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What If There's India-Pakistan Nuclear War?

Understandable point.
no you still dont get it

thing is to get industrial and technical base and then graduating to defence and other allied manufacturing country level look at russia , USA , France and Britain they are doing this for more than a centuary and still get some product sharing while inspite of jews beieng so technically advance still sold rights and blueprints of LAVI Fighter to chinese and helped them complete there project so to get moeny and time to develop there "other priorities" so what chances do india have and look at chinese inspite of bieng "work shop of the world " and masters of reverse engineering they are still struggling in many basic technologies

then there is a thing called technical apartheid where develpoed nations dont share there weapons tech with developing nations and often sabotabe there R&D projects

in short THERE IS NO SHORT CUT TO SUCCESS .... i hope you got it now (why india still after so many years imports so many goods )
no you still dont get it

thing is to get industrial and technical base and then graduating to defence and other allied manufacturing country level look at russia , USA , France and Britain they are doing this for more than a centuary and still get some product sharing while inspite of jews beieng so technically advance still sold rights and blueprints of LAVI Fighter to chinese and helped them complete there project so to get moeny and time to develop there "other priorities" so what chances do india have and look at chinese inspite of bieng "work shop of the world " and masters of reverse engineering they are still struggling in many basic technologies

then there is a thing called technical apartheid where develpoed nations dont share there weapons tech with developing nations and often sabotabe there R&D projects

in short THERE IS NO SHORT CUT TO SUCCESS .... i hope you got it now (why india still after so many years imports so many goods )

Again, a very understandable point. You know this but many indians on PDF claim that india is as technologically and scientificly advanced as the West & Russia. There may be technological apartheid but then the onus is on ALL non-Western/European nations (including Pakistan) to somehow make themselves competent and independent in these fields so they DO NOT need to ask or buy anything from anyone else. Until they do, you will NEVER be true independent and powerful nations. At best secondary and tertiary powers.
. .
Again, a very understandable point. You know this but many indians on PDF claim that india is as technologically and scientificly advanced as the West & Russia. There may be technological apartheid but then the onus is on ALL non-Western/European nations (including Pakistan) to somehow make themselves competent and independent in these fields so they DO NOT need to ask or buy anything from anyone else. Until they do, you will NEVER be true independent and powerful nations. At best secondary and tertiary powers.
no its your twisted ego that thinks or makes you think that indians look down upon you and your nation and always conspring against you and thinking themselfs as developed as west ,... and nothing could be more hillarious cause had we been that developed why do we try to go there or bring there money here ?

now about the second part no nation will ever give there prime tech to you for so called friendship or brother hood there are no such things in the world so as far as neuclear tech is it was like walking through a river of fire for us to get where we are today cause of that so called 'technological apartheid'
no its your twisted ego that thinks or makes you think that indians look down upon you and your nation and always conspring against you and thinking themselfs as developed as west ,... and nothing could be more hillarious cause had we been that developed why do we try to go there or bring there money here ?

now about the second part no nation will ever give there prime tech to you for so called friendship or brother hood there are no such things in the world so as far as neuclear tech is it was like walking through a river of fire for us to get where we are today cause of that so called 'technological apartheid'

Could not care less what indians think of my race or nation. Couldn't give a toss. Has 0 effect on us.

If you guys were as intelligent as you claim to be than you would be making everything yourselves 100% indigenously. You would not need to buy everything from the West or Russia. And you most certainly would not be affected by "technological apartheid".

This fact does not apply just to India but EVERY nation on earth excluding the West, Europe, Russia and China.
If Allah forbid such scenario does take place then the world will lose over quarter of its population and these two countries will be remembered as an example of bad temper. There is no doubt Pakistan and India both will live to save another sunlight. But such scenarios are fictional. World wont allow it to happen nor will the men who had control over such action because weather you like it or not .
Could not care less what indians think of my race or nation. Couldn't give a toss. Has 0 effect on us.

If you guys were as intelligent as you claim to be than you would be making everything yourselves 100% indigenously. You would not need to buy everything from the West or Russia. And you most certainly would not be affected by "technological apartheid".

