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What If There's India-Pakistan Nuclear War?

West & Europe/Russia to now have the ability to 100% indigenously invent, pioneer and produce world-class, advanced technologies, sciences and high-tech weapons systems.

The scientist in USA and Europe comes from Vietnam, India, Japan, China & Singapore. They are not Europeans and Americans. The secret weapon of USA. Is that they import scientist from Asia to create new technology. Because USA steals all the brain power from Asia. Asia is getting behind USA because they lost all brain powers. This method is called BRAIN DRAIN.

Even the western media has reported about this. Look at this video. 99% of American scientist comes from Asia.
I'm not boasting about their achievements. I'm just telling the truth. Even if they did steal, deceive and reverse engineer, they still managed to become the ONE and ONLY non-white nation to join the ranks of the West & Europe/Russia to now have the ability to 100% indigenously invent, pioneer and produce world-class, advanced technologies, sciences and high-tech weapons systems. Why can't ALL the other non-white nations (including Pakistan) do this? Why do they look to others for their means of advancement and development? Why can't they do it all themselves. If you can't then you will always remain "inferior" no matter what you say or do. Achieving off the backs of others work is not REAL achievement.

FALSE. The West has been the leader of the world in everything for nearly 600 years. You are using the same false arguments that black americans use to somehow give credence to their contributions to modern science and technology.
but thats all is great that China and there people even after so many hardship still managed to achieve what they have achieved but what did pakistan achieve or whats pakistans achivement in it on as to what china or india are at what level after almost 69 or 67 years of there independence respectivelly :azn:
The scientist in USA and Europe comes from Vietnam, India, Japan, China & Singapore. They are not Europeans and Americans. The secret weapon of USA. Is that they import scientist from Asia to create new technology. Because USA steals all the brain power from Asia. Asia is getting behind USA because they lost all brain powers. This method is called BRAIN DRAIN.

Even the western media has reported about this. Look at this video. 99% of American scientist comes from Asia.

If the scientists from those countries are as good as you say they are then why can't they make their countries of origin great?

Also the equipment, technology, science and means these foreign scientists use were made by Western/European minds and hardwork. So they are only benefiting from the creativity of others and not their own people's.
Remember what Zia said??

"Pakistan might be completely destroyed, but Muslims will still be there in the world; but with the destruction of India, Hinduism will vanish from the face of this earth."

And this is gonna happen for sure my dear..:tongue:
If the scientists from those countries are as good as you say they are then why can't they make their countries of origin great?

Also the equipment, technology, science and means these foreign scientists use were made by Western/European minds and hardwork. So they are only benefiting from the creativity of others and not their own people's.

The Secret western media do not want you to know about.
USA is very poor now. They are only alive thanks to HBN VISA.

If the scientists from those countries are as good as you say they are then why can't they make their countries of origin great?

Also the equipment, technology, science and means these foreign scientists use were made by Western/European minds and hardwork. So they are only benefiting from the creativity of others and not their own people's.
so now you get it its not just about brians but whole ecosysytem to develop these leatewst technologies and that too on such a large scale to make them economically vaible and so to make them profitable and thats why top brains from india like those from diffrent IITs & IIMs run or are campus recruited by top US and other MNCs with there frist pay grades more than what there parents are getting after working for 20-30 years
but thats all is great that China and there people even after so many hardship still managed to achieve what they have achieved but what did pakistan achieve or whats pakistans achivement in it on as to what china or india are at what level after almost 69 or 67 years of there independence respectivelly :azn:

india is not equal to China despite their same sizes. China has literally approached the level of the Europeans/West. india is too far behind these races/nations to be even mentioned in the same sentence. That too when between 33-40 % of the ENTIRE EARTH'S most severely malnourished and extreme poor are part of your race and nation:




Pakistan is a land created for a beautiful and unique race of people with a unique heritage and way of life. We are free to practice this without any oppression of foreign interference.

Pakistan is the 1st and only Muslim nuclear weapons state with the ability to produce Fusion bombs, H-bombs and thermonuclear weapons:


We are also the 1st nation in all recorded human history to fend off and repel an enemy nation that is more than 7x bigger than us and has abundant access to all the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege

Thanks to CPEC and other programs, Pakistan's economy, standard of living & infrastructure is set to become that of a middle income nation in the coming decades.

