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What If There's India-Pakistan Nuclear War?

There would be 99% less members on PDF. If it even survives
......Pakistan is NOT your sibling. You are obviously highly delusional. We have as much in common with indians as we do with Sub-Saharan Africans. If we were going to envy anyone it would be the Germans, Japanese, Chinese, French, Belgians and 100 other nations but never the indians. If I gave you the reason for it, I would get banned.

You should give the reason because it's obvious. And before you realize it, part of the the reason is that you seem to be a conflicted individual living in a great and fulfilling liberal environment, but you yourself have a deeply racist or simplistic hatred driven ideology towards Indians/ Hindus. There are so many crude and simplistic kinks in your thought process, it may be that you don't even know how your hatred is defining you as a person. Highly regrettable because of course you are also highly intelligent.

In a sentence
"We all be fuked"

Thank you for the most intelligent and humane comment in this entire thread.

There are 4 million Indian migrants in UAE, 1 million are from Kerala alone followed by 450,000 from Tamil Nadu, which form the majority in Indian community living in UAE. The Indians constitute 42% of the total UAE population.

This video doesn't even show many European & African Countries. If you take all the Indians outside our country, that itself will be more than many big countries total population. Most Indians abroad are also very highly placed & influential. Most CEO's put together & Indian Business men like Lakshmi Mittal can buy out many countries.

India has the second highest millionaire outflow in the world. "In the last 14 years, 61000 millionaires among high net worth individuals (HNWIs), have migrated from India for better employment opportunities & spreading their business network to other countries, mostly to the US, UK, Australia & Europe.
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Well I will be the first one to return to Pakistan if my motherland is in danger from Indian or Afghan side. And i dont care if someone threatens to use nuclear weapons or not. I am pretty sure most of Pakistani fell that way. Unlike Afghans who are running to European countries as asylum seekers and protesting against Pakistan for removing them for the country. Instead of fighting Taliban

Well before you open you mouth and troll I suggest that you do a little bit of research, here is the statstics of thousands of Pakistani refugees hitting europe, there is no war in Pakistan so why are they running away? Imagine if there full fledged war that number will cross millions.

So before you open your mouth and throw out garbage, read a bit and hopefully this will go through that thick head.


Well before you open you mouth and troll I suggest that you do a little bit of research, here is the statstics of thousands of Pakistani refugees hitting europe, there is no war in Pakistan so why are they running away? Imagine if there full fledged war that number will cross millions.

So before you open your mouth and throw out garbage, read a bit and hopefully this will go through that thick head.



You afghans just get out of Pakistan we can handle our enemies very well you indian foot lickers take all garbage refugees back to Afghanistan *** hole
If the actually explosion doesn't kill you, the radiation will. Over 200 nukes are in south asia. The cities and towns that manage to escape will have intense riots. Both countries won't exist.
Pakistan will become Switzerland after the nuclear war as overseas Pakistanis will find opportunity to go back and resettle since there will be plenty of land to occupy but no living creature to claim their assets.

India will become Dubai and similar thing will happen.

There would be no Kashmir for whom 1500 million innocent souls would have lost their lives.
Then came John Lennon

its your false bravado and pride that makes you think that what you think about india and indians and you look down upon them when you yourself know they are much much advance and are advancing at a breakneck speed though we still have some issues but does not :azn:

now Arabs (read muslim elite)still have the most oil assets in the world today and Oil is money a rough estimate is that from indonasia to africa to arabaian peninsula muslim elite made over a 100 trillion $$s in oil trade in last centuary of which only less than 10% they invested in there nations infrastructure ir defnce or there palaces in there own nations rest of there money is either stached as Gold or fixed deposits in warious tax havens or international banks but a mjor share ot it is invested with americans and european corporations and banking intitutions over which they dont have any control but get a very low persenntage of interst every year

but question is why they cant even after so much moeny and power defete Israel .... well cause they are lazzy , stpid , divided and uneducated and emotional while israelies are most educated , cunning , well organised , disciplined prompt race on the planet who are masters of survival who even after bieng thrown out of there home (judea& sumerea/ancient israel) some 2000 years back and hounded by christians and muslims alike in middle east and europe still survived and todays all medicinal or astronomical or mathematical or financial or diplomatic world is modelled by these same jews or israelies .... dont rust me just pick up the keyboard and try to find out what is the percentage of jews/israelies in the world and what is the percentage of jews in people who one noble prizes or equivelent prizez for there ground breaking works in medicine , chemical- machenical-electrical - neuclear or engineering orther branches of siences that are changing our lives

cause they are not south asians but they are "central south asians" and ethnicaly not closer to indians but turks , central asians , persians and arabs but dont mind using hindu sir names like malik , khokhar , bhatt , rao , rana , rajput , bhatti ect ect ,... but khai sannu ki :sarcastic:

