About NATO, they are a reserve force of the American army (the same).
First of all my backward Bangladeshi friend. Iran will never place itself in a situation where your Israeli or American masters are able to bomb Iranian soil. Rest assured, we will not let our beloved country be targetted by the scum of the earth. We will avoid that.

Second, talking about sour grapes, what have you done against your white masters that are dominating your country as they please, one call from the American ambassador might change your leadership. Isn't it better to support a nation under American siege instead of criticizing it from your British funded chair ?

Personally, i consider Pakistan to be closer to Iran than India.

After Tajikistan and Afghanistan, Pakistan is the most closest to Iran.

Brother, the americans would not DARE attack Iran. They are cowards who only fight nations who can't fight back like Iraq and Afghanistan. Iran would cause unacceptable damage to the americans which they would probably never recover from.

PS Contrary to popular myth, the two nations that Pakistan shares the most in common with is both Iran and Afghanistan.
Iran had its fair share of pumped under the cook for many years, sanctioned, isolated like no country ever had, but I would class Iran in a way that Pakistan sold missiles, nuclear secrets to Iran and yet when Iran was busted by westerners they blamed Pakistan, since then Pakistan should never sell the inferior military of Iran any weapons, no cooperation, no JF-17s, no Military things.

From Pakistan's point of view, Pakistanis donot want Iran bombed by Israel or Americans, since first they are muslims, and then second Pakistan can not cope with Iranian millions of refugees, like Pakistan is still facing millions of refugees from Afghanistan since Pakistan defeated the Soviets.

Last Pakistan can not have anything technically advanced from Iran Military, Iran doesnot produce anything which Pakistan does not have.

By enlarge Pakistan has advanced Atomic bombs, Nuclear Missiles, Ballistic Missiels, Tanks, artillery, Air Weapons and Fighters, much better communication systems, radars, almost you can name anything....Pakistan is much advanced and better then the Iranian Military by far ahead.

There you gowith your retarded sheet again.....
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