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What If There's India-Pakistan Nuclear War?

In the current "Real world", only brute force and power is respected and awed. That's why everyone respects the americans and Russians. Being "peace lovers" is seen as a sign of weakness which makes you ripe for violence and destruction. The 2003 Iraq is testament to that fact as is the foreign invasion and occupation of india for a 1000 years as you have just stated.
we know that irony and thats why we have to spend 1.7% of our GDP on defnce do you know nehru dint even spent less than .5% of GDP on defnce specially left the china border ungaurded as he thought china was our blood brother and would never ever attack us but lets not deviate

so now we have after almost 900 years of hardships have started a two pronged approach and thats bolstering owr soft and hard power and aswell as our defnce power and make world respect us and thats why every one in the world today is not in postion to ignoare us
we know that irony and thats why we have to spend 1.7% of our GDP on defnce do you know nehru dint even spent less than .5% of GDP on defnce specially left the china border ungaurded as he thought china was our blood brother and would never ever attack us but lets not deviate

so now we have after almost 900 years of hardships have started a two pronged approach and thats bolstering owr soft and hard power and aswell as our defnce power and make world respect us and thats why every one in the world today is not in postion to ignoare us

REAL power ultimately comes from being 100% indigenous pioneers, designers, inventors and producers of advanced sciences, technologies and weapons systems. And as a result, having the ability to annihilate and destroy your enemies or those that opposes you regardless of who they are. History has shown this fact to ALWAYS be true. Ever wondered what was the REAL reason for the CHINESE to reverse engineer the ENTIRE spectrum of Western and Russian/Soviet technologies for the past 70 years? Which has now given them the ability to join the ranks of the West and Russia to be inventors, designers and producers of world class advanced sciences, technologies and weapon systems?
REAL power ultimately comes from being 100% indigenous pioneers, designers, inventors and producers of advanced sciences, technologies and weapons systems. And as a result, having the ability to annihilate and destroy your enemies or those that opposes you regardless of who they are. History has shown this fact to ALWAYS be true. Ever wondered what was the REAL reason for the CHINESE to reverse engineer the ENTIRE spectrum of Western and Russian/Soviet technologies for the past 70 years? Which has now given them the ability to join the ranks of the West and Russia to be inventors, designers and producers of world class advanced sciences, technologies and weapon systems?

But what have YOU done Pakistani? Ya sirf cheeniyon ka hilate rahoge?
REAL power ultimately comes from being 100% indigenous pioneers, designers, inventors and producers of advanced sciences, technologies and weapons systems. And as a result, having the ability to annihilate and destroy your enemies or those that opposes you regardless of who they are. History has shown this fact to ALWAYS be true. Ever wondered what was the REAL reason for the CHINESE to reverse engineer the ENTIRE spectrum of Western and Russian/Soviet technologies for the past 70 years? Which has now given them the ability to join the ranks of the West and Russia to be inventors, designers and producers of world class advanced sciences, technologies and weapon systems?
i guess you need to watch discovery and NAT Geo and soviet posy war rebuilding documentories and how these middle eastern economies of Taiwan , Japan , S korea , Malasia or Indonasia grew with help of USA and later China and later China and how these all nations sourced new source of technologies and new source of money and manufactuyring tech and mangement style and approach towards so called "new economy"

china got at least a 15-20 head start ahead of india but we are getting there God bless China and its hard working and smart and dedicated people we are late but its better be late than to be never

we have started working over time and reorganised the approach towards our primarry and middle and secondarry education in last 25 years and completeally changed the outlook of senior and garduate and post graduate level eduation or R&D funding and setup and there accountability among other things like student exchange programmes

which is now slowli showing its chances in the society and will take time so we are not worried but first we need a very robust small and medium industrial evel competent and powerfull enof to absorb these new technologies and concepts just like they do in developed natioons and market them like they do and make money out of it

as for defence related techs well ist a two way street

Tactical to Practical and Practical to Tactical

and we are doing both

but tell me where is pakistan and its eductaionla ,socio- economic and industrial infra and how will it cope with Chinese dumping of cheap chinese products when CEPC is oprational :azn:
But what have YOU done Pakistani? Ya sirf cheeniyon ka hilate rahoge?

Apart from the West, Russia, China and Japan, NO other nation on earth INCLUDING Pakistan has done anything about this predicament. The only thing Pakistan has done is to make slow and limited but consistent attempt at trying to becoming militarily self-sufficient in this regard. But it will take decades probably longer to reach the desired and powerful level.
i guess you need to watch discovery and NAT Geo and soviet posy war rebuilding documentories and how these middle eastern economies of Taiwan , Japan , S korea , Malasia or Indonasia grew with help of USA and later China and later China and how these all nations sourced new source of technologies and new source of money and manufactuyring tech and mangement style and approach towards so called "new economy"

china got at least a 15-20 head start ahead of india but we are getting there God bless China and its hard working and smart and dedicated people we are late but its better be late than to be never

we have started working over time and reorganised the approach towards our primarry and middle and secondarry education in last 25 years and completeally changed the outlook of senior and garduate and post graduate level eduation or R&D funding and setup and there accountability among other things like student exchange programmes

which is now slowli showing its chances in the society and will take time so we are not worried but first we need a very robust small and medium industrial evel competent and powerfull enof to absorb these new technologies and concepts just like they do in developed natioons and market them like they do and make money out of it

as for defence related techs well ist a two way street

Tactical to Practical and Practical to Tactical

and we are doing both

but tell me where is pakistan and its eductaionla ,socio- economic and industrial infra and how will it cope with Chinese dumping of cheap chinese products when CEPC is oprational :azn:

But the nations of South Korea, Japan and other Far Eastern nations (except China) are still heavily reliant on the West for their advanced Sciences, technologies, weapons systems and for their overall development. For that reason they will never be major powerful nations. However the living standards of their citizens will be comparable if not greater than that of the West.

