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What is Bangladesh doing to counter Indian interference?

Firstly: I think you missed one point in this thread: http://www.defence.pk/forums/india-...akistan-simultaneously-indian-army-chief.html . Here the Indian army chief who made this statement. Remember he is an army chief. So even he said it as a fun but he knows that well that his neighbors will not take it as a fun. And, no doubt, this statement did not said by him without thinking his country's capability. May be they have not that much capability but they are intended to achieve so. Another think is, a fun done by such person, really, reflexes his intention. Such a person cannot make fun without backup. And here the backup is either he has already the capability or intended to achieve the capability. He must know the consequence of the fun, as his neighbors will take it as a challenge, and then he have to answer if attacked in future either he has the capability or not. I think there is a possibility of another war between IN and PAK.

Secondly: I understand that u think like a peaceful man. We also need to think like that. But, sad, the reality is different.

Suppose India will never attack us but if they will continuously interfere here, if BSF always continue killing, if they try to take over some portions in the Bay of Bangle, if they create pressure to our govt to give them favors which may be bad for BD, if they want to prove us vulnerable nation by deploying their force in Dhaka, if the underestimate us always, if they want to stop water. So what will do BD then even they will not attack?

In 52 Pak govt wanted to impose Urdu in BD.
Then BD people rebelled against Pak govt.
Then Pak force fired and killed Rafiq, Borkat, Salam and so.
Then we had to declare war against Pak for their misrules and the real war began in later in 71.
There Pak did not attack us at first but attacked when we demonstrated against their misrules.

So if India wants to dominate us without attack then what will u do? If you could stand against Pak in 52 then why not against India in future in case they will try to dominate us? And there is a chance of war (to me it is only 5%) with India if they will continuously try to dominate us though they will never attack at first. So, it is not worthless to imagine a hypothetical war bet IN and BD at all. Suppose if BDR will fire against BSF at first for any unavoidable reason then there is a chance of war though it will not continue but we will have to lose many things in case we will not aware.

Dear brother, i was expecting a reply in that particular thread where i posted this. I did not understand why you replied me here. Ok...now i will reply by following your points...so pls synchronize it with your comments....

Firstly, in your first para i did not find even a single clue AGAIN what it has that to do with BD. Even you, brother, did not mention this word "BD" in your first para. But still you were trying to relate your point to BD. Right isnt it? Then, you mentioned the word "FUN". Brother, i dont have any idea WHY on earth would disclosing these military information would be "FUN", especially when it is by a General. Your whole point here was simply that he showed a bit of his muscles, so he must have some intentions and backup. Again tell me, where do you find BD in that intention? You are thinking that he bragged so much meaning something is really wrong...do you know that behind the scene may be he was critisized by the command for saying this? War is no "FUN" brother.
You said this "a fun done by such person, really, reflexes his intention". On first place how does "FUN" and "INTENTION" relate. That means all this he said was just FUN that he will take 96 hrs for china and 48 for pakistan and use algorithmic signals....:blah: Do you think a General doesnt know that whats possible and whats not? Do you thing disclosing such information wont be suspected by pak-china? Still you call it FUN? Even US couldnt take Iraq of 22 million people in 96 hours my frnd....and he is talking about china of 1 billion or, for your sake, may be BD of 150 million.....
Again you said this..."and then he have to answer if attacked in future ". Brother doesnt this even make clear to you that he has to answer "IF" attacked....what shall i say more, dont you get it even now....

Secondly, i appreciate that you encourage the feeling of peace but yes reality is different.