We done this despite virtually impossible odds and when at times most of the world's most powerful nations were against us.
india is not equal to China despite their same sizes. China has literally approached the level of the Europeans/West. india is too far behind these races/nations to be even mentioned in the same sentence. That too when between 33-40 % of the ENTIRE EARTH'S most severely malnourished and extreme poor are part of your race and nation:




Pakistan is a land created for a beautiful and unique race of people with a unique heritage and way of life. We are free to practice this without any oppression of foreign interference.

Pakistan is the 1st and only Muslim nuclear weapons state with the ability to produce Fusion bombs, H-bombs and thermonuclear weapons:


We are also the 1st nation in all recorded human history to fend off and repel an enemy nation that is more than 7x bigger than us and has abundant access to all the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege

Thanks to CPEC and other programs, Pakistan's economy, standard of living & infrastructure is set to become that of a middle income nation in the coming decades.

We done this despite virtually impossible odds and when at times most of the world's most powerful nations were against us.
first of all take up a map and a calculater try calcualting area and population diffrence between india and China

secondlly China is a communist country where every nagociation with a oppsing person /party is dealth with brute force and no one questions to what state orders but india is a democracy and here things move when they take very one along which takes its own sweet time

but i guess you will never aknowledge it but even then and even after having even worse than china sociao economic and educational material we still managed to reach where we are now

tell me what has Pakistan achieved .... its easy to make fun of India sitting in britain come to Paksiatn and live there for 6months and then live in india for 6 months you will know the diffrence yourself
China and Pakistan are best friends forever.

democracy and here things move when they take very one along which takes its own sweet time

Democracy destroyed the Roman Republic.
Democracy destroyed Greek Athen.
Democracy destroyed German Republic.

Because in democracy. Leaders fights for powers. They do not work for the people.
Democracy also destroys Sweden. Yes right now in Sweden there over hundreds of Wahabist No Go Zones.
I keep telling these Wahabist Muslims to stop creating No Go Zones. They keep saying Sweden is a caliphate while they live on welfare. And the worst thing is. Sweden is selling weapons to Saudi Arabia. So screw Democracy because Democracy supports Saudi Arabian Wahabism.

The Wahabist are taking over. What are democracy doing? Absolute nothing.
Soon Saudi Arabia will create a Khilafah in Europe and USA. What is democracy doing?

China and Pakistan are best friends forever.

Democracy destroyed the Roman Republic.
Democracy destroyed Greek Athen.
Democracy destroyed German Republic.

Because in democracy. Leaders fights for powers. They do not work for the people.
Democracy also destroys Sweden. Yes right now in Sweden there over hundreds of Wahabist No Go Zones.
I keep telling these Wahabist Muslims to stop creating No Go Zones. They keep saying Sweden is a caliphate while they live on welfare. And the worst thing is. Sweden is selling weapons to Saudi Arabia. So screw Democracy because Democracy supports Saudi Arabian Wahabism.

The Wahabist are taking over. What are democracy doing? Absolute nothing.
Soon Saudi Arabia will create a Khilafah in Europe and USA. What is democracy doing?

lest you forget im neither a wahabbi nor a european om a paleed short dark evil yaindoo indian and democracy is in our blood trust me :sarcastic:
first of all take up a map and a calculater try calcualting area and population diffrence between india and China

secondlly China is a communist country where every nagociation with a oppsing person /party is dealth with brute force and no one questions to what state orders but india is a democracy and here things move when they take very one along which takes its own sweet time

but i guess you will never aknowledge it but even then and even after having even worse than china sociao economic and educational material we still managed to reach where we are now

tell me what has Pakistan achieved .... its easy to make fun of India sitting in britain come to Paksiatn and live there for 6months and then live in india for 6 months you will know the diffrence yourself

I have stayed in Pakistan for 9 months and really enjoyed. Will most probably retire there. Telling me to go to India is like telling a Jewish person to go to Nazi Germany. Completely ridiculous and insane.
I have stayed in Pakistan for 9 months and really enjoyed. Will most probably retire there. Telling me to go to India is like telling a Jewish person to go to Nazi Germany. Completely ridiculous and insane.
well then dont belittle india when you dont know what it is like to be live in india :coffee:
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I hope one day. India and Pakistan can set difference aside and become friends.
Being rivals is so stupid. When you can become friends and make both country awesome.
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