This fact does not apply just to India but EVERY nation on earth excluding the West, Europe, Russia and China.
and you thing we care :sarcastic:

anyway as i said before you wont get it as you dont know how technology evolved and how hard it is to make it work and how much money and efort and time is needed into it(to make it easy for you watch discovery channel HOW ITS MADE series :sarcastic:) .... heck do you even know how much money-time and effort is needs to be invested in making a simple four stroke single cylinder motor bike engine waise
now tell me how many manufacturrers are there in Pakistan making
motor engines , water pumps or agricultural machinarry , or say mediciens and pharmacuticels and surgicals or other allied medical support insturuments or railway engines and bogiees or public tranport vehicels or power geration equipments
(things which are in most demand for nations like us )
Nuclear war will happen when Russia and Nato fight each other. As far as I know. Pakistan is supported by China.
India is supported by USA. If Russia fights NATO. Then China will defend Russia and Pakistan will be able to attack India. World War 3 has started and the world is in Chaos.

Right now Pakistan cannot go to war against India. Because that would lead to an NATO invasion of Pakistan
But if Russia fights NATO. Then Pakistan can fight India. China will claim the rest of south China sea and annex Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Right now Pakistan cannot go to war against India. Because that would lead to an NATO invasion. NATO supports India.

and you thing we care :sarcastic:

anyway as i said before you wont get it as you dont know how technology evolved and how hard it is to make it work and how much money and efort and time is needed into it(to make it easy for you watch discovery channel HOW ITS MADE series :sarcastic:) .... heck do you even know how much money-time and effort is needs to be invested in making a simple four stroke single cylinder motor bike engine waise
now tell me how many manufacturrers are there in Pakistan making
motor engines , water pumps or agricultural machinarry , or say mediciens and pharmacuticels and surgicals or other allied medical support insturuments or railway engines and bogiees or public tranport vehicels or power geration equipments
(things which are in most demand for nations like us )

Question is CAN Pakistan or ANY other nation (excluding the West, Europe and China) 100% indigenously invent, design & produce the equipment and the manufacturing tools needed to make the products you listed above? If not then there is NO point in celebrating what you make using the inventions, means and designs of people that are not of your race or heritage. Again you are living off the achievements of others. For that you will always be secondary and tertiary powers. You will be in the same brackets as the Blacks, Arabs, South Americans and other Asians (excluding the Chinese and Japanese). It also means you are nowhere near as advanced or intelligent as you'd like to think you and your people are.

Nuclear war will happen when Russia and Nato fight each other. As far as I know. Pakistan is supported by China.
India is supported by USA. If Russia fights NATO. Then China will defend Russia and Pakistan will be able to attack India. World War 3 has started and the world is in Chaos.

Right now Pakistan cannot go to war against India. Because that would lead to an NATO invasion of Pakistan
But if Russia fights NATO. Then Pakistan can fight India. China will claim the rest of south China sea and annex Hong Kong and Taiwan.

NATO would intervene for India???????...........:rofl::rofl::rofl:...........NATO has no care for any people that are not White, Western or European at least. Hustory has shown and confirmed this. Thinking otherwise is the height of naivety.
Question is CAN Pakistan or ANY other nation (excluding the West, Europe and China) 100% indigenously invent, design & produce the equipment and the manufacturing tools to make the products you listed above? If not then there is NO point in celebrating what you make using the inventions, means and designs of people that are not of your race or heritage. Again you are living off the achievements of others. For that you will always be secondary and tertiary powers. You will be in the same brackets as the Blacks, Arabs, South Americans and other Asians (excluding the Chinese and Japanese). It also means you are nowhere near as advanced or intelligent as you think you and your people are.

USA and Europe worships the Roman empire.
Rome took its cavalry strategy from Persia.
Rome took its gods from Greece and renamed the gods.
Rome took its culture and clothing from Greece.
Rome took Greek technology and built upon it.
Rome copied the military strategies of Carthage.

Copying other cultures is human behavior. It is how a civilizations develop itself.
China invented gun powder, rockets, and pistol. Europe traded with China and took this technology back to Europe.
China invented toilet paper. Europe traded with China and took this technology back to Europe.
China invented paper. Europe took this technology to Europe.

Civilizations shares knowledge, wisdom and intelligence through trade.
Now China made Europe great through trade. And the Europe built upon Chinese technology to colonize Asia.
Without China. Europe would still fight with bows, arrow, and swords. So would the Islamic world today.