Brother, you said everything based on future thinking like....."will continuously interfere", then "try to take over some portions", "deploying forces in dhaka" or "stop water". Tell me bro, are this ALL not happening now?? BSF always interfere, some portions are always taken, deployment was planned but later cancelled and about water, it was always under the indian dominance. Accept it bro, we are ALWAYS under indian supression....hard pill to swallow but true. And you are relating these DAILY issues to the threat of General Kapoor?? These things will always go on....there will always be border skirmishes, water will always be misused, land will always be claimed & captured...tell me honestly can u stop it?? Can i stop it?? can the indian posters here stop it?? tell me....Tell me the last time india used a SU-MKI or MIG to kill a farmer in our border??...Tell me the last time indian subs torpedoed a BN frigate??. We are under india's NON-MILITARY dominance....Accept that, the troubles you talked about are all politically-inclined and certainly, we are not here to discuss about that...you yourself said "I think there is a possibility of another war between IN and PAK.". Now tell me brother again, where does BD come in this subject???

Off course, "IF" we are attacked by anyone, may that be india, burma or US, we will fight back with everything we have...may that be even a .303 rifle. Then comes a different situation when our freedom is at stake. Same thing will happen that happened in 1971, fight to death....BUT you said..."India if they will continuously try to dominate us though they will never attack at first"...we, i am afraid, ALREADY are under indian dominance for a very long time, thus let alone a war....and this whole issue is political which is pointless discussing here. So refuting you, it is not worth imagining a hypothetical war....even if you do brother, do you think that imagining will change our fate....you think that imagining will turn tides in your "hypothetical war".....they wont. I love Bangladesh as much as you do, but i also live in reality and as you said....."But, sad, the reality is different."...yes, reality is very diferent..... reality is not hypothetical......

Peace brothers.....and any one is welcome to critisize......:thinktank::mps:

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I wanted to mean that even the Indian chief did this comment as fun but it should be consider as threat. And the threat is ultimately to it's neighbors and BD is not out of them.

BTW, I can not understand how political issues are not related to defence issue and why political issues are pointless to discuss here. Problems created from disputes and disagreements. Then these disputes turn into political issues, then if political issues are failed then defence, conflicts and war come.

Political issues are never pointless discussion in a defence forum. If u r not agree with this point (Political issues are never pointless discussion in a defence forum)then no need to reply.

I wanted to mean that even the Indian chief did this comment as fun but it should be consider as threat. And the threat is ultimately to it's neighbors and BD is not out of them.

BTW, I can not understand how political issues are not related to defence issue and why political issues are pointless to discuss here. Problems created from disputes and disagreements. Then these disputes turn into political issues, then if political issues are failed then defence, conflicts and war come.

Political issues are never pointless discussion in a defence forum. If u r not agree with this point (Political issues are never pointless discussion in a defence forum)then no need to reply.


Well brother,

I have nothing further to say......you have your ideas, you expressed them and me as a fellow countryman and poster, respect what you said.

Yes, i still DO NOT agree with your point and therefore my logic remains as before......but i will not debate further on this topic, given the ground of this whole subject, no one will ever reach a bottom line......

And one time i said quoting you that " a discussion has million viewpoints "......so let that be.....


