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What is it About Iran that Scares the US?: On Tehran’s Military Capabilities

iI say there is still time to back down..
how about we bend over like your country ??

what about Raymond Davis ?? do you think he killed 2 Pakistani national in day light and he got way with it and he is walking freely ??

» CIA contractor Raymond Davis freed in Pakistan killings

or how about let them kill few thousands civilian by drone like they do in Pakistan ??

The Toll Of 5 Years Of Drone Strikes: 2,400 Dead

or how about let the American marine kidnap your children at night like they do in Pakistan ?? you sure they did do anything with Pakistani boy when the U.S soldier kidnapped him ??

how about we sell our women to Americans like Pervez Musharraf sold to Americans Aafia Siddiqui ?? you remember Aafia Siddiqui ?? and she is getting raped everyday in jail house and where about of her child is not know n ?? how about we follow you ??

PressTV - The strange case of Aafia Siddiqui
how about we bend over like your country ??

what about Raymond Davis ?? do you think he killed 2 Pakistani national in day light and he got way with it and he is walking freely ??

» CIA contractor Raymond Davis freed in Pakistan killings

or how about let them kill few thousands civilian by drone like they do in Pakistan ??

The Toll Of 5 Years Of Drone Strikes: 2,400 Dead

or how about let the American marine kidnap your children at night like they do in Pakistan ?? you sure they did do anything with Pakistani boy when the U.S soldier kidnapped him ??

how about we sell our women to Americans like Pervez Musharraf sold to Americans Aafia Siddiqui ?? you remember Aafia Siddiqui ?? and she is getting raped everyday in jail house and where about of her child is not know n ?? how about we follow you ??

PressTV - The strange case of Aafia Siddiqui

Let's not turn this into piss-match of piss tv.

I have plenty of Iranian friends to continue showing respect for Iran

even if I speak against Mullah-cracy.
Let's not turn this into piss-match of piss tv.
even if I speak against Mullah-cracy.
what are you talikg about ?/ what press tv ??
if you look Raymond Davis or Aafia Siddiqui or civilian killed by drone +++++ got nothing to do with press tv . all western media reports on it . and only thing you can do talk Sh@t here

you getting raped every day.
day in and day out and you are still talking .
what joke who calls who crazy .
you are failed state and bank rubbed + people live below poverty line with internal dissent going on as we speak ( Imran Khan & Qadri ) followed by terrorist attacks keep happening in f***ing country and you call us crazy .
thanks for let us know . it good to hear advice from so called nuclear power country
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بیچاره ها اخه سر چی بحث می کنید؟؟؟
وقتی اسد و نصر الله بروند دیگه چیزی از ایران نمی مونه؟؟؟
سناریویی امریکا با قطع کردن 3 خبر نگار شروع شد .....
شما فکر می کنید امریکا واقعا برای منفعت ایران و نابودی داعش به سوریه رفته؟؟؟
hands up Iranians..... our game is over
نظرتون درباره صلح حسن چیه؟؟
بیچاره ها اخه سر چی بحث می کنید؟؟؟
وقتی اسد و نصر الله بروند دیگه چیزی از ایران نمی مونه؟؟؟
سناریویی امریکا با قطع کردن 3 خبر نگار شروع شد .....
شما فکر می کنید امریکا واقعا برای منفعت ایران و نابودی داعش به سوریه رفته؟؟؟
hands up Iranians..... our game is over
نظرتون درباره صلح حسن چیه؟؟
we wait for you to come and sort out you see .
بیچاره ها اخه سر چی بحث می کنید؟؟؟
وقتی اسد و نصر الله بروند دیگه چیزی از ایران نمی مونه؟؟؟
سناریویی امریکا با قطع کردن 3 خبر نگار شروع شد .....
شما فکر می کنید امریکا واقعا برای منفعت ایران و نابودی داعش به سوریه رفته؟؟؟
hands up Iranians..... our game is over
نظرتون درباره صلح حسن چیه؟؟

حاجی قاطی داریا

صلح یعنی دادن منطقه به وهابی ها

کدوم یکی از کارای آمریکا برای منافع ایران بوده? مسلما هیچ کدوم
مثل ژاپن ما هم مجبوریم اخرش صلح کنیم البته اگر معجزه ای نشود
از 3 سال پیش همش داریم عقب می رویم ....
سوریه و عراق که دیگر از حالت عملیاتی خارج شده اند و در جنگ با تروریسم تا سالها زیر ساخت هاشون مستهلک و فرسوده هست
ترکیه و عربستان که اعلام امادگی برای حمله زمینی کرده اند
امریکا هم گفته حمله هوایی قسمتی از یک راهبرد بزرگ است ..(یعنی حمله زمینی و سرنگونی اسد
طرح پرواز ممنوع هم که بزودی عملیاتی می شود (البته تا بحال هم بصورت غیر رسمی بوده
کار از سردار سلیمانی هم گذشته؟
لطفا دیگه خیال پردازی نکنید .... راهکار بدهید
what are you talikg about ?/ what press tv ??
if you look Raymond Davis or Aafia Siddiqui or civilian killed by drone +++++ got nothing to do with press tv . all western media reports on it . and only thing you can do talk Sh@t here

you getting raped every day.
day in and day out and you are still talking .
what joke who calls who crazy .
you are failed state and bank rubbed + people live below poverty line with internal dissent going on as we speak ( Imran Khan & Qadri ) followed by terrorist attacks keep happening in f***ing country and you call us crazy .
thanks for let us know . it good to hear advice from so called nuclear power country


The one being raped by Mullahs and Ayatgullahs accuse others for the same.