And The Muslims did indeed use Greek/Roman wisdom, philosophy and knowledge to build up their empire.
The Muslims learns a lot of Roman/Greek knowledge and wisdom when they conquered Egypt, and Israel. The places where Roman stored their knowledge. Then the Muslims built a great library in Spain to store Muslims/Chinese/Indian/Roman/Greek knowledge. Then Charles Martell the hammer came and took back Spain. And in the same time. Took back the knowledge of Romans and Greeks but also gained new knowledge from Muslims, Indians and Chinese. All cultures affect each other. Thanks to Muslims building Libraries and storing Chinese/Indian/Roman/Greek/Muslim knowledge in Spain. Europe reached the Renaissance.

Without the Muslims storing foreign and old knowledge in Libraries in Spain. Europe would never have reached the Renaissance. The Ottomans blocked Byzantine. Byzantine is the trade route to China. This lead to the Europeans trying to find a new way to China and they ended up conquering America instead. Without the Muslims. Europe would have never conquered America.

Charles Martell took back Roman/Greek knowledge from Muslims. But also gained Chinese, Islamic/Arab and Indian knowledge at the same time.

Question is CAN Pakistan or ANY other nation (excluding the West, Europe and China) 100% indigenously invent, design & produce the equipment and the manufacturing tools needed to make the products you listed above? If not then there is NO point in celebrating what you make using the inventions, means and designs of people that are not of your race or heritage. Again you are living off the achievements of others. For that you will always be secondary and tertiary powers. You will be in the same brackets as the Blacks, Arabs, South Americans and other Asians (excluding the Chinese and Japanese). It also means you are nowhere near as advanced or intelligent as you'd like to think you and your people are.

NATO would intervene for India???????...........:rofl::rofl::rofl:...........NATO has no care for any people that are not White, Western or European at least. Hustory has shown and confirmed this. Thinking otherwise is the height of naivety.
now you are getting close after all :tup:

thing is no nation alone designs and fabricates- makes 100% of what it needs and we have to go through a process and we are still in the journey

i do remmeber my grondmom telling me that in british times there use to be even sweeing needels and boot polish made in britain..... point is industrialization level was pathetick there were few cloth factories and sugar and cement factories or a few iron and steel plants whose steel was used to make ingots for construction steel or brab wires or railway tracks or limited fabrication of railway coaches or making small tools like hammerrs or chistels so it took time given the illitrate population and corrution and all that
USA and Europe worships the Roman empire.
Rome took its cavalry strategy from Persia.
Rome took its gods from Greece and renamed the gods.
Rome took its culture and clothing from Greece.
Rome took Greek technology and built upon it.
Rome copied the military strategies of Carthage.

Copying other cultures is human behavior. It is how a civilizations develop itself.
China invented gun powder, rockets, and pistol. Europe traded with China and took this technology back to Europe.
China invented toilet paper. Europe traded with China and took this technology back to Europe.
China invented paper. Europe took this technology to Europe.

Civilizations shares knowledge, wisdom and intelligence through trade.
Now China made Europe great through trade. And the Europe built upon Chinese technology to colonize Asia.
Without China. Europe would still fight with bows, arrow, and swords. So would the Islamic world today.

And The Muslims did indeed use Greek/Roman wisdom, philosophy and knowledge to build up their empire.
The Muslims learns a lot of Roman/Greek knowledge and wisdom when they conquered Egypt, and Israel. The places where Roman stored their knowledge. Then the Muslims built a great library in Spain to store Muslims/Chinese/Indian/Roman/Greek knowledge. Then Charles Martell the hammer came and took back Spain. And in the same time. Took back the knowledge of Romans and Greeks but also gained new knowledge from Muslims, Indians and Chinese. All cultures affect each other. Thanks to Muslims building Libraries and storing Chinese/Indian/Roman/Greek/Muslim knowledge in Spain. Europe reached the Renaissance.

Without the Muslims storing foreign and old knowledge in Libraries in Spain. Europe would never have reached the Renaissance. The Ottomans blocked Byzantine. Byzantine is the trade route to China. This lead to the Europeans trying to find a new way to China and they ended up conquering America instead. Without the Muslims. Europe would have never conquered America.

Charles Martell took back Roman/Greek knowledge from Muslims. But also gained Chinese, Islamic/Arab and Indian knowledge at the same time.