Cheers!!! :cheers:
Nepal Maoists begin anti-India campaign - Yahoo! India News

ভারতের বিরুদ্ধে নেপালি ভূখণ্ড দখলের অভিযোগ তুলে গতকাল সোমবার ভারতবিরোধী বিক্ষোভ কর্মসূচি শুরু করেছে নেপালের সাবেক মাওবাদী বিদ্রোহীরা। ভারতীয় পররাষ্ট্রমন্ত্রী এস এম কৃষ্ণার নেপাল সফর সামনে রেখে মাওবাদীরা এ বিক্ষোভ কর্মসূচির ঘোষণা দেয়।
কাঞ্চনপুর জেলায় অনুষ্ঠিত ভারতবিরোধী বিক্ষোভে নেতৃত্ব দেন মাওবাদীপ্রধান ও সাবেক প্রধানমন্ত্রী পুষ্প কমল দহল প্রচণ্ড। ওই এলাকার ভারতীয় অংশে মহাকলি নদীর ওপর টনকপুর বাঁধ তৈরি করছে ভারত। বাঁধ নির্মাণের তীব্র নিন্দা করেছে মাওবাদীরা। তাঁদের অভিযোগ, ওই বাঁধ নির্মাণের ফলে ভারতীয় পক্ষ বেশি সেচসুবিধা পাবে। বিক্ষোভে প্রচণ্ড বলেন, নেপালের সার্বভৌমত্ব রক্ষার জন্য নতুন আন্দোলনের পুরোভাগে থাকবে তাঁর দল। তাঁর অভিযোগ, বিদেশি শক্তিগুলো প্রধানমন্ত্রী মাধব কুমার নেপালের নেতৃত্বাধীন জোট সরকারকে নিজেদের স্বার্থে ব্যবহার করছে।
নেপালের পশ্চিমাঞ্চলীয় নাওয়ালপারাশি জেলায় একই ধরনের একটি বিক্ষোভে নেতৃত্ব দেন প্রচণ্ডর ডেপুটি ও সাবেক অর্থমন্ত্রী বাবুরাম ভট্টরাই। নেপালিদের অভিযোগ, ওই এলাকায় সুসতা নামের একটি গ্রাম অবৈধভাবে দখলে নিয়েছে ভারতীয়রা।
পূর্বাঞ্চলীয় আইলাম জেলার পশুপতিনগরে অনুষ্ঠিত বিক্ষোভে নেতৃত্ব দেন মাওবাদীদের অপর প্রভাবশালী নেতা মোহন ভাইদইয়া কিরাণ। বিরোধপূর্ণ আরও দুটি জায়গায় বিক্ষোভে নেতৃত্ব দেন সাবেক মাওবাদী প্রতিরক্ষামন্ত্রী রাম বাহাদুর থাপা বাদল এবং জ্যেষ্ঠ মাওবাদী নেতা নারায়ণ কাজি শ্রেষ্ঠা। ‘ভারতীয় দখলদারির’ বিরুদ্ধে বিক্ষোভ আজ মঙ্গলবারও অব্যাহত থাকবে।
ভারত ও নেপালের মধ্যে এক হাজার ৮০০ কিলোমিটারের যৌথ সীমান্ত রয়েছে। সীমান্ত নিয়ে দুই দেশের মধ্যে কমপক্ষে ৫০ জায়গায় বিরোধ রয়েছে। সবচেয়ে ভয়াবহ বিরোধ চলছে নেপালের দারচুলা জেলার কালাপানি সীমান্তে। চীন ভারত আক্রমণ করার পর ১৯৬২ সালে ভারতীয় সেনারা সেখানে ঘাঁটি স্থাপন করে। ঘাঁটিটি এখনো রয়েছে।
কালাপানিতে একটি বিক্ষোভ মিছিলে নেতৃত্ব দেওয়ার কথা ছিল প্রচণ্ডর। কিন্তু পরে ওই কর্মসূচি বাতিল করা হয়। ভারতীয় পররাষ্ট্রমন্ত্রী এস এম কৃষ্ণার তিন দিনের নেপাল সফর সামনে রেখে মাওবাদীরা এই বিক্ষোভ কর্মসূচি পালন করছে। ১৫ জানুয়ারি নেপালে প্রথম সরকারি সফর শুরু করবেন তিনি।
১৪ জানুয়ারি ১৯৫০ সালের ভারত-নেপাল শান্তি ও বন্ধুত্ব চুক্তিসহ ভারতের সঙ্গে সম্পাদিত ‘অসম’ চুক্তিগুলোর অনুলিপিতে অগ্নিসংযোগের কর্মসূচি ঘোষণা করেছে মাওবাদীরা।
১৯ জানুয়ারি ভারতীয় সেনাপ্রধান জেনারেল দীপক কাপুরও নেপাল সফরে যাচ্ছেন। নেপালের প্রধানমন্ত্রীর কার্যালয় সিংহ দরবারের সামনে বিক্ষোভ কর্মসূচির ঘোষণা করেছে সাবেক মাওবাদী বিদ্রোহীরা। সিংহ দরবারে প্রধানমন্ত্রীর কার্যালয় ছাড়াও বেশ কয়েকটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ মন্ত্রণালয় অবস্থিত। টাইমস অব ইন্ডিয়া।
India is true friend of Bangladesh, other jealous countries and radical people wants to spoil our relations so that Bangladesh remain poor.