Pot calling kettle black

صلح یعنی یک کاسه شدن با امریکا
مثل کاری که ترکیه و قطر و ژاپن کردند
What purpose would it serve to bring an aircraft carrier into the gulf during a war with Iran? What would they be there for???

Why do people think the role of an aircraft carrier is to waltz right up to the shore of an opponent and launch some planes??

You do realize that even in WW2 carriers never got close to mainland Japan or Germany and this had ZERO to do with anti ship missiles. Ever hear Hitler or Tojo make an announcement that they had even attacked (never mind sank) a US carrier off their coast? It would be a suicide mission as every bomber would fly out to target it.

Guess what happened when a single axis Airforce bomber flew over the USS Franklin and let loose its bombs..well she didn't sink but her deck was turned into Swiss cheese.

Carrier don't sail right off the coast at 35knots to be an open target for every bomber available. Saying a US Carrier would be in the Gulf is ludicrous.
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کار از سردار سلیمانی هم گذشته؟
لطفا دیگه خیال پردازی نکنید .... راهکار بدهید
you make me laugh . the only dreamer here is you .

What purpose would it serve to bring an aircraft carrier into the gulf during a war with Iran? What would they be there for???

Why do people think the role of an aircraft carrier is to waltz right up to the shore of an opponent and launch some planes??

You do realize that even in WW2 carriers never got close to mainland Japan or Germany and this had ZERO to do with anti ship missiles. Ever hear Hitler or Tojo make an announcement that they had even attacked (never mind sink) a US carrier off their coast? It would be a suicide mission as every bomber would fly out to target it.

Guess what happened when a single axis Airforce bomber flew over the USS Franklin and let loose its bombs..well she didn't sink but her deck was turned into Swiss cheese.

Carrier don't sail right off the coast at 35knots to be an open target for every bomber available. Saying a US Carrier would be in the Gulf is ludicrous.
If Iran thinks America is "scared" of her military capabilities, they might note that the exact same thing was said by Saddam Hussein concerning Iraq. How did that work out for him? :butcher: What was missing from the article was any coverage of what America is concerned about, not scared of, regarding Iran and that is not that Iran may have long range SSM missiles, but what Iran may eventually be able to put on top of them as warheads. A nuclear armed Iran most definitely would concern the USA and other countries in the world. Of course, long before those countries act, I suspect that the Israeli Defence Force will beat everyone to the punch. Israel and her IDF is not going to let those missiles with nuclear warheads, ever become operational. Israel will attack without America's approval or anyone else’s and that attack will be total.

“The foundation of the Islamic regime is opposition to Israel and the perpetual subject of Iran is the elimination of Israel from the region.”-Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Iran

“The destruction of Israel is the idea of the Islamic Revolution in Iran and is one of the pillars of the Iranian Islamic regime. We cannot claim that we have no intention of going to war with Israel!” -Ahmad Alamolhoda, Member of the Assembly of Experts

Does anyone think that Israel will just do nothing? I don't think so!
Iranian independence and unwillingness to bow down before a foreign master scares the US. Anything the US can't control is "evil" according to the narcissistic worldview of their leaders.
Lame article. US can take out Iran in few weeks even without using nukes. Fact of the matter is that US sees itself responsible for current Iranian mess for destroying natural democracy in Iran back in 1953 coup. And now paying back with non-interventionist policies.
Iranian independence and unwillingness to bow down before a foreign master scares the US. Anything the US can't control is "evil" according to the narcissistic worldview of their leaders.
Yes, Hitler, Tojo, Stalin, Khrushchev, Che Guevara, Osama bin-Laden, Saddam Hussein, the Taliban, ISIS/IS, etc., they are all just a bunch of nice guys that big, mean ole' America just wanted to control. :omghaha:

Russia Says US-Israeli Iran Missile Test Failed - Defense/Security - News - Arutz Sheva

dream on my Yanki boy . . keep fooling your self
Iran better hope that her missiles can be intercepted, because if they can't, what awaits Iran and her people will not be missiles launched to intercept hers, but missiles launched into the heart of Iran itself to eliminate the threat at it's source. Like I said, it will likely NOT be America that strikes first. It will be Israel.

Israel's Worst-Kept Secret - The Atlantic

Israel will not allow itself to be destroyed. She will not allow herself to be subjected to another holocaust of her people. I hope Iranian leaders who mouth such dangerous and irresponsible threats, understand that.
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