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What Iranians and Saudis refuse to realize!

But you give attributes to the Imams that only Allah (swt) possesses. So you elevate his servants to his attributes and you know that this is a great sin. Those believes are nowhere to be seen in the Noble Qur'an or the Sunnah of the Prophet (saws). I know that you Shias have your own hadiths.

For example according to the Shia Twelver doctrine the Imams are all-seein and all-knowing and present everywhere. You can ask and pray to them just as Muslims pray to Allah (swt) only. Contradiction much?

You also believe that only the Prophet's family can have any leadership roles in Islam which also makes no sense when you read about the overall teachings of Islam. Islam is not a CLERGY religion. In fact the very opposite.

Does it remind you of a certain religion that has saints that you can pray to and ask for guidance and that operate with the holy trinity?

A question what is the most central part of Islam according to you? What do they teach you in Iran about that?

Watch the video I posted.

Where are those 12 Imams that you Shias hold in high regard and give god-like attributes mentioned in Islam by name?

14 Innocents are God friends like Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] that we know as Habib o Allah:God close friend.
We believe 14 Innocents can know everything that God has let them to know.One question can not damn satan do this???!So Imams and prophet can not?!!They know everything not by human material ability but by spiritual ability that God has given to them like Prophets.American Indians or ascetic Indians have spiritual ability but at all not comparable to ability of Imams [S.A] and Prophet,One poor and satanic and on the other unimaginable for us and celestial.
Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] is generation of Prophet Ibrahim[S.A] so generation with Allah is much important.The best righteous of ever should be of generation of Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] .
But about shifa'at I tell u God wanted us to ask Prophet and Imams to put them intercessor for our requirements from God.There are many times in Quran people put prophets as intercessor and want their requirements from God.In surah Maeda they wanted food.Look at many surahs in Quran like Yusef and... Nowadays even some religious people want their elder to pray for their requirements or rain. Nevertheless Imams can not be intercessor for Muslims !
Maybe U say they are in heaven and can not hear what we say!How our deads in limbo can hear our voice when we talk to them near their graves but (14 best creation of God)[S.A.A] can not hear our voices!! Even damn satan and angles can do.They have just gone from world,they can hear us like Allah and in permit of Allah.They like us when we go to their tombs.

Loving God Prophet Muhammad his daughter and 12 Imams [S.A.A] after him(14 innocents) and obedience God and Prophet Muhammad and 12 Imams and be following (Shia)of Imams after Prophet[PBUH] is the most important is real Islam that God has revealed.
As a matter of fact, the decline and collapse of the Ummayyad Caliphate was due to these reasons respectively:-

1- Economic hardships.

2- Delay of wages of military personnels

3- Expansion; to the limits where the Ummayyd couldn't keep their adversaries contained.

4- And most importantly, The Abbasid Revolt which promised a drastic reform, unity, and strength.

Here I must stop for a laugh at this ^ :lol:

I understand that Persians in general can't take history as it is. Many are so desperate, endlessly try to manipulate history to feed their " Persian " Ego. The Abbasid Movement which was formed by multiethnic groups never distinguished between a white and a black person whatsoever.

I think you must have seen that " Persian " Army while you were asleep - because there were no such thing as Persia - back in the day when the Abbasid Movement was formed -

I'm also sure that you saw that " Persian " Commander of yours while you were asleep - because the Abbasid's Army encircle the Umayyad's from every angle -

Was it in the same manner the second Caliph did to your King with his crown? Being torn into pieces :lol:

:D :rofl:
The Buyid themselves were casted out in the middle of darkness by the Mongols!!!

It is interesting to see how some Iranians are willing to go to make them feel better.

Take history in the same way everybody takes it. History distortion courses through your blood.

@al-Hasani @Bubblegum Crisis @Arabian Legend @Talon

Bro History was and always is written by the winners....and of course by kings so they dont look stupid...In this regard, every kingdom wrote their own history as to how the war took place!!!

So i wont comment on something I cant prove :angel:
14 Innocents are God friends like Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] that we know as Habib o Allah:God close friend.
We believe 14 Innocents can know everything that God has let them to know.One question can not damn satan do this???!So Imams and prophet can not?!!They know everything not by human material ability but by spiritual ability that God has given to them like Prophets.American Indians or ascetic Indians have spiritual ability but at all not comparable to ability of Imams [S.A] and Prophet,One poor and satanic and on the other unimaginable for us and celestial.
Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] is generation of Prophet Ibrahim[S.A] so generation with Allah is much important.The best righteous of ever should be of generation of Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] .
But about shifa'at I tell u God wanted us to ask Prophet and Imams to put them intercessor for our requirements from God.There are many times in Quran people put prophets as intercessor and want their requirements from God.In surah Maeda they wanted food.Look at many surahs in Quran like Yusef and... Nowadays even some religious people want their elder to pray for their requirements or rain. Nevertheless Imams can not be intercessor for Muslims !
Maybe U say they are in heaven and can not hear what we say!How our deads in limbo can hear our voice when we talk to them near their graves but (14 best creation of God)[S.A.A] can not hear our voices!! Even damn satan and angles can do.They have just gone from world,they can hear us like Allah and in permit of Allah.They like us when we go to their tombs.