India to give Bangladesh $1bn line of credit
NEW DELHI: Taking the current bonhomie with the Sheikh Hasina government to a new level, PM Manmohan Singh on Monday announced a $1 billion line of credit for Bangladesh, the highest one-time line of credit assistance to any country by India.

Authorities described the aid as an apt reciprocation to the cooperation received from Bangladesh in dealing with terrorism and insurgency since Sheikh Hasina came back to power.

The credit will aid infrastructural development in that country, including building railway bridges, supply of locomotives and assistance in dredging.

Sheikh Hasina assured that no anti-India activity would be allowed to be carried out from the country. Sources said security was one of the most important issues on which the two sides agreed to actively cooperate.

During his meeting with Sheikh Hasina, Singh said her visit had opened a new chapter in India-Bangladesh ties leading to “complete unity of heart and mind”.

In another goodwill gesture, India said it would stop work on the Tipaimukh dam project which had caused resentment in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was inundated by official meetings through the day but her family had other social obligations.

The PM's son Sajeeb Wazed Joy and daughter Saima Wazed Hossain Putul, accompanied by their aunt Sheikh Rehana and her children, called on the Gandhi family to revive an old connection that had become rusty with disuse.

Sheikha Hasina came bearing mouth-watering gifts — Bangladesh’s famous hilsa fish from the Padma river, which they swear is tastier than the Indian hilsa from the Ganga.

In return, Sheikh Hasina will probably be gifted a little bit of West Bengal when railway minister Mamata Banerjee gifts her a ‘Dhonekhali’ saree, a speciality of the state and a variety she personally prefers, along with some of Kolkata’s ‘notun gurer shondesh’.

India to supply 250MW power to Bangladesh

NEW DELHI: In another goodwill gesture, India said it would stop work on the Tipaimukh dam project which had caused resentment in Bangladesh.

India had earlier announced construction of a 1,500MW hydroelectric dam on the Barak river in the north-east. The river flows into Bangladesh before emptying into the Bay of Bengal. Apart from that, India will also supply 250MW of electricity to Bangladesh over and above the 100MW agreed to last year.

New Delhi sought to address Dhaka’s concerns with regard to non-tariff barriers by agreeing to remove these on many more items. At the wide-ranging talks here between the two leaders, the two sides reached a number of decisions to revive the traditional links of connectivity, which included the Akhaura-Agartala railway line.

As announced earlier, the two sides signed five agreements, three of them a nod to India’s primary concerns on security and terrorism. They were on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, agreement on transfer of sentenced persons and an agreement on combating international terrorism, organized crime and illicit drug trafficking.

On Monday, Hasina and Singh met for delegation level talks in the evening, with the two leaders meeting in a one-on-one basis before the talks.

In a speech, the Bangladesh PM said, “I can give you this assurance that Bangladesh is committed to eliminating all forms of terrorism from within its territory.” The talks focused on terror, trade and investment, boundary and particularly water sharing. At the banquet held in her honour, Sheikh Hasina stressed on a water agreement, reminding India of the Ganges water treaty of 1996

250 MW elctricity export - India does not have enough electricity in western part but have surplus in eastern part. What indian is playing with is trying to power transit using Bangladeshi grids in name of exporting mere 250 MW. By the 250 MW means nothing when we have 4000-5000 MW shortage.

47 items removed from negetive list - another indian deception ploy. Indian played same deception before removing duty for show and keeping para tariff in place so net effect of farcial removal of duty means nothing.