Apart from China, there is NO OTHER nation on earth that has effectively incorporated Western and Russian science and technology into it's indigenous inventory. Whereby they can become pioneers, inventors and producers of advanced Sciences, technologies and high-tech weapons systems.

now you are getting close after all :tup:

thing is no nation alone designs and fabricates- makes 100% of what it needs and we have to go through a process and we are still in the journey

i do remmeber my grondmom telling me that in british times there use to be even sweeing needels and boot polish made in britain..... point is industrialization level was pathetick there were few cloth factories and sugar and cement factories or a few iron and steel plants whose steel was used to make ingots for construction steel or brab wires or railway tracks or limited fabrication of railway coaches or making small tools like hammerrs or chistels so it took time given the illitrate population and corrution and all that

WRONG. The West, Europe and China indigenously 100% produce and invent everything. They may work among themselves but they certainly don't need assistance from outside this exclusive group.
Apart from China, there is NO OTHER nation on earth that has effectively incorporated Western and Russian science and technology into it's indigenous inventory. Whereby they can become pioneers, inventors and producers of advanced Sciences, technologies and high-tech weapons systems.

WRONG. The West, Europe and China indigenously 100% produce and invent everything. They may work among themselves but they certainly don't need assistance from outside this exclusive group.
well what China does is called "tehcnology theft/reverse engineering" but as they say "nakall ke liye bhee akall ki darakaarr hotee hai" what is p[akistan's or a mirpuries chievement it what china has achieved in manfucaturing when china got independence two years after Pakistan and had a lot more worse baggage than pakistan .... question is why are british pakistanies/mirpuries or pakistanies boasting over China's achievement in manufacturing and economy and infrasurtiucture or sience and technology and over all growth ?
Apart from China, there is NO OTHER nation on earth that has effectively incorporated Western and Russian science and technology into it's indigenous inventory. Whereby they can become pioneers, inventors and producers of advanced Sciences, technologies and high-tech weapons systems.

The first Russian spaceship was built upon Chinese rocket technology. The Russians improved the rocket with Chinese knowledge. Sharing knowledge and wisdom is important. Because this way you can improve the technology. People always complain. China copies USA. China copies USA. But they forget. In the Middle Ages. Europe copies China. The thing is with western world. The Westerners thinks they built every thing and will not acknowledge the inventions of other civilizations.

Europe and USA was not built on Roman/Greek knowledge alone.
Europe and USA was also built on Chinese/Islamic/Indian knowledge also.
This is something Europe and USA will always denies it was not built upon.

The Chinese invented modern warfare. But Europe and USA will never acknowledge this.

Part 2

Part 3
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well what China does is called "tehcnology theft/reverse engineering" but as they say "nakall ke liye bhee akall ki darakaarr hotee hai" what is p[akistan's or a mirpuries chievement it what china has achieved in manfucaturing when china got independence two years after Pakistan and had a lot more worse baggage than pakistan .... question is why are british pakistanies/mirpuries or pakistanies boasting over China's achievement in manufacturing and economy and infrasurtiucture or sience and technology and over all growth ?

I'm not boasting about their achievements. I'm just telling the truth. Even if they did steal, deceive and reverse engineer, they still managed to become the ONE and ONLY non-white nation to join the ranks of the West & Europe/Russia to now have the ability to 100% indigenously invent, pioneer and produce world-class, advanced technologies, sciences and high-tech weapons systems. Why can't ALL the other non-white nations (including Pakistan) do this? Why do they look to others for their means of advancement and development? Why can't they do it all themselves. If you can't then you will always remain "inferior" no matter what you say or do. Achieving off the backs of others work is not REAL achievement.

The first Russian spaceship was built upon Chinese rocket technology. The Russians improved the rocket with Chinese knowledge. Sharing knowledge and wisdom is important. Because this way you can improve the technology. People always complain. China copies USA. China copies USA. But they forget. In the Middle Ages. Europe copies China. The thing is with western world. The Westerners thinks they built every thing and will not acknowledge the inventions of other civilizations.

Europe and USA was not built on Roman/Greek knowledge alone.
Europe and USA was also built on Chinese/Islamic/Indian knowledge also.
This is something Europe and USA will always denies it was not built upon.

The Chinese invented modern warfare. But Europe and USA will never acknowledge this.

Part 2

FALSE. The West has been the leader of the world in everything for nearly 600 years. You are using the same false arguments that black americans use to somehow give credence to their contributions to modern science and technology.
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