Loving God Prophet Muhammad his daughter and 12 Imams [S.A.A] after him(14 innocents) and obedience God and Prophet Muhammad and 12 Imams and be following (Shia)of Imams after Prophet[PBUH] is the most important is real Islam that God has revealed.

Bro the shahadah says ALLAH and Prophet SAW....please dont add other things on your own ..Quran WARNS against that!

Each time there was a Prophet and IT WAS THE PEOPLE who decided to do EXCESSIVE stuff!! We have no problem calling an Imam an Imam...But once you start giving the "imam" powers, magic and lift him near the Prophet...this is not right...it sounds EXCESSIVE...

If Imam is a Muslim he will not go against QURAN....then why not stick to the Quran why go after what so and so mullah or whatever said?

Just curious :D
The Muslims have followed the foot steps of the christians in this regard and have done exactly what Quran warned against :

They have taken their scholars and monks as lords besides Allah ,[9:31]

Ibn e Taimiyah & Abdulwahab or Baqir Majlisi & Imam Khomeini , they were all scholars only !!

Allah says :

These are GOD's revelations that we recite to you truthfully. In which Hadith other than GOD and His revelations do they believe? [45:6]
Then in what Hadith (statement) after the Qur'an will they believe?

And we additionally believe in Sahah Sittah (The six books of Hadith) & Shia Hadith collections , which were compiled more than 200 years after the revelation of Quran !!!

Quran tells Muslims to stay united:
And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided [3:103]

Mullah says :
Kill everyone who does not follow your sect.

Ofcourse choice is ours ... We choose to follow Quran or we follow the so called scholars

For one, Religious discussions aren't even allowed here precisely because they are a soft spot for most people as well as for other reasons. Secondly i have no objections with you're claims but does the Quran tell us how to read Salah??? The most basic thing a Muslim has to follow. Thats just one such example i can give a lot of others too. I am all up for unity among Muslims but in order to achieve that one has to be realistic as well.
Waste of bandwidth, only good Arab Muslim is a dead Arab Muslim.

Say no to unity no to peace with Arabs.
Are you going to kill us all :lol:?

I love it everytime I see you posting something :D We seek no unity with anyone bro!

Figure of speech, As no unity can be possible with the yahuds.

I am not your bro plz don't insult me.
For one, Religious discussions aren't even allowed here precisely because they are a soft spot for most people as well as for other reasons. Secondly i have no objections with you're claims but does the Quran tell us how to read Salah??? The most basic thing a Muslim has to follow. Thats just one such example i can give a lot of others too. I am all up for unity among Muslims but in order to achieve that one has to be realistic as well.

A religious discussion that involves sectarian issues should not be allowed ..
But fortunately there is one thing that is common amongst Muslims of all sects ... And that is they all believe in Quran being the uncorrupted word of Allah .. Hence No muslim shall feel offended when some one quotes Quran . As Quran says itself :

You shall proclaim it to the people, and never conceal it.(3:187)

Everyone has the right to follow his fiqah in his personal life . But I believe that when it comes to collective life of a muslim society , Quran should be the only source of law making as it is the only thing common among all the sects . And no Muslim challenges its authority .. Unlike Hadith , which every sect has its own collections , often highly contradicting and controversial .. By limiting Hadith laws to personal levels strictly and Implementing Quranic Laws on community levels , All Muslims can live in harmony and peace ..

Coming to your question , Quran can be best explained by Quran itself :

God says about His book
“Whatever argument they come up with, we provide you with the truth, and a better understanding. (25:33).”

So the best understanding of the Qur’an is in the Qur’an.

We did not leave anything out of this book… (6:38)

We have revealed to you this book to provide explanations for everything… (16:89)

This is not fabricated Hadith; this (Qur’an) confirms all previous scriptures [and] provides the details of everything (12:111).

So claiming that quran cant be understood without Hadith and other sources is in fact contradicting with and hence rejecting the Quran ..

About the specific question related to Salah,kindly read this :

Our religion has long been hijacked by the professional clergy .. They have added so much to the religion that now it is almost impossible to seperate the "original" from "later additions" ... And so strong has been this effect , that anyone talking about original Islam is usually accused of following Heresy.

But luckily no one could corrupt the Quran as Allah himself took the responsibility of its protection .. So when we have Allah`s message with us in the form of quran , why follow the erroneous assumptions of simple human beings , the so called scholars ? hope you understand my point
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