$1 billion credit line - this so called soft loan nothing but another big hoax played by indians. Bangladesh have enough reserve and fund on its own and does not need indian money. Furthermore as details of these indian ploy getting available, indians are extending these money so indian stooge, Awami govt can develop infrastructure for providing transit to india.

All thee items indians posted here goes to show, what extent Awami stooge govt will go to fool Bangladeshis and to score on indian stooge book.

But, tragedy is, max BD people have no concern like you and I. So we can not make them understand until they could understand and face problems regarding the deals or bad consequence of these deals between AL govt and India.

I think, now, BD people like to live under Indian hegemony after watching the failure of BNP. I think, right now, max BD people like India for their economical growth and failure of Pak too.

But I think we should wait and see for either there is any economical benefits or not from sea ports using by India. Cos max people believe that it's good for BD's economy.
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250 MW elctricity export - India does not have enough electricity in western part but have surplus in eastern part. What indian is playing with is trying to power transit using Bangladeshi grids in name of exporting mere 250 MW. By the 250 MW means nothing when we have 4000-5000 MW shortage.

47 items removed from negetive list - another indian deception ploy. Indian played same deception before removing duty for show and keeping para tariff in place so net effect of farcial removal of duty means nothing.

$1 billion credit line - this so called soft loan nothing but another big hoax played by indians. Bangladesh have enough reserve and fund on its own and does not need indian money. Furthermore as details of these indian ploy getting available, indians are extending these money so indian stooge, Awami govt can develop infrastructure for providing transit to india.

All thee items indians posted here goes to show, what extent Awami stooge govt will go to fool Bangladeshis and to score on indian stooge book.

Well India opened up a 1 billion dollar line of credit. Bit confusing aint it? I dont know whether BD need that or not and what kind of project they will be used for. So far I heard about rail infrastructure which India needs badly. They also want dredging in some of our rivers to protect India from flooding. Now this line of credit will only serve India.
India also gave transit for Nepal and Bhutan. Now those are Nepalese and Bhutanese transit trhough India to BD. Will our vehicle be allowed to pass through India? Thats a million dollar question as Nepalese and Bhutanese vehicle can enter India anyways and they can even come to BD border whic is extend to 200 meter inside BD border.

India agreed to sell power to BD. Good move. But India will also be benifited by earnig few cents selling those to BD as well as getting grid connectivity to Tripura. India also a gainer in this case.

Regional connectivity and Agartala - Akaura rail link, is it for BD or for India? Will the line of credit be used to build that or India will pay outright for this rail track as India will be the one using it.

Uses of Mongla and Chittagong port. I am not against opening those two ports to India. What is the volume Nepalese and Bhutanese be using those ports and what would be the volume of India? Who will pay for the rail and road track for carrying goods in and out of those ports? Will India be allowed only to use our tole roads that we are building or we the tax payer have to pay for the Indian goods? How much money BD will make at the end of the day?

There are too many unanswered question. We have to wait and see.

WoW, two men talking same thing!
India is true friend of Bangladesh, other jealous countries and radical people wants to spoil our relations so that Bangladesh remain poor.

India to give Bangladesh $1bn line of credit
NEW DELHI: Taking the current bonhomie with the Sheikh Hasina government to a new level, PM Manmohan Singh on Monday announced a $1 billion line of credit for Bangladesh, the highest one-time line of credit assistance to any country by India.

Authorities described the aid as an apt reciprocation to the cooperation received from Bangladesh in dealing with terrorism and insurgency since Sheikh Hasina came back to power.

The credit will aid infrastructural development in that country, including building railway bridges, supply of locomotives and assistance in dredging.

Sheikh Hasina assured that no anti-India activity would be allowed to be carried out from the country. Sources said security was one of the most important issues on which the two sides agreed to actively cooperate.

During his meeting with Sheikh Hasina, Singh said her visit had opened a new chapter in India-Bangladesh ties leading to “complete unity of heart and mind”.

In another goodwill gesture, India said it would stop work on the Tipaimukh dam project which had caused resentment in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was inundated by official meetings through the day but her family had other social obligations.

