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What if the 'people' don't want democracy?

Munshi have this uncanny ability of diverting each and every topic to al bashing.
The economy had already collapsed under Sheikh Mujib with 300 000 dead from famine.

That's your own experience, I have no idea, our experience says that we got economic boom in last 20 years because we disowned socialism and not because of any dictators or military general.
That's your own experience, I have no idea, our experience says that we got economic boom in last 20 years because we disowned socialism and not because of any dictators or military general.

The Chinese have had economic boom for 20 years without democracy. So what is your point?
Most inappropriate way to judge vastly crowded countries like India and Bangladesh. In majority instances they failed miserably like polls and elections

About a third of respondents, also a high proportion, did not understand the question or did not give any response.

This shows the failure of the "Surveys"
Small children are perfectly happy to have the parents take all decisions on their behalf as long as their requirements are met. Many uneducated wives leave all decision making to the husbands. A degree of competence, knowledge and self confidence is needed to be able to say that one wants to make the decisions that affect one's life. That is the transition from childhood to adulthood. Democracy is about people making their own decisions and electing to power other people who represent their interests and concerns and so are best able to make decisions on their behalf.

I am afraid, in her bid to be fashionably anti-western in her views, Madam Sharmila Bose has not thought this one through. Politically Libyans are like small children who have never made decisions themselves. Dictator(s) were foisted on them and the dictators made all decisions for the country. Now suddenly, they are being told to chose their own leaders, get the foreign and domestic policies they want, decide whether they should listen to a pro US Saudi Arabia and stop the warships of an anti US Iran from crossing the Suez or let the warships pass on the way to Syria. All this may overwhelm some people who were never called upon to think of such profound matters.

Let them start making their own decisions, soon it will become a habit. Or else, they can go back to being little children and big daddy will decide what colour bike they can have or which school they can attend.
You were praising the dictatorial rule in Bangladesh and Pakistan, that sounded strange to me.

I was merely stating the factual accomplishments of the military dictators of East Pakistan/Bangladesh. Sadly no democratic government in Bangladesh has been able to match them.
they are being told to chose their own leaders, get the foreign and domestic policies they want, decide whether they should listen to a pro US Saudi Arabia and stop the warships of an anti US Iran from crossing the Suez or let the warships pass on the way to Syria. All this may overwhelm some people who were never called upon to think of such profound matters.

Do you think any democracy has such free choices as you explain. Look at Greece and other sinking European countries. A temporarily unstable Libya, Egypt, Tunisia and Syria makes it easier for the US-Israel-Saudi Arabian alliance to attack Iran. Already the US is threatening these new democracies with economic, diplomatic and military repercussions to toe the line. Do the people really have a free choice?
It is democracy that brought in this BAL dalal government. If there is no democracy then the government can be overthrown if it does not obey the will of the people.

But it was the military backed interim gov l that bought BAL to power via a rigged election.I don't know if you would agree or not
but the election was heavily rigged. SO how was it democracy. This current gov is autocratic and I believe the only peaceful
way to overthrow this indian Dalal gov is via the ballot.
But it was the military backed interim gov l that bought BAL to power via a rigged election.I don't know if you would agree or not
but the election was heavily rigged. SO how was it democracy. This current gov is autocratic and I believe the only peaceful
way to overthrow this indian Dalal gov is via the ballot.

Well Gen. U Ahmed is no Ayub Khan, Ziaur Rahman or even HM Ershad. As you say a rigged election brought in this Indian dalal government and the next elections under the AL will also be rigged and the dalals will come again all against the real will and desire of the people.

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