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What If There's India-Pakistan Nuclear War?

If you are REALLY powerful then you can attack and destroy with impunity. Like the Americans do. So what did the americans gain out of destroying Iraq? :D

Your claims of making Pakistan suffer are highly delusional. Considering the fact that Pakistan is FAR more developed and powerful now than it has ever been. So again what can you indians do about it? :azn:
no even american attack when they see you have something that is valueable like libya , iraq and syria had oil and afghanistan a crossroad link to central asia and iran and worlds largest untouched virgin lithium and copper and gold deposits or any nation where there was oil what pakistan has that india does not :azn:

as for your news go to social media as per estimates yamricans stole more than combined ammount of 16 trillion worth Gold and Oil from Iraq and still all Iraqi oil is sold through USA ever since gulf wars need i say more .... use your brain sometimes :sarcastic:

well you think you are developed cause you have never been to india come to india and compare it yourself im sure you will change your outlook from what you see on anty india propogandda films and actual indian facts but the you can ignoare it all and keep living in your dream world who cares i know people like you dont change :coffee:
no even american attack when they see you have something that is valueable like libya , iraq and syria had oil and afghanistan a crossroad link to central asia and iran and worlds largest untouched virgin lithium and copper and gold deposits or any nation where there was oil what pakistan has that india does not :azn:

as for your news go to social media as per estimates yamricans stole more than combined ammount of 16 trillion worth Gold and Oil from Iraq and still all Iraqi oil is sold through USA ever since gulf wars need i say more .... use your brain sometimes :sarcastic:

well you think you are developed cause you have never been to india come to india and compare it yourself im sure you will change your outlook from what you see on anty india propogandda films and actual indian facts but the you can ignoare it all and keep living in your dream world who cares i know people like you dont change :coffee:

All conjecture and no substance. I live in the most richest and developed city in the world, London so anything india has means nothing to me.

If the Iraqis and Arabs had as much gold as you say they did then they would have been military superpowers able to defeat the Iranians and Israelis. If the americans did steal it then they would not be going through an economic downturn since 2008.
Just as the indian military high command is aware, you do not want to face the wrath of Pakistan's thermonuclear weapons:


Ever wondered why india could not attack Pakistan after mumbai 2008,? even though you are 7× bigger than us and have abundant acces to the world's most powerful weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege? And with world opinion heavily on your side? :enjoy:
ever heard of mutual assured destruction
Pakistan is NOT your sibling. You are obviously highly delusional. We have as much in common with indians as we do with Sub-Saharan Africans. If we were going to envy anyone it would be the Germans, Japanese, Chinese, French, Belgians and 100 other nations but never the indians. If I gave you the reason for it, I would get banned.

You guys are Indians with a Islamic complex.

Hindu converts for the largest part.

Ismein yukkkk ki kya baat hai? Just because your forefathers bent over should never be held against you bro.

Thand rakh.
All conjecture and no substance. I live in the most richest and developed city in the world, London so anything india has means nothing to me.

If the Iraqis and Arabs had as much gold as you say they did then they would have been military superpowers able to defeat the Iranians and Israelis. If the americans did steal it then they would not be going through an economic downturn since 2008.
its your false bravado and pride that makes you think that what you think about india and indians and you look down upon them when you yourself know they are much much advance and are advancing at a breakneck speed though we still have some issues but does not :azn:

now Arabs (read muslim elite)still have the most oil assets in the world today and Oil is money a rough estimate is that from indonasia to africa to arabaian peninsula muslim elite made over a 100 trillion $$s in oil trade in last centuary of which only less than 10% they invested in there nations infrastructure ir defnce or there palaces in there own nations rest of there money is either stached as Gold or fixed deposits in warious tax havens or international banks but a mjor share ot it is invested with americans and european corporations and banking intitutions over which they dont have any control but get a very low persenntage of interst every year

but question is why they cant even after so much moeny and power defete Israel .... well cause they are lazzy , stpid , divided and uneducated and emotional while israelies are most educated , cunning , well organised , disciplined prompt race on the planet who are masters of survival who even after bieng thrown out of there home (judea& sumerea/ancient israel) some 2000 years back and hounded by christians and muslims alike in middle east and europe still survived and todays all medicinal or astronomical or mathematical or financial or diplomatic world is modelled by these same jews or israelies .... dont rust me just pick up the keyboard and try to find out what is the percentage of jews/israelies in the world and what is the percentage of jews in people who one noble prizes or equivelent prizez for there ground breaking works in medicine , chemical- machenical-electrical - neuclear or engineering orther branches of siences that are changing our lives

Some Pakistanis here trying so hard to distance themselves from their Indian heritage :lol:
cause they are not south asians but they are "central south asians" and ethnicaly not closer to indians but turks , central asians , persians and arabs but dont mind using hindu sir names like malik , khokhar , bhatt , rao , rana , rajput , bhatti ect ect ,... but khai sannu ki :sarcastic:
You guys are Indians with a Islamic complex.

Hindu converts for the largest part.

Ismein yukkkk ki kya baat hai? Just because your forefathers bent over should never be held against you bro.

Thand rakh.

If we were Hindus that converted to Islam than Pakistanis would not look so physically different to modern day indians. There's much more to it than "converted hindus".
shahrukh khan will be dead.

what has SRK got to do with indo pak neuclear war :cheezy:
Some Pakistanis here trying so hard to distance themselves from their Indian heritage :lol:
Are you official volunteer for gher wapsi campaign? Because they also say silly stuff like that. :)
Anyhow to answer your question I don't care if my father's or fore father's were arabs or indians . I just care that right now I am a Pakistani and Muslim and India is my enemy. Because living in past might be indian heritage but I love to learn from past live in present and plan for future :)
Are you official volunteer for gher wapsi campaign? Because they also say silly stuff like that. :)
Anyhow to answer your question I don't care if my father's or fore father's were arabs or indians . I just care that right now I am a Pakistani and Muslim and India is my enemy. Because living in past might be indian heritage but I love to learn from past live in present and plan for future :)
Ok have fun coz haters gonna keep hatin' :cool:
You guys are Indians with a Islamic complex.

Hindu converts for the largest part.

Ismein yukkkk ki kya baat hai? Just because your forefathers bent over should never be held against you bro.

Thand rakh.

You do realize there are like more than a hundred ethnicities in Pakistan right ? Many of them have nothing to do with India. I am Pashtun and my ethnicity has nothing to do with India . Same with ethnicites like Hazaras , Kalash , Balochi's , Giligiti and so many more .

Pakistani's usully have superiority complex because they are miles better looking then their Indian counterparts .;) . And maybe the fact that Your country is really really dirty .

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