The PM's son Sajeeb Wazed Joy and daughter Saima Wazed Hossain Putul, accompanied by their aunt Sheikh Rehana and her children, called on the Gandhi family to revive an old connection that had become rusty with disuse.

Sheikha Hasina came bearing mouth-watering gifts — Bangladesh’s famous hilsa fish from the Padma river, which they swear is tastier than the Indian hilsa from the Ganga.

In return, Sheikh Hasina will probably be gifted a little bit of West Bengal when railway minister Mamata Banerjee gifts her a ‘Dhonekhali’ saree, a speciality of the state and a variety she personally prefers, along with some of Kolkata’s ‘notun gurer shondesh’.

India to supply 250MW power to Bangladesh

NEW DELHI: In another goodwill gesture, India said it would stop work on the Tipaimukh dam project which had caused resentment in Bangladesh.

India had earlier announced construction of a 1,500MW hydroelectric dam on the Barak river in the north-east. The river flows into Bangladesh before emptying into the Bay of Bengal. Apart from that, India will also supply 250MW of electricity to Bangladesh over and above the 100MW agreed to last year.

New Delhi sought to address Dhaka’s concerns with regard to non-tariff barriers by agreeing to remove these on many more items. At the wide-ranging talks here between the two leaders, the two sides reached a number of decisions to revive the traditional links of connectivity, which included the Akhaura-Agartala railway line.

As announced earlier, the two sides signed five agreements, three of them a nod to India’s primary concerns on security and terrorism. They were on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, agreement on transfer of sentenced persons and an agreement on combating international terrorism, organized crime and illicit drug trafficking.

On Monday, Hasina and Singh met for delegation level talks in the evening, with the two leaders meeting in a one-on-one basis before the talks.

In a speech, the Bangladesh PM said, “I can give you this assurance that Bangladesh is committed to eliminating all forms of terrorism from within its territory.” The talks focused on terror, trade and investment, boundary and particularly water sharing. At the banquet held in her honour, Sheikh Hasina stressed on a water agreement, reminding India of the Ganges water treaty of 1996


So true, I really hope other Bangladeshis can also understand this.
Dear brother, i was expecting a reply in that particular thread where i posted this. I did not understand why you replied me here. Ok...now i will reply by following your points...so pls synchronize it with your comments....

Firstly, in your first para i did not find even a single clue AGAIN what it has that to do with BD. Even you, brother, did not mention this word "BD" in your first para. But still you were trying to relate your point to BD. Right isnt it? Then, you mentioned the word "FUN". Brother, i dont have any idea WHY on earth would disclosing these military information would be "FUN", especially when it is by a General. Your whole point here was simply that he showed a bit of his muscles, so he must have some intentions and backup. Again tell me, where do you find BD in that intention? You are thinking that he bragged so much meaning something is really wrong...do you know that behind the scene may be he was critisized by the command for saying this? War is no "FUN" brother.
You said this "a fun done by such person, really, reflexes his intention". On first place how does "FUN" and "INTENTION" relate. That means all this he said was just FUN that he will take 96 hrs for china and 48 for pakistan and use algorithmic signals....:blah: Do you think a General doesnt know that whats possible and whats not? Do you thing disclosing such information wont be suspected by pak-china? Still you call it FUN? Even US couldnt take Iraq of 22 million people in 96 hours my frnd....and he is talking about china of 1 billion or, for your sake, may be BD of 150 million.....
Again you said this..."and then he have to answer if attacked in future ". Brother doesnt this even make clear to you that he has to answer "IF" attacked....what shall i say more, dont you get it even now....

Secondly, i appreciate that you encourage the feeling of peace but yes reality is different.

