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What is it About Iran that Scares the US?: On Tehran’s Military Capabilities

Better read the article before responding. The topic is about why America can not attack Iran, and most of the answers are in the article of the 1st post.
There is nothing in Iran or Iran's military capabilities which scares the USA.

Iran is turned into this boogeyman mostly by the Israeli Lobby as this mighty and powerful military machine which could annhiliate little Israel and thus Israel wants America to do its dirty work and take out another Enemy like the Neo-cons tricked Bush into invading Iraq.

Iran's military is not even the most powerful in the middle east. Israel, Turkey, Egypt all have stronger military forces than Iran. Heck even the Saudis would be ranked higher if they had a more capable soldiers who can weild all their expensive weaponry.
If USA attacks Iran directly, the world will see Iranian ICBMs for the first time!

If USA attacks Iran directly, the world will see Iranian ICBMs for the first time!

I dont think Iran possesses ICBM's yet.
I would say that we are maybe 10-15 years away from that.
Check the lastest military news ;)

Many of them are secrers

There is no way of knowing, but it takes a lot of time to develop such missiles.
Even though Iran's development on missiles have been fast, I think we still are at least a decade away from ICBM capability.
Just a guess.
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There is no way of knowing, but it takes a lot of time to develop such missiles.
Even though Iran's development on missiles have been fast, I think we still are at least a decade away from ICBM capability.
Just a guess.

Ask Soheil dude, he knows
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I dont think Iran possesses ICBM's yet.
I would say that we are maybe 10-15 years away from that.

So last week i was in next decade!

Dude read this & enjoy the coffee:

Iran's SSMs (Surface to Surface Missiles)

I reported missile launch 3 weeks before officials!

So i know what i am talking about!


There is no way of knowing, but it takes a lot of time to develop such missiles.
Even though Iran's development on missiles have been fast, I think we still are at least a decade away from ICBM capability.
Just a guess.

We have a 3 stage solid fuel ICBM in the arsenal...

Really???? No one is going to believe... Have you ever tested them??? plz stop using Photoshops

Mr.bigZ !

Dont believe!

We don't give a single shit!


Dude, all of them will be busted when Hornet, Eagle and Raptor enters in Iranian Air space, Can you stop them???

Let's do it !

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There is nothing in Iran or Iran's military capabilities which scares the USA.

Iran is turned into this boogeyman mostly by the Israeli Lobby as this mighty and powerful military machine which could annhiliate little Israel and thus Israel wants America to do its dirty work and take out another Enemy like the Neo-cons tricked Bush into invading Iraq.

Iran's military is not even the most powerful in the middle east. Israel, Turkey, Egypt all have stronger military forces than Iran. Heck even the Saudis would be ranked higher if they had a more capable soldiers who can weild all their expensive weaponry.

& this mighty israel is only able to kill civilians!

Every body has a big mouth in front of the monitor...

This lunatic guy shouldn't be allowed to post.... i mean look at his post...:cuckoo:

Oh, sheat....lunatic zealots..... i'm out of this threat.

Yes... Out!
& this mighty israel is only able to kill civilians!

Well thats the nature of the conflict Israel is confied to fight.

If Arab countries decided to launch an attack on Israel, all Israel will kill are Soldiers.
And probably for last time.
yeh if you say so . same for other side as well it will be for first and last time they see it .

it is good you did let us know and give us advice . it is best to receive advice from big powers and people who know alot about these matters .

as well know Turkey is wear Asia supper power and well where of these matters
Well thats the nature of the conflict Israel is confied to fight.

If Arab countries decided to launch an attack on Israel, all Israel will kill are Soldiers.


Let's fight with Iran... Then we can talk about the victims!
forget military capability b/c nothing comes close to US..."might is right"

of course attacking Iran would send shock-waves through Muslim world and could easily trigger WWIII

Iran does have methods and mechanisms in place where they could make the life of USA and its interests a bit miserable....price of crude would go through the roof plus military bases in the persian gulf could very well be in the cross-hairs

Iranians would fight their hearts out to defend themselves but at the end of the day nothing (so far) matches american military machine

its best that Iran and USA pursue dialogue and iron out their differences - especially now when ISIS is perceived to be an existential threat to the region.....a threat which wouldnt have existed if the West and their puppets in the middle east didnt meddle around in the affairs of Syria, Libya and elsewhere

Let's fight with Iran... Then we can talk about the victims!

Iran and Israel don't share a border.

But why don't you send your armed forces into Syria and attack Israel from the Golan Heights?
how about we bend over like your country ??
what about Raymond Davis ?? do you think he killed 2 Pakistani national in day light and he got way with it and he is walking freely ??

» CIA contractor Raymond Davis freed in Pakistan killings

or how about let them kill few thousands civilian by drone like they do in Pakistan ??


& what is their response!?

US kills terrorist bad guys for free...

Innocent terrorists ! ! !

So civilians = terrorists ! ?

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