Apart from the fact that indians are the eternal sworn enemies of Pakistan, I have no other opinion of them.

its your false bravado and pride that makes you think that what you think about india and indians and you look down upon them when you yourself know they are much much advance and are advancing at a breakneck speed though we still have some issues but does not :azn:

now Arabs (read muslim elite)still have the most oil assets in the world today and Oil is money a rough estimate is that from indonasia to africa to arabaian peninsula muslim elite made over a 100 trillion $$s in oil trade in last centuary of which only less than 10% they invested in there nations infrastructure ir defnce or there palaces in there own nations rest of there money is either stached as Gold or fixed deposits in warious tax havens or international banks but a mjor share ot it is invested with americans and european corporations and banking intitutions over which they dont have any control but get a very low persenntage of interst every year

but question is why they cant even after so much moeny and power defete Israel .... well cause they are lazzy , stpid , divided and uneducated and emotional while israelies are most educated , cunning , well organised , disciplined prompt race on the planet who are masters of survival who even after bieng thrown out of there home (judea& sumerea/ancient israel) some 2000 years back and hounded by christians and muslims alike in middle east and europe still survived and todays all medicinal or astronomical or mathematical or financial or diplomatic world is modelled by these same jews or israelies .... dont rust me just pick up the keyboard and try to find out what is the percentage of jews/israelies in the world and what is the percentage of jews in people who one noble prizes or equivelent prizez for there ground breaking works in medicine , chemical- machenical-electrical - neuclear or engineering orther branches of siences that are changing our lives

cause they are not south asians but they are "central south asians" and ethnicaly not closer to indians but turks , central asians , persians and arabs but dont mind using hindu sir names like malik , khokhar , bhatt , rao , rana , rajput , bhatti ect ect ,... but khai sannu ki :sarcastic:

If indians were progressing even half as fast as you are suggesting then you would not be spending billions upon billions buying advanced Western and Russian weapons systems. You would be producing then 100% yourselves. The very little indians do, is using products, equipment, designs and means that have been produced/invented by the West and Russia.

Despite boasts of intelligence and having a population of over 1.3 billion, indians ARE NOT inventors/pioneers of advanced sciences and technologies. Unless you can design, invent and produce advanced equipment, technologies and weapon systems 100% indigenously then you will never really progress and always be secondary & tertiary powers. In the same brackets as the Blacks, Arabs, South Americans and other Asians minis the Chinese and Japanese. The REAL MAJOR 100% indigenous progressive, advanced, technological, economic and military powers of the world are the West (including Israel ), Russia, China & Japan. All other nations are well below this category.

You are right, despite having a population of less than 25 million globally, the Jews have made phenomenonal achievements in Science, Technology, Weapons systems and Culture. The only other races/nations that can match them are the West, Russia, China and Japan. No one else thus far has.
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Ghar mein baith kar bari bari batein kar raha hain, chal aaja haryana acchese makki di roti chakhvayenge tujhi :lol:
Ohh gigar tujhay kiya pata main kitni tiyari ker raha hoon India ka anay ki lakin her baar dhoka de detay hain aur main apni rifles hee saaf kerta reh jata hoon :sniper:

Well before you open you mouth and troll I suggest that you do a little bit of research, here is the statstics of thousands of Pakistani refugees hitting europe, there is no war in Pakistan so why are they running away? Imagine if there full fledged war that number will cross millions.

So before you open your mouth and throw out garbage, read a bit and hopefully this will go through that thick head.