Brother, you said everything based on future thinking like....."will continuously interfere", then "try to take over some portions", "deploying forces in dhaka" or "stop water". Tell me bro, are this ALL not happening now?? BSF always interfere, some portions are always taken, deployment was planned but later cancelled and about water, it was always under the indian dominance. Accept it bro, we are ALWAYS under indian supression....hard pill to swallow but true. And you are relating these DAILY issues to the threat of General Kapoor?? These things will always go on....there will always be border skirmishes, water will always be misused, land will always be claimed & captured...tell me honestly can u stop it?? Can i stop it?? can the indian posters here stop it?? tell me....Tell me the last time india used a SU-MKI or MIG to kill a farmer in our border??...Tell me the last time indian subs torpedoed a BN frigate??. We are under india's NON-MILITARY dominance....Accept that, the troubles you talked about are all politically-inclined and certainly, we are not here to discuss about that...you yourself said "I think there is a possibility of another war between IN and PAK.". Now tell me brother again, where does BD come in this subject???

Off course, "IF" we are attacked by anyone, may that be india, burma or US, we will fight back with everything we have...may that be even a .303 rifle. Then comes a different situation when our freedom is at stake. Same thing will happen that happened in 1971, fight to death....BUT you said..."India if they will continuously try to dominate us though they will never attack at first"...we, i am afraid, ALREADY are under indian dominance for a very long time, thus let alone a war....and this whole issue is political which is pointless discussing here. So refuting you, it is not worth imagining a hypothetical war....even if you do brother, do you think that imagining will change our fate....you think that imagining will turn tides in your "hypothetical war".....they wont. I love Bangladesh as much as you do, but i also live in reality and as you said....."But, sad, the reality is different."...yes, reality is very diferent..... reality is not hypothetical......

Peace brothers.....and any one is welcome to critisize......:thinktank::mps:


Why are you so pissed off against India.Did India ever attack BD?
WHy do you think India is agains BD which it helped to gain independence?
Seriously what is wrong with you?
Probably you would love Chinese hegemony better than India,but wait have you seriously forgotten that they helped in the massacre against BD in 71 which killed over 1 million BD?? Answer this honestly.
And please do not bring religion in between.No Hindu-Muslim points.
Why are you so pissed off against India.Did India ever attack BD?
WHy do you think India is agains BD which it helped to gain independence?
Seriously what is wrong with you?
Probably you would love Chinese hegemony better than India,but wait have you seriously forgotten that they helped in the massacre against BD in 71 which killed over 1 million BD?? Answer this honestly.
And please do not bring religion in between.No Hindu-Muslim points.

Don't judge Bangladeshis thorough this forum.

Majority of Bangladeshis support good relations with India which is why they voted for Bangladeshi Awami League.

Many Pakistanis hide under Bangadeshi flags to bash India.
This is a bloody activity by AL govt on behalf of India which breaks any limit of stooge activity.
I can accept conditional transit but supporting India for UNSC is intolerable. And a shocking behavior by AL govt.

Here is a short list of countries who can feel disturb by this AL govt's stooge activity in my view.

1. USA
2. Japan
3. Germany
4. China
5. Pakistan
6. Sri Lanka
7. Nepal

Nope none except the bold one. :lol:
Moreover, there will be no more UN security council permanent member with veto power. So chill out.
Many Pakistanis hide under Bangladeshi flags to bash India.

An effective suggestion to all Indians who believe that many Pakistani pretend as BDan or Chinese.

Let open some fake ids and pretend as Pakistani and start praise/appreciate BD and China. So, then, if u will ban then u should understand that your believe is wrong and if u will not ban then we will understand that ur guess is right.

* illegal job, try at ur own risk.
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India is a true friend we don't dictate anything just wants that our brother Bangladesh should not be used in Anti India activities.

Well, right now, India seems like friend. Even I am confused by India! So, generally, max people are also confused now either India is good or bad. Our relation seems different now then before but it dose not mean India is our true friend.

BTW, I made brotherbangladesh id targeting Pakistanis not Indians. Why Indian start saying BD as their brother Bangladesh since India always behaved unfriendly. How we are their brother?
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