No one said they were nice but Saddam was minding his own business after Gulf War 1.
...and by "minding his own business", you mean slaughtering his own Shi'a population, reneging on the cease-fire that his own government signed and continually firing on Coalition forces, and kicking out United Nations inspectors?
And ISIS is an American creation resulting from the chaos of an unlawful Iraq invasion that toppled Saddam under false pretenses. You don't get double credit for a half-assed attempt to clean up a mess made by yourself.
One of the things that we Americans hate is why because we are the world's last remaining superpower, did it suddenly give rise to adults in the rest of the wrold thinking the three-year old brat's,
"It's not my fault, wah, wah, wah!" defence, has become acceptable. Here's a thought, how 'bout the nations of the world that bitched so long about "imperialism" finally shut up, grow up, be men, and TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR OWN DAMN COUNTRIES! I know that the most popular sport in the international playground is to declare that all evil in the world is America's fault but America would not have to intervene in country after country if those countries and their neighbours would finally, finally, grow a pair and STOP using my country as their personal emergency contact number.
And what about Ghaddafi? He voluntarily gave up state-sponsored terrorism and WMDs only to have a NATO "no-fly-zone" bomb him to oblivion. Let's not even go into the US miscalculation of toppling democratically elected Viktor Yanukovych (5 months before an election he was sure to lose, no less) only to have Russia put everyone in their place.
...and by "put everyone in their place", you mean send their tanks and armies crashing across their neighbours border and permanently annexing, in the best tradition of REAL imperialism, their neighbours territory which Russia herself, declared with her signature, to belong to Ukraine. I'll say this for you, you have the whole creepy moral relativism down pat. Here’s a short cut for you; if done by the USA it is evil and wrong. If done by Russia, or Syria, or Ghaddafi, or any other truly imperialist, narcissistic and pathological tyrant with abysmal records of human rights and a clear predilection for oppressing their own people, well's still America's fault. Gee, how original. Just as with YOUR example of Yanukovych. Here is a guy who was removed because he was first drummed out of his OWN political party who stated that they,
"strongly condemned the criminal orders that led to human victims, an empty state treasury, huge debts, shame before the eyes of the Ukrainian people and the entire world.". Not the US, not the opposition, his OWN party, just before THEY voted in parliament, under the laws of the Ukrainian constitution, to remove him from said office, and yet YOU declare that it was America's fault.
Riiiiight! Why don't you guys in the rest of the world just eat your Wheaties and "man up"! Stop blaming America because all your little precious bloodthirsty tyrants have gone by-by. You don't want American intervention? Then stop whining like spoiled brats and share the responsibility. I assume that because Canada has done so and participated in actions like Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, etc., that you are opposed to your own government's actions and lump Canada in for the blame, equal to my country....or let me guess, no you don't, because Canada isn't responsible. Canada only joined in those actions....because it's America's fault, right?