Well my friend you are missing one important factor in above statistics. The illegal acquisition of Pakistani CNIC and passport by Afghans. So I am pretty sure in above statistics Afghans are using Pakistani passport to migrate to European countries :). Now as I was saying it was not us Pakistani that were protesting in streets of Europe for deportation few days back Lol
Now coming to your comment, the Pakistan and Afghanistan is facing same type of insurgency from last 10 years . We blame Afghanistan for supporting it and you blame us. The results of operation conducted by both countries isbthe same. Afghan cannot even control provincial capitals even after repeated support of Uncle Sam and her allies. Whereas Pakistani have officially kicked the living hell out of TTP. Even when entire neighborhood. And hostile intelligence agencies were working against us . That is called Military and it's leadership which afghans are lacking.
So next time when you open your mouth against Pakistan and Pakistani living abroad that they will be staying in Europe while Pakistani and Indian fight. I strongly suggest you look at our military and civilian love for their motherland
Apart from the fact that indians are the eternal sworn enemies of Pakistan, I have no other opinion of them.

If indians were progressing even half as fast as you are suggesting then you would not be spending billions upon billions buying advanced Western and Russian weapons systems. You would be producing then 100% yourselves. The very little indians do, is using products, equipment, designs and means that have been produced/invented by the West and Russia.

Despite boasts of intelligence and having a population of over 1.3 billion, indians ARE NOT inventors/pioneers of advanced sciences and technologies. Unless you can design, invent and produce advanced equipment, technologies and weapon systems 100% indigenously then you will never really progress and always be secondary & tertiary powers. In the same brackets as the Blacks, Arabs, South Americans and other Asians minis the Chinese and Japanese. The REAL MAJOR 100% indigenous progressive, advanced, technological, economic and military powers of the world are the West (including Israel ), Russia, China & Japan. All other nations are well below this category.

You are right, despite having a population of less than 25 million globally, the Jews have made phenomenonal achievements in Science, Technology, Weapons systems and Culture. The only other races/nations that can match them are the West, Russia, China and Japan. No one else thus far has.
forget every thing we indians dont even spend 1.7% of our actual GDP on our defnce and what we do of that more than 40% goes in salries anmd penssions alone and rest 40% in mantinence and day to day running of current appratus and not even 10 % is left to buy new equipment

what we buy though is in fact is after too much red tape scrutiny and paper work (but the corrupt politicians & MOD & armed forces baboons find leakeges in that aswell :hitwall:)

we were under one kind or the other foriegn rule for over 900 years since 1040 AD to 1947 so tere was a lot of poverty and disparity and injustice and intolerence and of course we had a curse of caste based system which led to our downfall are some problems why we are not as good in research but since jews were closer to the ruling race of the world they found there ways and manged there way through and triumhed .... just google anciennt indian mathematics , Vastu , Astronomy or madicine or even things like plastic surgerry has its roots in ancient india

and we are for a reason avoiding war we want first to become strong and regenrate owr lost glories and intead of projecting owr dominence on the world through brute force and barbarism we want to win over world by power of peace love and harmony but our immidiate naighours think and take it as a sign of weakness

and as ususal you wont understand all this cause ... janne do sannu ki
forget every thing we indians dont even spend 1.7% of our actual GDP on our defnce and what we do of that more than 40% goes in salries anmd penssions alone and rest 40% in mantinence and day to day running of current appratus and not even 10 % is left to buy new equipment

what we buy though is in fact is after too much red tape scrutiny and paper work (but the corrupt politicians & MOD & armed forces baboons find leakeges in that aswell :hitwall:)

we were under one kind or the other foriegn rule for over 900 years since 1040 AD to 1947 so tere was a lot of poverty and disparity and injustice and intolerence and of course we had a curse of caste based system which led to our downfall are some problems why we are not as good in research but since jews were closer to the ruling race of the world they found there ways and manged there way through and triumhed .... just google anciennt indian mathematics , Vastu , Astronomy or madicine or even things like plastic surgerry has its roots in ancient india

and we are for a reason avoiding war we want first to become strong and regenrate owr lost glories and intead of projecting owr dominence on the world through brute force and barbarism we want to win over world by power of peace love and harmony but our immidiate naighours think and take it as a sign of weakness

and as ususal you wont understand all this cause ... janne do sannu ki

In the current "Real world", only brute force and power is respected and awed. That's why everyone respects the americans and Russians. Being "peace lovers" is seen as a sign of weakness which makes you ripe for violence and destruction. The 2003 Iraq is testament to that fact as is the foreign invasion and occupation of india for a 1000 years as you have just stated.

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