Thanks to CPEC and other programs, Chinese expertise, know-how, technology and input have IN FACT greatly benefitted Pakistani industrial, scientific, technological and defence producing capabilities. That's why Pakistan's infrastructure has dramatically improved over the past few years to levels that were deemed impossible just 2 years ago. Pakistan now needs to indigenize these gains and be able to produce them independently.

The Chinese products that are being "dumped" in Pakistan are by and large things we never made ourselves anyway. Their arrival along with Chinese expertise means that they will be the catalyst for Pakistan to start manufacturing certain high-tech products. In some cases this has already started.

You will not survive till then.

Just like indians said that Pakistan will not survive past December 1947 :azn:
But the nations of South Korea, Japan and other Far Eastern nations (except China) are still heavily reliant on the West for their advanced Sciences, technologies, weapons systems and for their overall development. For that reason they will never be major powerful nations. However the living standards of their citizens will be comparable if not greater than that of the West.

Thanks to CPEC and other programs, Chinese expertise, know-how, technology and input have IN FACT greatly benefitted Pakistani industrial, scientific, technological and defence producing capabilities. That's why Pakistan's infrastructure has dramatically improved over the past few years to levels that were deemed impossible just 2 years ago. Pakistan now needs to indigenize these gains and be able to produce them independently.

The Chinese products that are being "dumped" in Pakistan are by and large things we never made ourselves anyway. Their arrival along with Chinese expertise means that they will be the catalyst for Pakistan to start manufacturing certain high-tech products. In some cases this has already started.

Just like indians said that Pakistan will not survive past December 1947 :azn:
SK,Japan,malasia , Indonasia Taiwan were all feudal infested and colonically ruled and dirt poor nations where there was no industry USA invested mosny and gave them technology to make money from them so to get profit deu to cheap manufacturing costs deu to dirt cheap labour and no issue of perks for the labour but later these peopel started geting benefits like eductaion and health and democracy and used the US help the right way

secondly China wants a "second option" if USA stops its sea tranpost in SCS and mallacca starits to bay of bengal than anything lese but its Paksistani governemnt and piople who have to invest in industrial infra all along the eastern and western route so to market there products in China and the world after CEPC becomes oprationsal but you think China would do that for you .... question is why would they and why would they make a delibrate compitions to there own products .... think about it

Pakistan survived till now cause USA needed you but weight for 3 years you will know the "REAL GAME"till then :coffee:
Remember what Zia said??

"Pakistan might be completely destroyed, but Muslims will still be there in the world; but with the destruction of India, Hinduism will vanish from the face of this earth."

And this is gonna happen for sure my dear..:tongue:
I have told them same on ac different few days ago.

ManTE hi nahi.... Jb safha e hasti se mit jaeN gE TB PTA CHALE GA.

You did not survive past 1971 as the nation state you started out as.

So yeah, we were wrong by 24 years. Bummer.

In that case, many great nations such as Germany, Russia & Turkey have not survived.

SK,Japan,malasia , Indonasia Taiwan were all feudal infested and colonically ruled and dirt poor nations where there was no industry USA invested mosny and gave them technology to make money from them so to get profit deu to cheap manufacturing costs deu to dirt cheap labour and no issue of perks for the labour but later these peopel started geting benefits like eductaion and health and democracy and used the US help the right way

secondly China wants a "second option" of USA stops its sea tranpost in SCS and mallacca starits to bay of bengal than anything lese but its Paksistani governemnt and piople who have to invest in industrial infra all along the eastern and western route so to market there products in China and the world after CEPC becomes oprationsal but you think China would do that for you .... question is why would they and why would they make a delibrate compitions to there own products .... think about it

Pakistan survived till now cause USA needed you but weight for 3 years you will know the "REAL GAME"till then :coffee:

Pakistan has survived because if America?????????????.........if that were remotely true then America would have intervened directly when Pakistan was at war and given us their top of the line weapons systems rather than denying us spare parts like in 1971 and 1999. Think you're mistaking Pakistan for Israel.

Pakistan has survived because of our advanced nuclear weapons capability and by the unprecedented fact that Pakistan is the ONLY nation in the entire history of mankind that has fended off and repelled an enemy nation that is more than 7x bigger than us and has abundant access to all the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege. There is something within the Pakistani race which makes this impossibility possible

History and facts have shown that whatever an indian says about Pakistan, the opposite ALWAYS comes true. Pakistan will be fine and doing well in 3 years. If not then we'll get through any obstacles. There is a reason why we are the most resilient nation on earth :azn:
In that case, many great nations such as Germany, Russia & Turkey have not survived.

Pakistan has survived because if America?????????????.........if that were remotely true then America would have intervened directly when Pakistan was at war and given us their top of the line weapons systems rather than denying us spare parts like in 1971 and 1999. Think you're mistaking Pakistan for Israel.

Pakistan has survived because of our advanced nuclear weapons capability and by the unprecedented fact that Pakistan is the ONLY nation in the entire history of mankind that has fended off and repelled an enemy nation that is more than 7x bigger than us and has abundant access to all the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege. There is something within the Pakistani race which makes this impossibility possible

History and facts have shown that whatever an indian says about Pakistan, the opposite ALWAYS comes true. Pakistan will be fine and doing well in 3 years. If not then we'll get through any obstacles. There is a reason why we are the most resilient nation on earth :azn:
in short you have no idea about your mother nations own history .... but then SANNU KI :sarcastic:
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